Web Chat from Friday, May 16, 1997


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 10:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hello there! I am Trudy from TG Magazine and I will be moderating this

morning's Webchat! Glad you could join us!:)First things first: This is

a bilingual event and everyone is invited to send their messages in English

or in French. If you do not understand a message, ask for translation. No



Bonjour! Mon nom est Trudy Séri Samuel et je travaille pour Le

Magazine TG. Je suis la modératrice de notre session de bavardage

virtuelle ce matin. Je vous souhaite tous la bienvenue!Ceci est une

discussion bilingue. Chacun est libre d'écrire dans la langue de son

choix. Si vous ne comprenez pas un message à cause de la langue,

dites-le-nous et on le traduirait aussitôt que possible. Tout simple!



AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 10:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)



trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 10:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Uh-oh les accents ne fonctionnent pas! I see the accents don't

work!Today's chat will begin at 11:00 Eastern Standard Time. If you have

arrived early, feel free to browse the background pages on the Tg Magazine

website. button You can also post a message to our discussion groups - check

them out, we have recieved messages from Taiwan and HongKong! Here is the

link: button


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 10:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Notre session de bavardage déutera à11hoo H.N.E. Je vais omettre les

accents. Si vous etes arrives un peu tot, prenez le temps de lire nos pages

du site TG: http:www.tgmag.ca/ap/fenv_f.html Vous pouvez aussi affichez un

message dans nos forums de discussions- visitez-les! On a deja recu des

messages de Taiwan et de HongKong! Ecrivez-les : button


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 10:45AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hi! This is Jenn from Newfieland! =)


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 10:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)

So, is the 'Sustainability Soiree' starting soon?


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 10:54AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hello Jenn I'm a Newfie too. I've been in here for a while, got here to



Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 10:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hello, I'm Keegan, from BC :)


Maple: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:00AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hi there - this is Jemison in Calgary!!


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:00AM EST (-0500 GMT)

How is everyone today?


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hello everyone! This is Trudy I am in Toronto!


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hello I'm Jeannie from Newfieland


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hey Keegan! Glad you made it!


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Thanks, I am too.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I think there are more people coming on. In the mean time, lets hear about

you? Are you involved in a environmental project in your area?


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)



Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I'm part of the Centennial School Salmon club and Fisheries Ecology Class.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Jeannie - nice to meet you! It's neat that we span all across Canada like

this. Did everyone tell where they are from?


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)

We run a local fish hatchery with Coho, and Chum salmon.


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I think so.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I'm from Britich Columbia.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)

What's that Keegan? Can you tell us about it? Today's chat is about what

youth are doing to promote sustainable development in their regions.


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Nothing like that around here for me to gget involved with Teel, sounds like

fun though!


sony: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hi I'm Sony from Newfoundland and this is the first time I've used a chat

line. I am very concerned about the environment and sustainable development

here in Newfoundland.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)

What about you Jeannie?


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)

THe hatchery is built by students, ran by students and volunteers (our



trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hey Sony welcome! Keegan (Teel) was just telling us about his fish hatchery

program. How does it work, Keegan?


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)

We also run a sea pen in the vancouver harbour. We have Chum and Chinook in

the seapen right now.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Sounds cool. After you raised the fish i guess you put them in a local river

or something. hey, everyone, you can all ask questions, you know! Keegan,

what kind of effect has this project had on the community?


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Well, every Wednesday we meet at the hatchery to organize the week, but

students are visiting the hatchery every day to feed and clean.


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I'm trying to make people(mostly kids my age) aware of the things destroying

the waters and forests here in Newfoundland


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Anybody else care to discuss what they are up to or what they have seen in

youth projects that are really cool?


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)

When we started the project 20 years ago, there was no salmon the our

stream. Now there are historical numbers. We also transplant our salmon to

other streams.


EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:10AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Sorry to interupt..but I can't seem to get into the conversation...I can

just see what has already been said???


sony: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:10AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Ther is a congress on the west coast of newfoundland in November with the

Cabot 500 Celebrations and one of the streams of discussion is sustainable

development. The delegates get to spend two days in Gros Morne National Park

doing environmental research and work with top interpretive people in the

field. We are trying to get youth talking about sustainable development.

