For a full review of events from the APEC Environment Ministerial Youth Forum Explore these links:

Click here to see the written report and summary of key themes and recommendations.

Click here to see the presentation the youth delegates made to the Ministers...

Click here for the articles from the youth journalists at the Environment Ministerial and Youth Forum...

Click here to see the solutions the youth delegates came up with in their working groups...


The Discussion Forum (a place where you can post your comments, recommendations, and have direct input) has been active since early May and is still going on during the Youth Caucus and Ministerial and the APEC Leaders meeting in November 1997. This is the line in for people on the outside! You may not physically be there, but the Internet and the World Wide Web make it virtually possible.

Click here to see the Agenda for the Environment Ministerial Youth Forum...

© 1997 - TG Magazine / The Students Commission
© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des Ètudiants