Sustainable Communities WebChat May 9, 1997

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 8:44AM EST (-0500 GMT)

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 8:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hi! I am from TG Magazine / The STudents Commission. Later this morning at
11:00 EST, we will be having a web chat.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 8:57AM EST (-0500 GMT)
During the web chat at 11:00 EST we will be talking about what is going on
out there in terms of environment and change. Asia Pacific Economic
Cooperation (an alliance between 18 member states that have a big plan for
trade liberalization in countries bordering on the Pacific Ocean) has
concentrated on "sustainable cities" in their environment agenda. We are
getting together here to discuss this. To find out what we are about, see
our web page:

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 10:49AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Anyone here yet?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 10:57AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey DArroch! Trudy here. thanks for joining me!

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 10:57AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey Darroch, it's me Chintan from lab.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 10:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)
This is so cool the way our messages go automatically to the page!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 10:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Is anyone else here?

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 10:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Where is everybody else??

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 10:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey Chintan!

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 10:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey, I'm back...

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 10:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)
They are coming! They probably didn't get their passwords early.

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 10:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy, who do you expect online today?

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 10:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I don't like the part where you have to click on the 'Chat' button, unlike
our other chat program, where we just press 'Enter'.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:00AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Have you guys checked out the enviro ministerial pages yet?

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I was just reading a bit about sustainability - excellent info

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)
No, not yet.

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Can interns apply to participate in the different ministerials?

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Give me a second here and I'll do that, while we are waiting.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hi everyone. This is Barb masquerading as Stoney!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I know, Chintan, we are spoiled by first class! But these chat lines will
stay on here permanently and we'll be able to attach them to our website.

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Masquerade, paper somethings on parade...

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trduy, can you please do that button thing again so i can go there. Thanks.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Darroch sure you can - we are all working as a team so if you are interested
in the ministerials you can offer to help the coordinators... I'm sure Trudy
would appreciate help!

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey Barb - whadda y'at?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Interns can do anything! Some interns will be attending ministerials anyway.
I am not sure whether you can apply, but I know that you can participate in
the electronic part. I will look into it, ok?

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hello Stoney and Barb. Welcome.

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Excellent - thanks Trudy.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hello Barb!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)
While we are here - whaddya think of the whole sustainability thing?

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I was chatting at a website similar to this about a year ago, but there was
an option where the page was automatically refreshed

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Don't forget on this chat you have to click periodically on the chat button
to update so you can see new messages

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy what exactly doesw sustainability mean?

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think it's an important issue everywhere - but especially applies to NFLD
with most of our employment depending on Natural Resources. We've already
seen what has happened to the fishery. With Hibernia starting and Voisey's
Bay in Labrador on the table, the issue of sustainability becomes very

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I was thinking the same question. What does 'sustainability' mean??

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hello out there people - Debbie from Newfoundland is here!

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey DEBBIE! I got home alright.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Has anyone heard of sustainability? Should I try to define it first?

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hello Debbie. Welcome.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Darroch what is the feeling of youth in NFLD re natural resources,
sustainability and your future in NFLD?

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)
yes please define

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Good stuff Darroch - so what are we talking about wrt sustainability?

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think that young people are excited about the potential for jobs, but I
don't know if they realize the importance of resource management

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)
What Darroch said earlier gave me an idea, it's like ...ummmm..... well
...ya, I think you should define it. Please.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sustainability means "the ability of one generation to meet its own needs
without harming the ability of future generations to meet their own needs,
according to the United Nations .

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:10AM EST (-0500 GMT)
sustainability means finding ways to live where we don't use up or abuse
natural resources including people and their needs and wants?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:10AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sorry I am a little slow. Sustainability can also refer to the use of
resources like water, soil, food, gas, and whether or not they are

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)
darroch - what potential jobs?

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)
For years, many young people depended on the fishery for their livelyhoods,
and automatically assumed that the fishery would be there when and if they
finished school. With the moratorium, it hit home that things DON'T last
forever with mismanagement... but now with other resources opening up, I
can't help but wonder if they're more concerned about immediately employment
and rewards or actually making the resources last

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I agree Trudy. Newfoundland is learning this the hard way. Hopefully, things
will soon get better.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Yeah- that is right Barb- it means finding ways to use stuff so that it

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)
chat hint - once you have typed sustainability once highlight it and do copy
command then you ca paste it in instead of retyping!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)
You mentioned a good word, Darroch, mismanagement.