This congress is national and we hope it will spark interest and get youth

motivated to start initiatives in their communities.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Twenty years ago! That is some legacy project! All run by youth too. I have

heard of the same types of projects in Japan. Jeannie, how are you working

on this awareness campaign?


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)

In St.Johns their is a group trying to make Salmon more tolerent to cold,

their taking a gene from wolfish witch or tolerent to cold and placing it in

the solmon, nobody knows yet if it will work and what will happen.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)

If you want to see what has happened, scroll back about 15 messages.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Wow - Sony that conference sounds great. Where can I get more information?

Do you have a web site or something?


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:13AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Sony First time I've heard of that. How do you get involved?


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:13AM EST (-0500 GMT)

AngelsPatience: have they considered doing cod enhancement projects? Like

collecting and raising eggs for out-planting.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:14AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Before I forget, I want to remind you all to check out our discussion forum

and write about your projects. The only way to get the trip to Toronto is to

participate! You can find the discussion forums on almost every page of the

APEC Environment Youth forum pages!


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:14AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Well Trudy I've just talked to my friends about the things I learn, I've

done projects for cadets for the last four years and I participate in

garbage and clean sweeps.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:15AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Also, if you are interested in participating in the YOuth Forum, make sure I

know your name and your webchat "handle" - you can e-mail me your alias and

your real name at Trudy_Seri_Samuel@scilink.org


sony: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:16AM EST (-0500 GMT)

You can get more information on the Cabot 500 web site: www.cabot500.nf.ca

Then go to Five Hundred More. This is the information page for the congress.

You can even apply to go from the home page.


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:16AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Teel I only heard of it a few days ago, my Honors Biology class is going to

St.Johns on Tuesday I'm hoping to learn more about what thier doing then.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:17AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Yeah Keegan, are you considering expanding? Jeannie, could this be a good

project for NF?


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Thanks Sony


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Cool Sony thanks! Has anyone else got a project that they would to share?


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Yay! That sounds like it would be a really fun activity to watch, if not

participate in AngelsPatience.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I think some new people have joined us! Introduce yourself (Enviro Boy?)


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:19AM EST (-0500 GMT)

We are trying to expand to younger students, and show then that they can

make a difference in their local creeks and streams.


sony: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:19AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Sonya Abbott is the Event Manager. She can be reached on E-mail at



EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:19AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy, have you heard of GreenKids?


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:19AM EST (-0500 GMT)

It might be, I know they've tried but the water in some places is to cold

thats way the gene minuplation. It's something I'd like to think would be



Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:19AM EST (-0500 GMT)

An atlantic salmon hatchery would be an interesting project. If it wasn't

warm enough, there might be a source of industral waste heat?


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:20AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Sony, what do you think youth could do in your community to make a change

that will last? What are the biggest issues and how could youth help address



AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:20AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Whats that EnviroBoy?


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:20AM EST (-0500 GMT)

No, Enviro Boy, I have never heard of Green Kids. Has anyone else?


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)



Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)

We have green links, green zones, and green corridors.


EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Never mind me, I can't keep up...carry-on


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I think Enviro Boy wants to remain a mystery, stillhasn't introduced

himself. You can at least tell us where you are from, c'mon...be a pal...


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hey, Keegan, do you have a web address for that?


EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Well, it's an organization that targets elementary students to get involved

in environmental issues, I'll find out more about, it...I just wanted to

know if it was national or only in MB


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Teel Theres lots of streams and rivers to introduce the salmon to, but the

way people treat the water is not always healthy, have you hears how bad the

St.Johns bay is. It use to be a source of pride for all Newfoundlanders but

now it's just sore spot, and all the little streams running to it aren't

very pretty either.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)

button is our school homepage, and there's a link to the salmon club from

there. If anyone wanted more info, I'm khaselha@cln.etc.bc.ca


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:24AM EST (-0500 GMT)

From MB are you?


EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:24AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Oh yeah...ok...I decided I wanted to be EnviroGirls counterpart...I chose to

be the devil's advocate sometimes


EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)

So here it is: Aren't Salmon hatcheries just another form of farming...what

does it have to do with real environmental conservation?


