Rodeos: Shall we giddy up?

by Yaseen Hemeda, TG Co-op Student

Rodeos are traditionally found in farming communities such as Texas, or Calgary. The rodeo visited Toronto in 1997, at the Canadian National Exhibition, but according to the organizers, it was not popular. I'm glad to see that we Torontonians are not enchanted by this sport like other communities are. However, I am still appalled to see that these sporting events take place in modern society.

Take calf roping, for example. In this event a calf is chased into an arena by a horse and rider. The calf flees from the pursuing rider and from the stimulus given to it prior to the event, and is then roped around the neck and jerked to a stop. The rider then ties the calf's feet tightly together, using a rope. And as this takes place, the audience sits there cheering and shouting for more. It is inevitable that the calf is injured during this event, causing laboured breathing from the rope tightened around its neck. If you don't think that this is animal cruelty, then I don't know what is. A fact sheet on rodeos, by The Humane Society Of The United States, claims that people who participate in these sports feel that there is no cruelty to animals. I beg to differ. I am not convinced that dragging, tripping, roping, and wrestling an animal is humane. You may ask why should these events be stopped? I'll tell you why. It's because animals such as bulls, horses, and calves are forced to participate in these events. During events, the Humane Society notes that they face great distress because of the ropes and straps that are tied around their sensitive regions. Cattle are literally shocked to make them give exhilarating performances. And for what? Entertainment.

The treatment of rodeo animals is atrocious. According to the Humane Society, even though the animals are forced to participate for only a few minutes in the arena, they are still abused throughout their daily lives. Rodeo animals are usually kept in small cages, not given the opportunity to move around, and do not receive proper medical or veterinary treatment. During events, the Humane Society notes that they face great distress because of the ropes and straps that are tied around their sensitive regions. Cattle are literally shocked to make them give exhilarating performances. And for what? Entertainment.

It is abominable to see that we place animals at such a low status in our society. They are vulnerable creatures that are taken advantage of. Human beings have the attitude that we are the master's of the universe. Animals are not toys to be used any way you like. They have feelings similar to ours. Society should not condone such actions which are done for sheer entertainment and money. I think it's about time to put a stop to this unnecessary abuse of animals in the rodeo. The best way to do this is by educating the public about this sport because they are the ones who watch it, and without public support, the rodeo won't last.

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