Why volunteer agencies want you.



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by Jen

Youth volunteers are very important to volunteer agencies. Suzanne Christie of The Volunteer Centre of Peel (Ontario) says youth bring energy and a new perspective to agencies. "They bring the outside (world) in." Young volunteers tend to be knowledgeable about whatever is new and current and are not afraid to share their ideas. Also, "Many are extremely skilled in computers and technology", says Christie. Volunteer agencies appreciate the commitment their volunteers make and reward them with respect and a sense of real-world responsibility, regardless of their age. Agencies that serve youth and children especially gain a lot from their youth volunteers. "Seeing other youth accomplish things means ten times more than me telling someone what they can accomplish," says Shereen Denatto, the Volunteer Coordinator at the Square One Youth Centre in Toronto.

For these agencies, their youth volunteers are role models for their clients and provide insight on youth issues and how to reach other youth.

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