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Our Fisheries Ecology class has started water quality testing in the local

streams. This puts us on-site, and we watch the streams. Occasionally we

have cleaned up a streamside, and called in alerts if we find someone's been

dumping in the streams.


EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)

real environmental conservation?


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I just bookedmarked your schools hompage Teel


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Okay, first million dollar question: What makes it hard for youth to

participate in projects like Sony's, Teel's and Angel Patience's?


EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Sorry, I stutter


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:27AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Yeah - Teel, it would be great if you would give a brief description and

post it to our discussion forum with links if you want.


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:27AM EST (-0500 GMT)

EnviroBoy Thats important stuff their trying to keep a creature that is

naturaly there alive


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:28AM EST (-0500 GMT)

We raise wild fish, and release them back into the wild. We catch the salmon

when they return to the streams, and collect eggs and milt, and then raise

them untill they are old enough to have a good survival rate in the wild.

These fish have been made extinct by urbanilzation and we have re-introduced

them into the local streams.


EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:28AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Youth are often looked-upon as adults in the making and are not allowed to

participate as individuals with something important to contribute


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:28AM EST (-0500 GMT)

You need funding and determination


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Can you give an example, Enviro Boy or anyone else?


EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Back to Salmon: Any time you "help" nature along...you are interupting

natural selection


Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hey trudy, it's me.....Chintan A. From Lab. Sorry I'm late.


Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)

What did I miss so far?


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Sometimes the youth just don't know HOW to get started and involved in these

projects. We find that nobody ever asks them to get involved, so they just

end up sitting in fromt of the TV all day.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)

HAs anyone else found it hard to get recognition of their programs?


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)

But it's the fact when somthing goes wrong, say in Teels hatchery, the slmon

that are suppose to return don't, then their set back and have to find out

what happened


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hi everyone! I just logged on. I'm from Halifax, and am currently doing

environmental education with Oasis Environmental Society and the Heartwood

Institute for Recreation, Leisure, and Education. Have any of you heard of



EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)

What we really need are preserved areas extensive enough to let nature do

what it knows best!An example of disempowered youth?...just look at the

apathy a lot of teenagers have towards government, environment etc.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hey Chintan, scroll up a few messages and check it out. We are talking about

what barriers there are to youth participation in enviro projects.


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Definitly!!! I've tried to get my cadet corp to do more. The leaders don't



trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Welcome Zenobe!


Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Yes, I find it very difficult for small communities to start up projects

like this. It is almost impossible, but not improbable.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Urbanization had completelt wiped out the runs, so there was no natural

selection happening. There were no salmon at all. Now, we do leave some of

the salmon in the streams to breed naturally. Salmon are a foundation

species, and now lots of other species of marine life are starting to come

back. ie: eagles, osprey, raccoons, bears, great blue herons, river otters,

seals (300 seals now eat our salmon).


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Is it that they don't care or that they don't understand how important these

things are, or that the cadet corps is focussed on other issues. Is the

apathy amongst youth a result of the media like tv and stuff making them out

to be something that they are not?


EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I also think that people are almost sick of "environmental issues" we need

to start thinking of new ways to get people incorporating "sustainable

livelihoods" into their personal lives


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:34AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Our salmon club and fisheries ecology class was recognised by the NBA team

up program. We were on national and international TV.


EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:34AM EST (-0500 GMT)

thanks Teel...good to see!


Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)

The first thing to do with a project like this is start up a councell (spelt

wrong, I think). Post up signs EVERYWHERE saying env. meeting tonite and

have one. See who is interested, instead of making people intersted.


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)

EnvirBoy, but sometimes nature needs help. Setting aside areas are great,

they do it for birds and othe wildlife, but they need help still, people

have hunted, or fished in this case, animals and other creatures to the

point of no return


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hey Chint: small communities sometimes have the edge. For example, it's

easier to fundraise and to get public participation when you know everyone.

Sometimes in small towns, environmental issues have a BIG impact that is

hard to miss, and is a big motivator!