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Potential jobs with mining at Voisey's Bay, and in the smelter being built
in Argentia (processing jobs) and working with Hibernia

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:13AM EST (-0500 GMT)
darroch i think you're right! how could we encourage youth to think about
conserving resources while still finding ways to be employed and make a

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:13AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Stoney, what, in your opinion, are the views of mainlanders about projects
in Newfoundland such as V. Bay?

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:13AM EST (-0500 GMT)
what's Hibernia? (forgive my ignorance)

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:14AM EST (-0500 GMT)
There is a potential for hundreds, even thousands of jobs with construction,
then after the smelter is built, working there. Same with Hibernia and the
new plan for Terra Nova (new oilfield discovered)

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:14AM EST (-0500 GMT)
The neat thing about the "s" word is that it is more than the traditional
concept of save willie environmentalism (not that free willie is not good
stuff). Sustainability includes humans,animals, natural resources,
ecological habitats, everything!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:14AM EST (-0500 GMT)
The neat thing about the "s" word is that it is more than the traditional
concept of save willie environmentalism (not that free willie is not good
stuff). Sustainability includes humans,animals, natural resources,
ecological habitats, everything!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:14AM EST (-0500 GMT)
What is Hibernia?

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:15AM EST (-0500 GMT)
debbie (i am really barb pretending to be stoney!) i think most mainlanders
don't know anything about projects in NFLD! how could we inform them better
or make them interested?

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:15AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hibernia is a huge oil field off the south coast of Newfoundland that has
been in the development stages for years... Terra Nova is a more recent oil

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:15AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hibernia is the HUGE oil project just off the south coast of Newfoundland.

kirst: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:15AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hello, It's Kirsten here in Saskatchewan

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:15AM EST (-0500 GMT)
mainlanders think NFLD is only fishing which is kind of stopped for now...

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:16AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Is this the stuff that they call "offshore wells"?

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:16AM EST (-0500 GMT)
ok thanks deb and dar. hi kirsten barb here

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:16AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Stoney, some messages are being cut off on our end. Is this the server or is
it a problem on our end? Perhaps send your last message again?

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:17AM EST (-0500 GMT)
chintan - what are the issues for youth re resources in Labrador?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:17AM EST (-0500 GMT)
What has been happening with Hibernia recently? Is it affecting a lot of
lives (human/animal)?

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:17AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Many of Nfld and Lab main industries are dependant on natural resources,
like Darroch was saying Fishery. And there is also a pulp and paper mill on
the island. I think?? I live in a mining town that mines Iron Ore. Two mines
are here, Wabush mines and Iron Ore Company of Canada. Vocey (spelt wrong)
bay is a big thing around here. And Churchill Falls, supplies Energy for us,
some of Quebec, and even the U.S. Would Churchill Falls fall under this

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:17AM EST (-0500 GMT)
One concern with the development of Hibernia is that an offshore accident
would totally destroy the fishing industry. Hibernia is located on the Grand
Banks - one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. So while we should
we concerned abouut conserving the oil, we also have to be worried about a
potential danger to the fishing industry

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:17AM EST (-0500 GMT)
dont know what problem is debbie... just said thanks for the info on
Hibernia and hi to kirsten

kirst: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:17AM EST (-0500 GMT)
It's at times like this that I realize how large our countryactually is.
THe only oil wells we have here are in farmer'sfields.

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy, Hibernia is having the "big launch" of its offshore platform this
weekend. All of the politicians from Chretien to Tobin will be there.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)
good point darroch! chintan - how do youth there see the future for
themselves re jobs and natural resources?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Good point Kirsten, the only oil I see in Ontario is in bottles and cans!

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:19AM EST (-0500 GMT)
The past two years with Hibernia have been busy building the huge platform -
this platform gets towed out to sea TOMORROW! Then within weeks/months (I'm
not sure) oil will start being pumped

kirst: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:19AM EST (-0500 GMT)
So, i am a little behind, is Hibernia the name of the company, or just the
well. Who owns it?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:19AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Yeah- Chintan, we hardly ever hear news about Labrador around here!

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:19AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Darroch and chintan - could you guys write a little blurb for trudy to put
on our site re what you are explaining? that would be really cool and get
more youth educated re these issues

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:20AM EST (-0500 GMT)
debbie are env people protesting? what do youth think?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:20AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Are youth in Labrador affected by unemployment really badly? What would you
say are the main issues that affect youth?

