Web Chat from Friday, May 23, 1997

rudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 10:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hello There!Bonjour a tous! This morning's webchat will begin at 11:00 Eastern Standard Time. Notresession de bavardage commencera a 11h00 H.N.E. Si vous n'avez pas eu l'occasion de voir notre site - appuyez ici: button

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 10:43AM EST (-0500 GMT)Hi this is Trudy - if you have not seen the TG Mag website, check it out at button

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 10:45AM EST (-0500 GMT)Today we will be talking about what the ideal healthy and ustainable community would look like. Aujourd'hui nous discuterons sur le sujet des elements de la communaute ideale, en tant qu'une communaute developpee de facon durable - bien sur!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 10:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)I will be back in a few minutes! :) Je serai de retour dans quelques instants!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 10:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)Hello - I am back!

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 10:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)Hello everyone! This is Keegan from BC again. Does anyone know why there's lines through the sentences?

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 10:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)oh, they went away :)

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 10:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)Is anyone out there?

Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 10:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)Hello...has anyone else arrived yet?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 10:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)Hi Keegan! This is Trudy. How are you?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:00AM EST (-0500 GMT)Hi Quinnnz! The lines through the messages are probably from a hacker who was having a grand old time. They disappeared on my screen when I hit Chat. Did that happen to you?

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:00AM EST (-0500 GMT) I'm great today! I've really been looking foreward to returning to the chat :)

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:00AM EST (-0500 GMT)People are coming so just hang on, Okay?

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)The lines went away when I hit chat too.

Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)Hi trudy, i seemed to have those lines too but like you said they disappeared. Bonjour %E0 tous!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)Cool, Keegan. I got your e-mail and will definetly have the group consider your application when it comestime to decide who will be coming to Toronto for the Minister's meeting.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)Bonjour Quinnz! D'ou viens-tu?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)Comme tu as remarque sans doute, les accents ne fonctionne pas. The accents in French don't work at all. Can you read french, Keegan?


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)You are both right on time but everyone else seems to be taking their time!

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)Not really. I took french 11, but I've forgotten most of it :/

Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)Trudy, je viens de Gravelbourg en Saskatchewan. Je suis %E9tudiante au College Mathieu en 11e annee

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)Hi. What's up?

Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)I'm bilingual, so french or english it doesn't matter to me

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)That is cool. We can all send messages in the language of our choice - I will translate, okay? Unless we all agree upon one lanuage. I think it is important to express ourselves in the language of our choic. What do youboth thinK/

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:07AM EST (-0500 GMT) Je parle le francais moi aussi.

Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)Hi Jagg, it's me, how are things with you this morning

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)I'm fine with either english or translations

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)Nous pourrons parler dans la langue de notre choix, selon le cas. je peux traduire si necessaire.

Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)Trudy, I'll let you decide

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)Hi Jagg! Listen, if you are interested in being considered for participation in Toronto, I will need to get your real names by e-mail, okay. Just send them to me at Trudy_Seri_Samuel@scilink.org

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)I'm on a slow computer, so I'll try to keep up as best as possible.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:10AM EST (-0500 GMT) Pour le moment- puisque nous pouvons tous communiquer plus vite en anglais, we will use english. But if you need to say it in French-Do not hesitate!

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:11AM EST (-0500 GMT) Trudy, I tried sending in an application yestereday. I don't know if it made it or not.

Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:11AM EST (-0500 GMT) Hi! everyone, I just logged on. How is everyone today!

Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)My computer is kind of slow too, so bear with me thanks

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:11AM EST (-0500 GMT) Yeah- I know it's hard to keep up sometimes. The CBC server seems slow today too. Here is my first question, where is everyone from?

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)Hey Zenobe, nise to see you again :)

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)Hi Everyone sorry i am late

andrea_c: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)Bonjour, nous sommes de l%E0 Toronto French School et nous aimerions participer a ce forum. Nous pouvons communiquer en francais et an anglais. Nous sommes Andrea et Alexis

Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)Hi Zenobe, i'm great, how are things with you

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)Hey Zenobe - welcome Bienvenue! Skona goa (peace in Cherokee)

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)I am from Labrador City Newfoundland.

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)My name's Keegan, for those of you who havn't heard yet. I'm a female, grade 12 student living in BC.

Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:13AM EST (-0500 GMT)I'm from Gravelbourg SaskatchewanGreymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:13AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I would like to know about the trip to Toronto. Our teacher told us a bit about it and i seen the website

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:13AM EST (-0500 GMT)Bonjour a tous. Comme vous voyez, les accents ne fonctionne pas. The accents are not working. Chacun a son choix d'ecrire en anglais ou en francais. Je peux traduire si necessaire. Chacun fait son propre choix, okay?

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:13AM EST (-0500 GMT)Hello i wish to know about the trip to toronto. I am from Labrador city a small mining town.