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy, I know that Oasis found it hard not only to get recognition of their

program, but even before it existed, a well-respected environmental educator

told the group "it couldn't be done!" But, the four people went ahead

anyway, and just believed in themselves. I think that sometimes, especially

in the environmental field, you just have to jump in head first-even if

others tell you that what you want to do isn't possible.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)

That is a really good point Teel. Lots of enviro youth groups have a tough

time getting media coverage. How did you do it?


Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Really Teel, what city are you located in. That's great that the NBA Team Up

Program helped. I'm familiar with that program.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)

EnviroBoy: You're right though, we do need to find new and exciting ways to

keep the communities interested in 'environmental awareness and



EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:37AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Chint: do you think people will come to a something called an "environmnetal



trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:38AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Zenobe - I hear you! I can't tell you how many times I have heard that it

can't be done from someone who thinks they are wiser because they are older.

Youth have some really new alternative ideas.


EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:38AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Teel: I just think that we really need to look at more long-term options as



Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:38AM EST (-0500 GMT)

the NBA had a publicity team that was running the project from New Jersey.

I'm in Coquitlam.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:39AM EST (-0500 GMT)

If you could get anything and everything you needed to start up the best

project ever,what would you ask for?


Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:39AM EST (-0500 GMT)

If they are keen are the env., ya. Or you may come up with a better sign, it

was just a suggestion. But my point was to get people together and see what

your area has to offer.


EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:40AM EST (-0500 GMT)

What other things have you guys been involved in? What is the single most

important environmental priority to you (pollution, population control



Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:40AM EST (-0500 GMT)

We have been educating young people as well. Our class has done interactive

salmon dissectiona and tours of our hatchery with elementary school kids. We

see young people as 'long term' answers.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:40AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Good point Enviro Boy. What do you propose as long term options then? Angel

Patience, are you still there?


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:40AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Environoy-What ideas do you have to help people develop sustainable

livelihoods? Do you think that kids are the target group-I know that they

are a lot more open to change, but how do we get to the older generations?


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:41AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I go to camp we do garbage sweeps and clean up places, so it's not ignoring

kids. And it's not like I haven't tried. It's just my leaders. Sorry took

solong get back to you my teacher, Mr. Crew was just talking to me


Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:41AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy: The best project ever......I would need a good group of people.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)

To me: sustaning and protecting our aquatic resources is the most important,

because it's 3/4 of the world's surface. It supplys oxygen, food, transport,



EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Chint: I think you have a point when you say "your area"...I think people

become disillusioned and apathetic when issues become too large...like what

can I do to save Pandas in China?So instead, I think we need to look at

community-based initiatives.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Just a reminder_ if you want to be considered for participation in the June

7 to 10 Enviro Ministerial here in Toronto, please e-mail me your real name

and the name you used on the chat. Participation counts! My e-mail address

is Trudy_Seri_Samuel@scilink.org


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hi Everyone!!! I just got on again after some technical difficulties!!


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:43AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I agree with small communities have the edge


Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:43AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Enviro Boy: my personal peeve is garbage everywhere. The mis-use of the

nature. When people go into the woods and leave their mark. I hate that.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:43AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Zenobe - I think you bring up a good point when you mention sustainable

livelihoods. Please tell us all what you mean by that.


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:44AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Where are you from in Nefieland Jenn?


EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:44AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Chat: what do you do about it?


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:44AM EST (-0500 GMT)

When we bring kidss to the hatchery, they bring their parents, and sometimes

the parents want to get involved. We also bring politicians to the hatchery.

We had a delegation from China that represented 250 million people visit us.

This could tremendously affect the world's environment. The LOVED seeing

what we have done.


EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:45AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Who's Zenobe?


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:45AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Me too!! It's a long weekend just imagin the mess on tuesday....


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy-if I could have anything I ever needed to start up a project-the most

important thing is positive energy-an unlimited supply of it!! It's what

keeps you going when the going gets rough. It seems like just when the group

is about to give up you make a big headway!! The next thing I would need

would be a group of keen learners. As long as people are willing to learn

and have lots of energy there isn't anything that can't be done. Next thing

would be contacts-there are soo important-give you credibility-we work with

our local recreation departments. The last thing, would be some start-up



trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Sounds like you have got a world class project, Teel!


