APEC '97 and Canada's Year of Asia PacificYouth Report
Highlight: All eighteen APEC member economies participated in youth events in Canada in 1997.
The federal government's goal to involve youth in APEC / CYAP '97 has been successfully achieved. More than one thousand youth aged fifteen to thirty from all across Canada and the Asia Pacific region participated in one or more of the events. By participation, we mean that youth were either present at the actual event or used communication technology such as the internet and videoconferencing to hook up to the event virtually. Each occasion targeted a new, diverse group of
young people. For example, Asia Connects involved high school and college students, aged fifteen to twenty-two, from across Canada along with participants from other APEC economies.
The Transport Ministerial meeting included delegates, aged twenty-two to thirty, representing industry, government and academia from fourteen economies. Forty-three youth delegates were invited to attend a youth forum prior to the Ministerial meeting. All of the youth delegates then went on to the Ministerial meeting as members of their respective delegations.
trandel.gif Youth delegates delivering a speech to Transport officials.
"The time for action is NOW therefore, the time for youth involvement is now."
Summary Statement by the Environment Ministerial meeting Youth delegates, Toronto, Ontario, June 1997
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