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Area: 9, 571, 300 km2
Population: 1, 227 million (1995 estimate)
Population Growth: 1.5% (1995 estimate)
Capital: Beijing
Official Name: People's Republic of China
System of Government: Communist
Head of State: President Jiang Zemin
Communist Party Secretary: Jiang Zemin
Vice President: Rong Yiren
Premier: Li Peng
Key Government Ministers: Qian Qichen, Minister of Foreign
Affairs; Wu Yi, Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation;
Liu Zhongli, Minister of Finance
Language: Putonghua, based on the Peking(Mandarin) dialect is
the official state language taught in schools and spoken mainly in
north China. Other major language families include; Shanghainese,
Cantonese, Fukienese and Hakka dialects.
Literacy Rate: 73%
Ethnic Background: Han Chinese 92%, the remainder is made up
of 56 different minority nationalities. (1990 Census results)
Religion: more than 50% of the population is estimated to be
non-religious. Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Daoism and Islam
are some of the more prevalent religions which are practised.
Currency: Renminbi (or Yuan); 1 Rmb = 10 Jiao = 100 Fen
C$ 1.00 = 6.08 Rmb (average, week ending September 27, 1996)
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Some of this information was taken from the Information Series published by the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada. It is available in print format.