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)

CornerBrook - Hey, has anyone here heard of the Newfoundland & Labrador

Environment Network YOUTH CAUCUS?!?


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Anyone have any ideas about getting people involved in clean up programs?


Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:47AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Isn't there an old saying: You must judge yourself before judging others. So

I just redirected that to the environment. Help your own area first, and

when that is completed, move on to something bigger, ie: clean up your

street, clean your neighbour hood, clean your part of the town, clean the

town, and keep on going.....


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:47AM EST (-0500 GMT)

It is a great project, and it's all ran by our students! It's amazing what

30 or 40 students can do when they have a focus. That's why we like to

involve younger students, so they can carry on our legacy.


EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:47AM EST (-0500 GMT)



AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:48AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Spaniard's Bay. Nope. Whats that Jenn?


EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:49AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Chint: Good point...but who does that these days?Teel: Good point...get

the cycle flowing of new and inovative youth


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:49AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Excelently put Chint


Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:49AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Long weekend?? I was not informed. Anyway....Enviro Boy: What I do when I

go in the woods is take all the garbage back with me, leave no food on the

ground. I leave the woods as if I wasn't there, or I try to.


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:49AM EST (-0500 GMT)

there are Environment Network Youth Caucuses all over the country - our big

project right now is the 'Youth Sustainability Project'


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:50AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Same here. Memorial Day weekend, Queens Birthday an all.....


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:51AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Great idea Chintan! In terms of getting people involved, I think the best

way is to find a group of people that have the same goals and then try. One

good point is not to be afraid of failure. I think that fear of failure

alone stops a lot of projects from getting off the ground.Another thing

too is that a lot of people, especially youth don't really feel that they

can have an impact. Many of us are not aware of the impact our day to day

actions have on the environment. But when things like water and gas run out

in a community, watch out! People are complaining!


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:51AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Jenn - what exactly is the youth sustainability project? I have heard of it

a little


Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:51AM EST (-0500 GMT)

It doesn't matter who does it, the question is who is going to do it?? WE

should start these projects up, think of it you could be the founder of your

city clean up/env. program.


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:52AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy use AP it's easier, by the way.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:52AM EST (-0500 GMT)

What do you mean, Angels Patience?


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:52AM EST (-0500 GMT)

That's absolutely true Trudy. People are afraid of failing, and a lot of

people really don't know that they can have a HUGE impact. Our project has

failed a lot of times. That's why we're so successful. We learn from our



EnviroBoy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:53AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Gotta go guys...keep up the good work...I've decided to change my name to

Devil next time...because I'll be trying to push your buttons...just trying

to get you thinking! Bye!


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:53AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I know alot of people my age who would be intrested in doing something like

that. Maybe I should mention it.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:53AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Bye EnviroBoy!


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:54AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Sometimes there are things already going on that we don't know about, and we

start up another intiative without doing research into what is around

already. This can create problems as we compete with other groups for

resources like funding, media exposure, people to participate and what not..


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:55AM EST (-0500 GMT)

The Youth Sustainability Project is the major project (YSP) of the Canadian

Environemtal Network Youth Caucus (a mini-network of youth eco/social

justice groups across canada). The YSP is doing stuff on many different

levels - local workshops on sustainability issues, regional

sustainable-living camps called 'Ecotopias',and more, and youth are taking

it all the way to the UN Earth Summit II in NY next month!


Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:55AM EST (-0500 GMT)

An example would be our town, Labrador City. What the town hall does, is

they hire students for the summer and give them areas of the city to clean

up. A friend of mine, she is cleaning up the Central Playground and making

it look better, putting flowers in, etc.


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:55AM EST (-0500 GMT)

My name it's to long, people complain when I visit chat places and I forget

to tell yeah, I usually do but this is so intresting. What is being done

towards keeping the forests and stopping clear cutting, the martin here is

Newfoundland is endangered because people kept cutting down old groth

forestes now theirs only one palce to find them.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:56AM EST (-0500 GMT)

We try to work with other groups, and share resources, as cooperators, not



Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:57AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I'll take the text of this chat to my next Salmon Club meeting and bring up

some of the points that you guys have made. I'm sure they'll love to discuss

it all :)


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Chint thats something to try and get passed. I'll talk to my Dad he'd be

able to help me he's close with some of the council members.