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Kirsten - I believe that Hibernia a joint effort between the NF and Federal
government with involvement from private companies as well (Someone correct
me if that's wrong)... Hibernia is the name of the oil field and the company
developing the oil field

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Yeah- it would be cool to learn more and put it on the site. Thanks Barb!

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hibernia is a huge conglomorate (sp) made up of investors from several huge
oil companies across N. America.

Sven: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)
HI gang, this is the Ottawa APYCT Office - we're now on-line.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)
kirsten how are oil wells in farmers fields affecting the farmers and local

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)
hi ottawa welcome barb here

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)
There's loads of info about Hibernia - it would be cool to get a clip of the
Platform launch tomorrow (video or audio) and post it to the website... I
can work on that. Check out the National news tomorrow, I'm suure there will
be something about Hibernia on it

kirst: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think some of the issues are the same everywhere. There are so many more
people living in cities, rather than the rural areas in the prairies these
days. More and more people are saying that agriculture (like fishing) isn't
enough anymore. That you can't do that and hope to survive, not with some
people that have all the money and can afford all the big equipment

Sven: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hibernia is, or will be once lauched, the largest free floating
man(human)-made device ever.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)
trudy how long is our chat for? just wondering...

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hibernia is the reason that we couldn't get Brian Tobin for Asia Connects

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Stoney, re your question about env. protesting. I kind of think that the
majority of people are more concerned about the job situation here. They
think of the env. but really people are desparate to get money to put food
on the table.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:24AM EST (-0500 GMT)
very cool darroch. maybe you could interview some youth to see what they

kirst: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:24AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Barb, these are just the little wells, with the things that go up and down
as they pump. Farmers get some compensation for the land that is used up
(the road in and the well) and drillers are only allowed in if people give
permission. The farmers typically own the mineral rights to the land, and
then get a small portion of the profit the well produces.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Our chat is for one hour, unless anyone objects. Kirsten, are there funding
projects and stuff to get young people into farming?

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)
In lab I don't unemployment is as bad as the island. But the further up you
go (more North) you get some Inuit and such, that are un- educated, and don't
want to do anything for themselves. But with V. bay in it's growing stages,
jobs are being offered there. I know a few people who will be working there
this summer. Most youth in Lab leave the area, they go to the bigger cities
looking for work and etc. I'm not sure if it's that they think there is no
jobs around here or that they are sick of this place and want to get out.

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Stoney - Debbie and I can probably work on that....

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)
kirsten are there youth who want to continue farming or do they just all
want to get out? (maybe stupid question from me as urban central Canadian!)

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)
We will end at 12:00. Next week same time we will discuss youth and what
they are doing about making their communities better.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)
kirsten maybe you could write something also for trudy to put up on our site
re rural issues for youth - just what you know in your head...

kirst: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)
There are still people that want to continue farming, the college of
agriculture at the U of S here is huge. But these are the young people that
want to continue with the family farms on the whole

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:27AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Chintan - the youth leaving must make it harder for the ones who stay. I
guess young people all over the country are leaving rural areas. Is that
true in your area Kirsten?

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:27AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Debbie, do you know of many environmental protests about Hibernia and other
Development... I know there have been problems with land claims with Voisey
Bay development

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:27AM EST (-0500 GMT)
how can we respect people's needs for jobs but encourage them to think about
sustainability too?

Sven: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:27AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Nihal informs us that there will be many Gov't dignitaries joining the PM
Jean Chretien to be there for the launch.

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:28AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Good question Stoney (to Kirs) - the same could be applied to NF. A LOT of
youth are leaving here everyday - not b/c they wnat to - they just don't
have much choice. The crab fishery in this area is still fairly good, so
some are sticking around to become a part of that.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:28AM EST (-0500 GMT)
are youth protesting or is it just old hippies?!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:28AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Chintan, what could be done to make young people stay in smaller

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:28AM EST (-0500 GMT)
This will be GREAT publicity for the upcoming election campaign...

kirst: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:28AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Barb and trudy: I can sure look into that. I'm afraid that I grew up in the
city here (though S'toon has only 200 000 people it is the biggest in the
province) My boyfriend is from a farm though, and i will talk to him about
it too.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)
WOW - the Hibernia stuff sounds huge! If you can't shoot video, bring a
camera, Darroch and Deb.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)
an aside (tell nihal APFC is very impressed with our Asia Connects site!)