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:13AM EST (-0500 GMT)Specifically I'm from Coquitlam BC. It's about 30-45 mins away from Vancouver.

andrea_c: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:14AM EST (-0500 GMT)Trudy, Quel est le sujet de discussion pour aujourd`hui

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:14AM EST (-0500 GMT)Wow - we have got a great crew here from all across Canada!

Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:14AM EST (-0500 GMT)Moi, je peux parler un peux de francais, but I don't write fast enough in English!

AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:15AM EST (-0500 GMT)Hello sorry I'm late had trouble getting a computer then the bugger was slow loading was going on?

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:15AM EST (-0500 GMTWhat is todays subject on.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:16AM EST (-0500 GMT)Hi AP!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:16AM EST (-0500 GMT)The trip to Toronto is from June 7 to 10, 1997. We will be inviting people based on their participation in the web chats and discussion forum and on their answers to the questions in tha application. If you are using a funny name in this chat, e-mail me and let me know what your real name is. jagg, e-mail me too with your real name so I can check that I received yourapplication. If not, I will e-mail you. there are 25 spots open with youth coming from all over Asia Pacific.

AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:17AM EST (-0500 GMT) Hello sorry I'm late had trouble getting a computer then the bugger was slow loading was going on? Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)Quinzz, I'm great, actually fantastic-I'm psyched for a great presentation my partner from Oasis and I are doing on our Environmental Day Camps-330 kids in 1 hour from now! Teel-great to see you (oops-I mean hear from you!) again, too :)

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:18AM EST (-0500 GMT) greymage and i are from the same place and we are sitting together

Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)Trudy what's your e-mail address

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)Le theme de notre discussion aujourd'hui est la communaute ideal, developee durablewment. Question: What does the ideal sustainable and healthy community look like? What would it be like to llive there? Que sera la communaute ideale?

Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:19AM EST (-0500 GMT)Hey everybody, I'll be gone for a quick 5 minutes-but I'll be back soon-have fun!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:20AM EST (-0500 GMT)Mon addresseest Trudy_Seri_Samuel@scilink.org. The ideal sustainable community: What do youthinK/ La communaute ideale: qu'est-ce que vous en pensez?

AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:20AM EST (-0500 GMT)Now I'm repeating myself. Anyway I'm a 17 year old female from the good old Rock et je peux paler en francais aussi si c'est neccesaire

Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:20AM EST (-0500 GMT)that sounds great zenobe, how long does it last


andrea_c: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:20AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy, nous sommes interesses par l'environnement et notre ecole fait de grands efforts pour creer un

environnement (vegetation naturelle au lieu de pelouse, recyclage, concert de la Terre...) naturel plus saint,

pour le cote pratique. Au point de vue theorique, ces questions font partie de notre cours de geographie que

nous avons choisi par interet personnel


Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Je suis de retour j'avais des problemes avec mon ordinateur.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Keegan, what do you think the super duper most excellent community would be like? Would it have cars,

trains, would people have to work? Would it be agriculturally based? What is imposrtant to you when you

look at your own community?


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hi Teel good to *see* you again.


Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)

my veiw on the ideal sustianable community would have to have so many things i do not know were to begin



trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Welcome back, AngelsPatience! Thank you all for joining us!


Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I've got a question. How do I get your messages to appear as you guy's send them, and not as I send mine????


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)

And you too Trudy. I don't think it would have cars and all that in the sence of gas guzzelers maybe solar

powered or electric


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I am a newcommer to this so i may not have as much knowledge in the topics.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Let's start with you, what are the most impostant things for youMr. Freeze? If you look at your own

community, what things come to mind first that could be improved upon?


andrea_c: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:24AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Notre communaute ideale devrait procurer un environnement agreable, en equilibre (entre les hommes et les

ressources), capable de se developper de maniere autonome. Et actuellement, trop de communautes dependent

entierement de l'exterieur pour leurs achats et leurs ventes et n'ont aucune possibilte de se prendre en main

et de decider se qui est bon pour leur futur.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:24AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I think it's important for people to UNDERSTAND what's going on around them. The sustainable community

could be like communities now, but people would understand what their actions were affecting. People would

be more educated on environmental issues and everyone would pitch in to keep up the environment and



Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:24AM EST (-0500 GMT)

in my community there's a program called bag in tag.i think it's a great idea. its purpose is to get people to

reduce their waste, for each bag, it costs 1,50$. everyone has to participate


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Don't worry Greymage I'm in here to learn about this stuff in my opinion I don't have a clue it's just my



Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I think the ideal sustainable community, would satisfy the basic needs of humans in a community while

maintaining the ecological balance of an area. It would also promot the various cultures within a community

with each person to better their area with regards to conservation and proper development strategies.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hey Greymage, don't worry, we all come to tthese discussions with different strengths and abilities, that is

what makes them fun! Jagg, the only way to send your messages is to hit the chat button on the screen after

you have typed your message. Selon vous, que sont les choses que vous changerez dans votre communaute si

tu avais le pouvoir? Que seront les priorites?