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Angel P - you would probably be interested in the NLEN Youth caucus - we are

doing stuff on forest sustainability, youth empowerment, the pine marten,

and ALOT more!


Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Thats right Trudy, maybe your community has a program like this already. You

should ask around, your teachers, parents, town hall, the local recreation



AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Teel how did yeah get started?


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I want to ask for your help, everyone. I am creating a game to be played at

the Enviro Ministerial, it is a simulation game where people get in groups

and get a scenario, like they are part of a youth enviro group board or

somehting. they get money, a project and a few people to work with. They are

told to use their resources to make their community better. They play out

the game, facing enviro difficulties and setbacks in one forum or another.

If you have a good idea for a scenario, share. I would like to create the

game based on ideas that come from you!


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Enviroboy-I'm Zenobe! I'm from Halifax, and have been either president of or

worked with about 5 different enviro org, but now I'm doing environmental

education with Oasis Environmental Society, and Heartwood.Trudy-can we

email you our real names later-after the chat?Sustainable

livelihoods-personally, I like to go by the old saying, I'll try to

paraphrase-When i was a child I wanted to change the world, as a teenager

that seemed to hard a task so I decided to change my

country...city...family...so I decided to change myself. If only I have

realized then that in order to change anything else we must first change

ourselves, then we can change our families, then our

communities....world.How do you have a sustainable livelihood? First of

all-I think the key is be always willing to change you present

views-sustainability, in my opinion is as much a state of mind as it is how

you act in the world-the two are inseperable.With myself, being away from

home, at University, I've tried to carry a "light load on the earth" it's

amazing how when you start to change you lifestyle you meet people and

contacts that are doing the same thing.Now, being home I am helping to

teach my family, from where they are in environmental knowledge-organic lawn

care, composting, etc. A lot of the environmental education that I do with

kids is giving them the tools to make change(like knowledge about recycling

facilities, or energy flow models) but, I think what motivates them to do

this is actually our "magic spot" time. They "reconnect" with their spot,

and WANT to make a difference. They develop a sense of stewardship on their

own. I think this, is a way to get more people involved in environmental



Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 11:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)

That's excellent AP. There's a starting point for you right there, your



Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:00AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy - I think that that is a wicked idea!


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:00AM EST (-0500 GMT)

jenn, would you be willing to summarize your activities and post them to the

discussion forum? It would be great.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:00AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I was in girl guides, and got a tour of the hatchery, then I transfered to

this school gorgrades 11 and 12, and joined up with the salmon club and

fisheries Ecology class. from there, I've continued working with them and

hope to see as many people helping next year when I'm in University.


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Jenn I'm definitly intrtrested. I read an article that was in the paper

about he cutting of old growth it made me mad. Is anything being done

towards river and water clean up?? I'd be intrested in that too! My beach in

my town has gone from a thing of beauty to very big sore spot, I use to swim

in it with my dog now I'd be afraid to...


Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy: How about a FLOOD, how would they help out the members of the city

who were affected by the flood.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hey everybody, jsut to keep things in perspective here. Your ideas from this

chat are going to be summarized and discussed by everyone who comes to the

Enviro Ministerial Youth Forum in June. We are going to present

recommendations to the APEC Ministers of the Environment so that they can

have a youth perspective on their Sustainable Cities agenda.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy: that sounds like a great game! Some of our fisheries students have

been playing a game claaed fish banks, with students from finland and the

US. IT deals with sustainability and the fishing industry world wide.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Now you are thinking, Chint! Great idea! It would be excellent to hear about

how youth are responding to the flood. Both the Saguenay, Quebec flood and

now the Winnipeg one! Great idea! I will research it and get someone to post

their ideas or something.


Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Teel : that sounds like an interesting game. have you ever played it??