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)
As to the question re: what to do about encouraging sustainability - perhaps
offer educational workshops to employees with incentives as a result of
attending the seminars and helping in implementing sustainability plans.

kirst: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)
People are leaving the rural areas because the jobs are hard to come by if
you aren't farming. Parents can't afford to give away land for graduation
and wedding presents anymore, so young people have to find something else to
do until they can inherit (Not speaking for everyone all the time, just
generally) :-)

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)
kirsten great you could interview him!...

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Darroch, there are the paper mills of courses - lots of forest being
destroyed, esp. by automation, etc.

kirst: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)
(I think I need to type faster. I am always a few comments behind) :-)

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)
good idea darroch - what about education in the schools debbie?

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think Newfoundland should start marketing it's rocks.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)
kirsten in a few weeks you will be pro!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I have noticed lately that a lot of my friends are moving to either
Vancouver or to Toronto. This is something that is happening all over Asia
Pacific. It is amazing. The youth exodus has really affected the countries
that are more than 50% population under 30.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)
ha ha - maybe pet rocks (from NFLD) should make a comeback?

kirst: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Oh, I'm afriad that I don';t know too much about the destruction of the
boreal forest here in my province. We have lots of it, and I know
clearcutting exists. It's just harder to see because it's flat, and also
because there aren't a lot of roads up north where the loggers are.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)
It would be cool to do a kind of survey, wouldn't it? To find out in all of
our areas what youth are up to, what their thinking is on these issues.

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)
To follow up on Debbie's comment about NF youth leaving the province - I
travelled to Jasper, AB last summer to work - I'd say 25% of the town is/are

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think youth are perhaps the more informed of the two groups. Courses such
as Env. Science are already offered at most schools here in NF.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)
You mean there is clearcutting where you are Kirsten?

kirst: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think half of BC and Alta's population are from SK! There are so many
people that i know that have moveed there!

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Barb: Maybe we could develop the "Newf Pet Rock" and sell them to other
multisites - use money to fund Asia connects and help the people in

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)
maybe we need to find ways to make working in natural resources (farming,
fishing, mining etc.) more socially respected?

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:34AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Not much more can be done. They have jobs offered to them (V.Bay) and they
can LOOK for jobs, but no one wnats too. You here complains from them,
"Nothin' to do", they just don't have the iniciative (spelt wrong) to go out
there and do something with their lives. And I guess the life of a bum in
the big city is better then the life of a bum in the small town, so they
leave. Don't get me wrong, they are alot of great people too. Who stick
around and give something back to the town, ie. Some people where apart of a
Green Team last summer, they went around and cleaned up the local areas such
as Crystal Falls a water falls that people go to around here. It's quite

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:34AM EST (-0500 GMT)
If half of the Pop is from Sask, then the other half are Newfoundlanders -

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)
good idea trudy! maybe we could organize interns to do something...

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Barb: Good point about making that type of work more socially respected...
Maybe people going into this type of field could be offered some kind of
course to learn more about the industries (That will be hard with 50-60 year
old fishermen) but it may work with younger people coming out of high

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)
You know, I think we need to look at how we look at all kinds of work, you
know, work with our hands kind of work. It's like we don't give it the same
respect as we used to when we didn't have all the technology.

kirst: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy: I am not sure what the extent is up north. Most of our population
lives close to the border. Otherwise it's too cold. The forests start just
about 1 1/2 hours drive directly north of the city. Prince Albert is the
beginning of the north. We have tons of lakes (over 200 000) and lots of
trees. It's beautiful. That's where i spend my summers!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)
WOW - never thought of the great youth exodus before. Hmmmm... this has
exciting possibilities.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)
maybe something to do could mean helping clean up although that doesn't seem
very cool to most people i guess

kirst: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Heaven knows there are enough out of work teachers, maybe they (we) could
start something up, education-wise

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:37AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Is the area where you spend your summers threatened by logging industry,

_Wolverine: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:37AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I used to play in the jungle, the mighty jungle.. then someone chopped it
down :-(

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:37AM EST (-0500 GMT)
great idea darroch - maybe the internet for farmers and fishermen?!

