APEC '97 and Canada's Year of Asia PacificYouth Report
TG Magazine and The Students Commission (TG/SC)
TG/SC is a diverse, global-minded organization that is run by youth for youth across Canada to create opportunities for empowerment through innovative, educational processes and products. TG/SC was contracted, by the Canadian government, to execute youth components for the events covered in this report.
We accomplish our mission through implementing relevant:
interactive workshops
hands-on training
youth-driven conferences
new communication technologies
long-distance learning
and creating:
learning resources such as CD-ROM, web sites, videos and print materials
networks and partnerships of youth, government, business and education.
TG's roots are deep reaching. The magazine, now internet-based, is derived from its ancestor, Canadian High News, which was founded in 1940 by high school students. The magazine provided young people with the opportunity to address issues that were relevant to them. During the past 10 years, TG has grown into a multi-media publisher, publishing the work of young people in audio, video, print, internet and CD-ROM formats.
By 1991, TG was ready to turn its National Youth Advisory Board, a network of 100 youth advisors and writers across Canada, into a more active, vocal presence. Together with Optimist Service Clubs and volunteer teachers, TG co-founded The Students Commission, as a national policy forum and leadership training program. Its conferences and workshops specifically recruit young people not traditionally selected for such forums. The Students Commission, as a sister organization to TG, has developed a unique, youth-driven conference format that enables young people to turn ideas into action.
TG/SC use the latest in communications and media technologies, combined with some very old-fashioned concepts related to the significance of self-esteem and the ability to produce a concrete, professional result. The four key pillars of our process are: listen, respect, understand and communicate. Communication creates concrete products and these results empower and educate.
Youth drive the agenda and create the projects which fund the operations of TG/SC. Adults, both staff and volunteer, are present to assist, mentor, and facilitate the achievements of youth, by providing infrastructure and training. Currently, there are three adult staff over the age of 30, with more than 50 young adults under the age of 30, executing projects. This number is expected to be 120 young adults in 1998. High school co-operative education students staff the head office in Toronto, Ontario. Our conferences involve more than 200 young people at a time, contributing to an ever-increasing network.
Today, teams of our young people are contracted to train and impart our processes and skill sets to other youth and youth-serving organizations, especially in the international arena. Our growth, impact and ability to execute systemic change has been significantly enhanced by a series of valued partnerships. Current active partnerships include: The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, UNESCO, Bell Learning Solutions, Communities and Schools, Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Canada, and Allied Youth. Our products are purchased by Ministries of Education and many of our projects are executed under contracts to the Canadian federal government and corporate supporters.
© 1997 - TG Magazine / The Students Commission
© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des Ètudiants