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)

What about how to stop tankers from dumping oil in the night into ocean

instead unloading somewhere, it's something thatts really going on, every

year many many tankers sail by Newfoundland dump oil and move on, we can't

always catch them, and it takes months to trace the oil.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Cool Teel> Is that game on the web or something? I would like to check it

out. Please e-mail me.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)

trudy: I'll get someone who knows more to e-mail you the information on the



Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Well, I'm sorry I have to leave but my time is running out. Later guys,

great chatting with y'all.


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy-that game/program sounds really neat-I'll let you know when I think of

some scenerio ideas.


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Forgive me for trying to recruit a little here (!) but I am so excited about

what you are all talking about because we are looking for youth like you in

our Sustainability Project! Near halifax in late june there will be an

"ecotopia" - a sustainable living camp run by youth for youth eco-activists

and any youth who would like to learn skills and share ideas with other

youth on how to make changes in their communities. We have been taught how

to do the 'Ecotopia' by youth from Latin America. There are Ecotopias all

across canada this summer - is anyone interested in knowing more?


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)

You know, Angels Patience, their are serious dumping sites in the North too.

The only way to stop them seems to be international legislation. That is

where the United Nations comes in and all the other trade and legal

international BigWigs. How can youth have an influence there?


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I have to go for a minuit I might and might not be back I'll try I'm not

ready to leave yet.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Well, I have to go too. My next class is starting soon. I've had a TON of

fun chatting with you guys. Keep up the good ideas :)


Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Whoo --- I was about to leave and Jenn comes out with this Ecotopia stuff.

I'd like to know more, Jenn.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)

You know, Angels Patience, their are serious dumping sites in the North too.

The only way to stop them seems to be international legislation. That is

where the United Nations comes in and all the other trade and legal

international BigWigs. How can youth have an influence there?


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Anyone who is interested in Environment Youth Caucuses, The Youth

Sustainability Project, or the Ecotopia camps, you can email me:



Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Bye you guys, great chatting with you too. You all had great ideas and lots

of cool stuff to talk about.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)

What is ecotopia?


Chint: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I'll email you Jenn, but right now I'm off. See ya guys later.


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)

hey guys - what about all the youth who will be going down to the UN Earth

Summit II next month? As far as getting youth voices heard at international

levels, that's one idea!


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hey everyone, we are almost done here. Sign off whenever you like. Don't

forget to e-mail me and fill out the application (on the web pages) if you

are interested in coming to the forum in June. Also, please post you project

profiles in the Discussion Forum. that is where the international delegates

(people who are coming from overseas) are posting their messages.


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Have any of you tried to get project funding? Do the other provinces have

projects like the NSYCC( Nova Scotia Youth Conservation Corps?) with the

prov. Dept. of Environment? This is a great help if you want to do a

community environmental project-they will pay up to 50% of the cost and can

assist in getting other funding. Wouldn't it be great if other countries

could have such support? The NSYCC has a program the Youth Environmental

Challenge-my High School group created summer four jobs to do a clean-up,

survey and public education of a local 9 km river. The YEC was such a great

help-and it gave us recognition(Dept of Environment)


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:13AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Yeah- this youth movement is really cool. There are youth that are

presenting to the U.N. and everything!There will be at least 8 foreign

youth from Asia Pacific joining us for the youth forum in JUne too. It's

neat the opportunities to speak out that are coming up.


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:14AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy - An "Ecotopia" is like the same idea as "Utopia" - but focused on

Ecological Sustainability. 'Ecotopia' camps were started in Latin America by

youth there to try to create models for sustainable communities and empower

youth to make changes. The YSP has a partnership with the Latin American

Youth Network for Sustainable Development - we are working together to

create "Ecotopias" here in Canada this summer!


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:15AM EST (-0500 GMT)

There is definetly funding out there - it's a matter of finding out where

and how to fill out those applications and submit proposals.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:16AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I love the idea of international partnerships between youth organizations.

It'slike showing the "adult" organizations how to get along! Cool.


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:16AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Jenn-I'm definately interested in hearing more about the Ecotopia-I'm in



Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:17AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Here in NF one great fund for youth to work on comminity project is 'SWASP'

. I have info. It gives students 2 month grants. I got one to work at the NF

& Lab Environmental Network, and Youth for Social Justice got one too!