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:37AM EST (-0500 GMT)
What Nfld and ALb should do (and I think they are doing it) is market
themself. This is the most beautifullest (if there is such a word) province.
So green and blue (lot of lakes), wild life, we have moutains. We have it

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:37AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Is there some kind of initiative to get the people to help clean up?? I like
the idea of the Trans Canada trail - people who donate get recognized by
having their name on a post along the trail

kirst: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:38AM EST (-0500 GMT)
no, it's not threatened. There is a pulp and paper mill just north of PA
(pRince ALbert) but the national park is just north of the camp I work for

Sven: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:39AM EST (-0500 GMT)
technical question from Ottawa, sorry a rookie at CBC chats, how can we keep
the window updated, it seems that I have to "relaod" the netscape to keep up
with the discussion. Help for Ottawa please.

kirst: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:39AM EST (-0500 GMT)
If I ever get rich I am going to donate so much to the Trans- Canada trail. I
have loved the idea since I first heard about it

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:39AM EST (-0500 GMT)
good idea kirsten - maybe education outside of the classrooms to put
unemployed teachers to work - this has applications for the work we are
doing in exploring using the internet for long distance education - you can
work and take courses (learn) at night on your computer at home...

Sven: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:39AM EST (-0500 GMT)
technical question from Ottawa, sorry a rookie at CBC chats, how can we keep
the window updated, it seems that I have to "relaod" the netscape to keep up
with the discussion. Help for Ottawa please.

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:39AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think the problem that happened when the NFLD fishery closed was that the
government dished out loads of money for education, but what are the
fisherpeople doing with that education. Debbie, maybe you can comment on

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:39AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I agree Chint - most people who visit this province say the very same thing
as they leave.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:39AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Just keep hitting the chat button, even if you have nothing to say, then the
latest messages will come up on the screen.

kirst: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:39AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I'm afraid I can't help you Sven. I have no clue about this Technology stuff

_Wolverine: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:40AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I hate mosquitos. I heard if you get rid of all the trees and ponds there
won't be any mosquitos.

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:40AM EST (-0500 GMT)
The initiative should be, it's their land, like it's there house. They don't
people visiting their house when it's messy, so we would they let people
visit their land if it's messy.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:40AM EST (-0500 GMT)
ottawa just click the chat button (even if you are not posting a comment)
once in a while

Sven: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:40AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I agree with you Kirst re: the TransCan Trail, I will one day, ride -walk -
or whatever I have to to do the entire lenght of it, It would be a great

kirst: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:41AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Megan and Maureen just got here, and we are moving into the new office. I
have to run, nice chatting with you all

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:41AM EST (-0500 GMT)
chintan excellent idea - apparently pei is a big tourist attraction now for
Asian tourists!

kirst: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:41AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:41AM EST (-0500 GMT)
bye kirsten - great work all of you!

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:41AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Asian tourists absolutely LOVE Anne of Green Gables - thousands flock to the
island every year

enviro_grrrl: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:41AM EST (-0500 GMT)
hi everyone sorry I'm late!

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Wolv, my friend. Misquitos are just apart of the circle of life. LIVE WITH
THEM. We are not getting rid of trees and ponds for the sake of not having
to deal with misquitos.

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sure Darroch - Actually, Ian and I taught displaced fishers under the NCARP
program - we graduated close to 100 people (high school equiv.) The problem
is, the older the individual, the more resistance to leaving home to seek
other employment. Not that they should leave, but in this particular area,
there really was little other choice.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)
to Wolverine...I don't know about the trees, but mosquitos do breed in any
stagnant water

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)
trudy do select all and copy to simple text file at the end of the chat -
cbc will also save but you can them put up html pages immediately

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:43AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Darroch, I was thinking of the same thing, Asians and Anne of GG.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:44AM EST (-0500 GMT)
hi enviro_grrrl - who are you and where are you?

_Wolverine: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:44AM EST (-0500 GMT)
trees are evil, it makes it difficult to breath around them. they suck up
all the oxygen you know

enviro_grrrl: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:44AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sustainability as I understand it is ensuring that you ensure that there are
enough resources, trees, nature, etc. for your great grand- children to use.
So that you are thinking in long-term viability rather than short-term

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:44AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Chint, if anyone has the right to complain about mosquitos, its you! :)

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:45AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Actually Wolverine: Trees suck up all the Carbon dioxide and give off oxygen
for us to breath... it's called photosynthesis... look into it

_Wolverine: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:45AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:45AM EST (-0500 GMT)
maybe we could attract Asian tourists (and others) to visit our natural
resources in NFLD, Lab, and sask...

