Learning Activity Template (Example)

Role Playing
# of People: Groups of 2
Materials Needed: Open Space
Time Needed: 30 - 40 minutes


Imagine you are visiting a country where you do not speak the language. You must learn to communicate with the native residents of the area in order to travel around the region, find sleeping accommodations and food, and acquire directions.


To make students aware that not everyone speaks the same language, and that while this needs to be understood and respected, other means of communication can be taken into consideration.


1.) Without using words or sounds, each pair must create their own way of communicating with each other.

2.) Each pair will later demonstrate how they were able to communicate.

Possible points for discussion or Further Exploration

  • Was it easy to communicate with each other?
  • What were the main difficulties you encountered?
  • How did communicating in such an awkward manner make you feel?
  • What did you learn from doing this activity?


1) What areas of study can this activity be applied to (eg. geography, social studies)?

2.) What can students learn from this activity that can be applied to the classroom and to their everyday life.




© 1997 - TG Magazine / The Students Commission
© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des Ètudiants