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:17AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Before I forget, everyone: This chat has been supplied by CBC Radio. they

are sponsoring us for all of our weekly chats. Cool Eh? Next week we will be

discussing what the ideal community of the future looks like: for human

beings, wildlife, outer space, etc.


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I definately agree with you, trudy!


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Zenobe - email me and i will get an application and info to you - it is

going to be WILD!


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:19AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I heard about a cool project in BC called the Ahousaht Project. It was about

nature preservation and the protection of indigenous culture. Native and

non-native youth got together on one of the Pacific Coast islands and built

a trail that followed along ancient trailways of the native people there.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:20AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Sounds cool, Jenn. I will be e-mailing you too!


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)

We have only ten minutes left. Go for it everyone- last chance to ask all

your questions!


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Next week's project sounds interesting-we did a BIG project on that exact

issue for my ecology class!


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Am I alone here? Hello?


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)

It is soooo important for First Nations youth to have their perspective help

giude the environmental movement - here in NF, youth are starting a Forest

Sustainabilty project and are working with Innu youth on our activities!


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I'm back but I see most everybody is gone


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy-that native nature preservation trail sounds SO interesting. I find

native cultures very interesting-how can I learn more about this project?


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Neat Zenobe - maybe you can post your ideas ahead of time in the discussion



AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)

so same time next week?


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy - what kind of info exactly are you looking for from us for this game

you were talking about? can you email me about it, and maybe i can help you

spread the word thru the Youth Caucus if you like? I am very interested.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:24AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Well, I think I can find you the contact. I have it somewhere. E-mail me and

I will send you the info: Trudy_Seri_Samuel@scilink.org


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:24AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy-you're not alone here!! AP-most people have said their good-byes!


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:24AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I got your e-mail Jenn while I was scolling back i'll be sure to write you

so I can gte more info


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Zenobe - there is a First nations Environment Network in cape Breton - they

have alot of youth stuff, too. there is alot happening close to home!


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)

For sure Jenn. It's a simulation game, like the Global Change Game but it

uses the community as the arena instead of the whole world. It's been in my

head, aching to get out for a long time.


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Guys, be sure to email me soon, 'cause the deadline for the atlantic

Ecotopia is next week, and alot of cool stuff is going on right now!


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I am looking for good scenarios to use, that are meaningful for youth.


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Oh by the way Trudy i had no idea people dumping oil like taht in the North,

I'm glad I came in, it's gave me somethings to toss around in my head


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:27AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I went to a Global Change game in PEI - it was excellent!


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:27AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy, please excuse the fact that I don't know where this "discussion

forum" is-I just was told about this chat line yesterday-could you tell me

where it is that I post this stuff?


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:27AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Well I'll say my good byes now till next week


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:28AM EST (-0500 GMT)

The scenarios would outline what kind of groups the players are in, what

kind of resources they have, what are their priorities and their projects.

the point is, it would be great to get youth involved in the decision-making

process and the making a difference process on a local level. Make sense?


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:28AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Well, I guess I will say good bye too. This chat will be saved on the web

page. Thanks everyone!


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Jenn-how long is the ecotopia, what ages, and what does it involve?


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Jenn, I think we should talk. It sounds like you have a lot of information

to share. Would you be interested in chatting live?


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Is everyone gone?


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Listen, you two keep on talking. I'll see you next week. I think my brain is

fried! Jenn, I will call you, okay? Bye Bye!


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Yeah, i was wondering where to post, too, Trudy - sorry for dumping it all

in here!


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I guess I'm saying my goodbyes, too, if everyone else is gone!


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Jenn, are you still there?


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Zenobe - still there? Who is on?


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)



Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)



Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I'm still here? Are you?


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Jenn, inside the web pages for APEC Youth Forum, you will find "post your

ideas" everywhere with a link. the home page is at button


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Jenn, where is it that you are from?


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)

k. Do you have a sec?


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)

E-mail me if you have a problem. this chat will be saved on the web too. Not

to worry! We will talk.


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I'm from Corner Brook, NF


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy is outta here!


Jenn: . . . . Fri, May 16, 12:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)

If you can give me your email address, I willsend you bunches of stuff about

all that I've been blabbing about!