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:45AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thanks Debbie.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:45AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I know nobody likes to leave their homes to find work but right now it seems
that not many of us have any i'm trudy's friend a mohawk
from kahnawake a reservation near montreal

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:45AM EST (-0500 GMT)
exactly right enviro_grrrl!

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think we will see a lot of tourists in NFLD this year with the Cabot 500
celebrations... Here's some trivia: John Cabot was actually travelling to
China, but ended up in Newfoundland!! Go figure..

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)
what about sustainability re people? what does this mean trudy?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey evirro-girrl - you are right. We have been all over the place in terms
of discussing sustainability.

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Way to go Darroch! I agree Stoney - the natural resources are the key.
Another point - one of NF greatest natural res. is the people.

_Wolverine: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)
photo what? you told you that nonsense. darroch the trees help to give
mosquitos cover, its all a conspiracy, they are going to attack us soon, **
hanging out petition ** lets destroy all the trees ** sign here please

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:47AM EST (-0500 GMT)
tourism is a good area for young people to work in - part time or summers

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:47AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sustainability means that people have enough to live, they have all their
basic needs covered. The problem is how do we define basic needs? ARe they
culturally relative?

enviro_grrrl: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:47AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Stoney / Barb: the quiet dictator

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:47AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thats a good idea stoney. I think Lab/Nfld is over looked by the Asia
tourist industry. They go to PEI, as mentioned, and they go out West, BC and
Albert. But I've never heard of them coming to the East coast. How could we
attract them here???

Sven: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:48AM EST (-0500 GMT)
There are efforts by they large companies, for example out in BC to reforest
after the logging but the problem is reforestation is not always done
properly, paying attention to the orginal diversity of the forest which was
its growth life in the first place

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:48AM EST (-0500 GMT)
YOu know, Darroch, I was listening to people talk about Cabot celebrations,
about him "discovering"Newfoundland. Wasn't there someone there before?

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:48AM EST (-0500 GMT)
debbie how could we make use of the people as a resource (without

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:49AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sorry Wolv, I have to disagree.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:49AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I remember the stuff about Christopher Columbus discovering America -
actually, there were people here long before him.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:50AM EST (-0500 GMT)
haha enviro_grrrl!

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:50AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think that the East Coast has HUGE potential for attracting tourists -
Port aux Basques (Debbie and my home community) held a come-home year in
1995 and over 6000 people came home to a town which only has 6100 to begin
with!Government has done some work promoting the province through
advertising... what else can be done??

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:50AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Conflict is good - thank goodness we don't all agree. This chat would be

_Wolverine: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:51AM EST (-0500 GMT)
i think people should live in oxygen sphere at the bottom of the ocean.
Those smelly animals and trees are taking over, beside the more room we take
the less room there is for them ** petition ** lets get rid of the fish.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:51AM EST (-0500 GMT)
chintan - maybe tours of natural areas (get back to nature) but also tours
of the industries and how they work? compare to Asian industries and use of
natural resources?

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:51AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think that this a question ALL Newfoundlanders must consider Stoney, and
to be honest, I am not really sure - I'll throw the question back to you -
any suggestions?

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:51AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Good point Trudy: The Maritime Archaic Indians and Beothuks were here long
before Cabot - I guess the when the island got it's first visitors from
Europe would be a better way to address that issue

Sven: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:52AM EST (-0500 GMT)
There was also the case of the Golden Pine ,a tree regarded as a spirit tree
to the Haidas, which some guy purposely cut down! The good news is that UBC
had a cutting of the tree and presented it to the Queen Charlotte Island

_Wolverine: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:52AM EST (-0500 GMT)
the Vikings were all destroyed by mosquitos in the battle of Hastings 1055
(little known fact)

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:52AM EST (-0500 GMT)
RE: people in Nfld and Lab. I was on a flight from T.O. to Edmon last summer
and the man sitting next to me and his family just finished there vacation
around the East coast. We chatted during the flight and he loved the land
and the people. He said the land was beautiful and the people were so nice,
he also mentioned that it rained in St. John's almost everyday. But hey,
what is is new? ;)

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:52AM EST (-0500 GMT)
debbie - internet is being used now for tourism and booking trips - maybe a
project funded by the prov. to put up info about sites to visit?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:52AM EST (-0500 GMT)
What are the costs of tourism though? To the enviro, to the people who
become tourism-industry dependant? I have relatives in the Caribbean and
it's not necessarily a good thing down there. I also know the tourism
industry has reaked a lot of havoc in Asia ie Nepal trekkers changing the
way of life for whole villages. Is this sustainable? Can it last? Can we
depend on tourists to make it better?

