A Worldwide Movement Towards Sustainable Development

Alternatives for Sustainable Living by Youth Journalists

Why is sustainable development such a "hot" issue?

In 1992, there was a United Nations conference in Rio de Janeiro for governments, non-government organizations and and experts in the field of environment studies. The theme was "Environment and Development". This conference generated a document that outlines how the world has got to change to ensure that life on Earth continues indefinetly called Agenda 21.

Agenda 21 outlines standards for deciding what kind of development is sustainable and what is not. Basically, it is a set of guidelines that everyone has agreed are best for the future of the planet Earth. Many cities and states have signed on to the Agenda 21 agreement, telling the whole world that the future of life on Earth is a priority.


APEC and the Environment

Since way back in the olden days (1994), APEC has minister concerned with the relationship between the environment and the economy. Environmental of the APEC member of economics have identified three priority areas: sustainable cities/urban management, clean technology/clean production and sustainability of the marine environment.

As an international organization, APEC is concerned with economic development. The degradation of the environment has pushed governments and people to recognize the link between trade and environment.

In July 1996, Senior Environmental Leaders created an "action plan" (also called the Manila Action Plan) for sustainable development and are now implementing it through their projects. The next meeting of the APEC Environmental ministerial is June 9-11, 1997 in Toronto, Canada. The focus will be on sustainable cities and creating a plan for further progress in making APECq cities better able to meet the needs of growing urban populations.


Youth and Sustainability

Youth all over the world have been quick to answer the call to live sustainably. No small wonder, it's our world that all these big official types are talking about! Projects like Rescue Mission Planet Earth, The Canadian Environmental Network's Sustainability Project and the Sustainability Indicators Project are just a few examples of all the work young people are doing. Are you involved in a sustainability project? Let everyone know by posting it to our Discussion Group!!

Environment Canada's Green Lane...

A business perspective...

World Conservation Strategy...


Discussion Forum: post your ideas

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