
Module 6: Putting it all Together: The Influence in Action Program

6.1.0 - Role as a Peer Influencer (20 minutes)


  • To develop expectations with the participants on next steps for the program
  • To reinforce the Four Pillars in everyday conversations
  • To outline opportunities that will come with being a part of the Influence in Action program
  • To answer any questions that participants may have regarding the program

Activity A:

In small groups. Have a discussion around what the group feels they are expected to do. Within this conversation ensure that the 4 pillars are outlined, the harm reduction approach is fully understood, they have a clear understanding of the 3 groups of users and the type of influencing that is required for each, and that they understand the basics of the conversations they will be having as peer influencers. They may have to have several conversations with the same people and that each individual is to be treated as a unique influencing opportunity.

Potential Discussion Questions:

  • What do you think you will do with what you've learned over these past two days?
  • How do you think you will use the four pillars after this training?
  • Will you discuss what you've learned these past few days with your peers? If yes, what opportunities do you think will come up in your conversations? What challenges do you think there will be in having these conversations?
  • Thinking back to our Forum Theatre activities and our storyboards: how might you go about starting a conversation?
  • What do you think will be the most important thing to remember when having a conversation with a peer?
  • How do you feel about having conversations with your peers about these topics?
  • How do you think your friends will feel when you discuss these issues with them?

Facilitators Tip: Center your discussion on the fact that not everyone will be ready or willing to change and they will have respectful of the four pillars when speaking with each individual. This is a harm reduction approach. (explain Harm Reduction if you haven't already).They will be using the power within to influence; help other see their own power rather than use their power over others to tell them what to do.

Activity B:

Reflect back to the storyboards and forum theatre scenarios. Tell the group that this can be done in pairs, if preferred.

Potential Discussion Questions:

  • Do you think the scenarios you came up with were realistic, i.e., could you imagine having them with friends or peers?
  • Does anyone have one that they want to share?
  • Did anyone come up with a scenario that they wouldn't know how to respond to?

6.2.0 - Tracking (20 minutes)


  • To develop a system with participants to track their conversations
  • To outline program expectations
  • To develop further leadership opportunities from the program. (e.g. participation in a final conference)


  • Diary cards with web address for online journaling. Print double-sided, cut up and handed out (one per person.)

Work with the group to develop a tracking system of their conversations. This may include journals (written and on-line), video recording, rap music and text messaging. Once you have agreed on a system that works best for your team. Setup check-in times and dates each week when you will check in with the influencers to collect their stories, information etc.

6.3.0 - Support (20 minutes)


  • To explain the support that the influencers will have from the adult allies.

Explain to the group the various avenues of support they will have during the program. These include: phone contact with their adult ally, meeting times to go over progress/concerns/problems and e-mail contact with their adult ally. Collect contact information from participants so that your team can stay in touch with the peer influencers.

Activity: Have a discussion around what type of support the youth would like to have from their adult ally. If they seem to have a lot of discussion, make a list on a flip chart of all of requested supports.

Facilitators Tip: Make sure after the training to assign adult allies to each peer influencer (preferably a person who has facilitated their two-day training). The adult ally will be in weekly contact with the peer influencer to check in and will be available at other times via email or phone. Be sure to let the youth know that if they do not feel comfortable working with their assigned adult ally they have the opportunity to switch. We understand that not all working relationships work and will do our best to accommodate everyone.

6.4.0 - Questions? (10 minutes)


  • To allow the influencers to voice any questions, comments or concerns they may have about the training they received or any aspects of the program (expectations, etc.).

Facilitators Tip: Allow this discussion to flow as the influencers see fit. If they attempt to answer each others questions, let this happen as long as the information being presented to one another is accurate.

6.5.0 - Next Steps (15 minutes)


  • To explain how and when the program will begin to roll out now that training is complete.
  • To complete the questionnaire
  • To explain other opportunities connected with the program
  • To complete Head, Heart, Feet, Spirit sheets for Day 2
  • To explain that participants may have an opportunity to attend a national conference

Ask participants to fill out the questionnaire that they filled out at the beginning of the training. Inform participants that these questionnaires will be compared to each other to determine if the two-day training was effective at sharing new information.

Explain to participants that they will be asked near the end of the program to deliver the questionnaires in their classrooms to their classmates and that they will be responsible for sending the results back to their adult allies. Please note: Participants will be supported in the delivery of the questionnaire by their adult allies.

Facilitators Note: This step may not be possible depending on your arrangement with your school. Timelines for delivery of the program will vary depending on your arrangements with the schools.

Explain to participants that a few of them may be selected to attend the Unite and Ignite conference in Ottawa on March 24-27. This conference will give them an opportunity to meet with other influencers and youth from across the country. Check out www.studentscommission.ca for more information on the conference!

Wrap up the training in a fun and interactive way (use an energizer or wrap-up community builder)

Note for Facilitators: It is important that facilitators send all data, questionnaire results, and HHFS sheets and the outline of your unique tracking system back to the Toronto office as soon as you receive them.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Place each piece of information (e.g. HHFS sheet, Questionnaire, Outline of tracking system) in an envelope.
  2. On the envelope, indicate the name of the school, the grade, what is inside the envelope (e.g. HHFS sheets etc)
  3. Seal the envelope


The Students Commission