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:52AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy, the Beothuks were here before anyone else.

enviro_grrrl: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:53AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy, if it's culturally relative, then we should re-examine the way world
culture (globalization) is changing the way we look at ourselves and our
place in nature (the environment). David Suzuki talked alot about how our
society has become disconnected from Mother Earth. We need to find away to
bridge our person-made society with the rest of the species out there.

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:53AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I know that my cousin does tours of Gros Morne national park - he takes
tourists from America and across Canada on fishiing expeditions on the
Northern Peninsula... there is a lot of money in that industry - He said
that once a guy gave him a $600.00 tip!

_Wolverine: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:53AM EST (-0500 GMT)
(Vikings discovered NFLD, long before the Native Indians)

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:54AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Chad speaks: With tourism, it's a double-edged sword. In one way., promoting
native culture is good (ie. powwows, food, dances, etc.). On the other hand,
you someitmes feel like you are a freak at a freak show. Personal experience

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:54AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Stoney, I think this has (is being done)been done what with the Cabot

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:54AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Tours are mainly done on a private basis though - tour guides must be

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:55AM EST (-0500 GMT)
debbie - i'm kinda stumped (haha) - thought you might have ideas! seriously,
maybe we should look at culture and what the value would be for others to
see experience and learn - that's a positive way of sharing people resources

_Wolverine: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:55AM EST (-0500 GMT)
enviro-person : bridges destroy nature... no bridge please. use a canoe or

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:55AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thats an excellent idea, Stoney. I liike it, about tours of industries and
how they work, etc. I know here at IOCC (Iron Ore Company of Canada) they do
stuff like that. And also in Churchill Fallls they have tours of the tribune
and all that.

Sven: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:55AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Get out in a canoe and clean up after yourself when you trace
camping. THe Bill Mason Outdoor Education Centre in Ottawa runs an excellent
program in how to travel in the wilderness but not leave your human tracks

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:56AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Wolverine - Chad disagrees re: Vikings before the native indians, Beothuk
burial sites predate Viking burial sites as an indication of who was there

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:56AM EST (-0500 GMT)
good questions trudy and others!

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:57AM EST (-0500 GMT)
cool chintan - maybe more young people could be encouraged to explore jobs
in this area!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:57AM EST (-0500 GMT)
That is what we are talking about, all the Leave no trace stuff, only

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:57AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I just heard on the news that there was a major demonstration by fishermen
at the Bull Arm Hibernia Site today - they didn't give details though...

enviro_grrrl: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:57AM EST (-0500 GMT)
A lot of developing (for lack of a better word) countries rely on tourism to
increase their national revenues. While some of these countries are starting
to realize what the effects of environmental degradation; most are doing
what they can to fill their stomachs (as they should).

_Wolverine: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)
trudy - they didn't dig deep enough

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)
isn't that what sustainability is all about (re comments on destructive
aspect of tourism) - the challenge is how to make use of and benefit from
what we have without destroying it?!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Yes, I think that there will be tons of jobs out there for people to do in
order to help others learn that all this is not forever! The hard part is,
getting people to invest real money!!

Sven: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Mount Fuji in Japan is another which has suffered greatly from the thousands
of visitors who climb its slopes each year. The trail is littered with
garbage. It has been worked on but still remains tainted with too much hunam

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sven I like that kind of stuff, where can I find out more about this Bill
Mason Outdoor Education Center. I don't mind when people go into the woods,
but when they litter and drop food and not clean it up. It really Ticks me

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Jasper, AB was a great place to work - there was great scenery, but not too
many tourists that you felt crowded (This is a BIG problem in Banff) Jasper
is really uncommericialized and has maintained its naturalness... maybe we
could check to see what Jasper has put in place to ensure that they don't
lose this.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Wolverine - agree to disagree - a truce so we can move on please

enviro_grrrl: . . . . Fri, May 9, 11:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)
wolverine, thanks for the tip. what's your fetish with mosquitos?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:00AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Jasper, Banff and all those do some really intense marketing to Asian
tourists. I have seen lots of tour buses when I was there.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:00AM EST (-0500 GMT)
great idea darroch!

_Wolverine: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)
enviro_lady : i planted trees in BC, mosquitos took a pint of blood a day

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Listen, It's time to end the chat, continue on by all means but I gotta go.
Next week at 11:00 EST Friday we will discuss youth and what they are doing
about making communities better. Bring ideas of actual things going on near
you if you can. There are some cool projects out there.

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)
My father has fished/hunted as a hobby for years. One point that he makes is
the use/misuse of ATV's... They tear up the landscape. Plus, when you walk
to your destination, you get a lot more satisfaction! Promote walking tours
as opposed to "ATV" outings... This will cut down on damage to the

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)
speaking of people resources (trudy) we have an immense pool of knowledge in
our interns - maybe you could ask them all to write for you what they know
about sustainability and resources, problems etc. in their communities...

Sven: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Two of my cousins work in Environment sustainablity, one with fisheries up
in the Yukon and the other with a private firm on the coastal waters of BC.
There is some serious money being poured into these initiatives.More are
needed, I agree. It returns to the acid rain issue and the pressure which
was put on INCO...need more....

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)
There will also be lots of case studies on youth sustainability projects in
the web pagesbutton

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I was there visiting last summer, it was my 3rd or 4th time there. And every
time I go, there are buses and buses of Asians, mostly Oriental. There are
many types of Asians.

enviro_grrrl: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)
wolverine, ouch that hurts!Bye all!

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)
This has been great - hopefully, we can all pull together and accomplish
something here.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)
great chat everyone - lots of ideas to follow up on!...

Sven: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Heard the chat is more news about mosquitos? Thanks Trudy.

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)
It's been great talking - I'm all excited now!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)
That is a great ida Barb - I will ask. Anyone else that has info should
e-mail me at Then, we can really get into it,
right Wolverine?

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)
This has been great - hopefully, we can all pull together and accomplish
something here.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)
bye for now from Stoney/Barb (the quiet dictator!)

Sven: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)
who is wolverine????? give us a little hint!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Yeah - there is great potential. Now you know what is going on with the APEC
Environment Ministerial too. Cool, eh>? We will be taking our ideas to the
APEC Ministers of the Environmnet to tell them what we think.

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey Darroch weren't we suppose to write something up from someone??

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)
darroch if you don't have access to a scanner send your pictures to Toronto
and we will add them to your story!

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hmm, Chint: I think so... what was that again?

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Yep - will do

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)
chintan - write what you know re what we've been chatting about and email to

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I know it was for Trudy, but I can't remember what.

_Wolverine: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)
trudy ahh right

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Chad here: helpful native tip for dealing with mosquitoes: drink cedar tea
throughout the year, boiled cedar leaves, in the summer when you sweat, the
cedar smell comes out and drives away the mosquitoes. Natural repellant no
stinking, synthetic fabric eating stuff.

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Ok Thanks, Stoney.

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Darroch, there is a scanner and digital cmaera at Ascension - let me know,
and I will well Ian.

_Wolverine: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey Stoner - money or trees , can't have both.. agree/disagree?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Chintan, I will refresh your memory via e-mail.

_Wolverine: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)
whoops - Stoney

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey Chad thats really cool. i'm gonna try that. I love tips and hints like
that. Thats excellent!!

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)
wolverine - sorry, gotta run now - keep pondering!

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Debbie: Perfect, do you think you could arrange for us to speak to a couple
of students (individually) about some of the issues we've discussed (ex:
resource management vs. employment)

_Wolverine: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)
your welcome

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Ok thanks Trudy.

Stoney: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)
bye all...........

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Wolverine - it's never just money or trees. It's life or death for some
people. Given a choice though, I might choose to use the tree to make money.
Like say, get people to invest in shade space, sell stocks or whatever.

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)
bye Stoney.

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:10AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sounds good Darroch - I'm sure the students at AC would be willing. I will
call you either the weekend or early next week.

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Bye Stoney.

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)
it's that time again to say bye to out Company!!M-I-C....See ay real
soon.K-E-Y...Why? Because We like you.M-O-U-S- E.....................
LAter cool dudes.

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I've gotta sign off people - time limits on my home internet account - yada
- yada!

Darroch: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Bye everyone!

Debbie: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:13AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Bye from Debbie.

Chint: . . . . Fri, May 9, 12:13AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Bye from Chint in Lab.
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