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Thanks I hope my opinions are good ones


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Quinnz thats a great idea , how does it work, for each bag of garbage people have to pay?


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:27AM EST (-0500 GMT)

i think that people are going to have to realize that their actions affect more than just them. pollution and

destruction of our forests is reality and we'd better start doing something about it


Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:27AM EST (-0500 GMT)

N E one got an answer to my computer problem??


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:27AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I'm sure they will be Greymage :-)


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:27AM EST (-0500 GMT)



Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Si j'avais le pouvoir, je changera l'attitude des gens envers l'environnment et le neccessite d'agir vite.


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Jagg, try to unload any other programs that are not needed to run the internet.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)

A lot of people are not paying attention to the world. They don't think about what can happen if they dump

their garbage and don't recycle. They aren't getting the whole picture on what the future would be like if we

don't change.


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Like what Quinnz? In my community we get 3 cents back when we bring in coke or any drink can, and we

bring back bottles for 10 cents.


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Angels patience... you have to go to the town office and get this special tags.once you have them, you put them

on your garbage bags. only the bags with the tags will be collected. this program exists because our town

dump is being to cause problems


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)

est-ce il ya des gens qui ont besoin de traduction? Si oui, est-ce qu'il ya des autres qui puisses traduire ou

bien ecrire dans les deux la


andrea_c: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)

We agree with Jagg, the ideal sustainable community should be able to find a balance between technology and

nature. We cannot ignore developments in today's society, but we must still make an effort to better educate

people. We learnt in geography class, that in order to reduce the growth of a population, in order to reach a

balance between population and ressources, we need to increase the quality of life (ie salaries, cleaness of

city etc etc).


Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Well myself i live in mining community which does produce all the pollution in our area if there was one

thing about this i could change it would be that because more people die here than live to collect there



Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Quinnz, alors t'as bien reussi a trouver ce site.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)

If you can write in english and french a little bit of both, pleas do. I cna't keep up with translation. I am

failing miserabley at this because the messages keep going off the screen!


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I agree with you Teel in labrador City when you look out of our classrooms we see garbage on the lawn. Some

of us try to clean it up but people still litter all over the grass!


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hi , were here now , What's been going on?


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I think that education plays a role in this... when i was younger they told us about the enviromental issues but

we never got to take action. recycled paper bins, cans--10 cents and bottle 15 cents.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Mr. Freeze, what do you mean, you want people to die there instead of get their pensions. Do you live in an

area with a big elderly poplulation?


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Yeah Teel thats it. Before they startes offering the "money" though not very much it adds up. I haven't seen a

can on the side of the road in along time. But about the community of the future. i think it would be complete

compatability with the environment, using wind, water and sun for energy, rececyling and reduce waste.


Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)

sorry it took so long to answer i am not the best typer


Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Greymage, I'm on a computer at my school, so I can't do that, got any other ideas???


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Quinzz-well, our camps start July 2, but now we do presentations to let the kids know about the camp and

also we do "funshops" that teach kids about reclycling, energy flow and how health and the environment are



Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Quinnz is right. Education plays a BIG role. Children who are taught to recycle, and actually get a chance to do

things like bottle drives and recycling boxes learn a lot and carry it on into their teens and adulthood.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hey Night, welcome. We are discussing what the ideal community would look like, with no restrictions, no

barrieres if we had it all, power, money to change it, what would we do first.


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)

the whole idea of technology kind of scares me beacause i'm wondering what we're destroying in the process.

exemple...it's great to fing cures for diseases but when people enter rainforests, alot of them do more harm

than good


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:34AM EST (-0500 GMT)

In our town they just started a recycling operation. For each Can brought back you get 3 cents and each bottle

is 10 cents. My school has always recycled their cans and we hold bottle drives every few months.


Martin: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:34AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hi everyone. This is Martin, and I'm coming to you from Ottawa.


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:34AM EST (-0500 GMT)

in order to make an impact... i think we have to start with children, you'd be surprised the influence they'd

have on their families and friends


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Prenons l'education: quelle sorte d'education donnera au gens la capacite de penser a l'environnement? What

sort of education do you think would do the job (making people more conscious, more aware of the link

between their actions and the enviro)? Comment est-ce que nous pourrons mener les gens a changer leur

style de vie de facon permanent?


andrea_c: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Nous pouvons exercer une pression forte sur les hommes politiques parceque ce sont eux qui ont le pouvoir,

qui ont l'argent et qui font les lois pour proteger noter environnement


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)

There are two dumps in my area one between harbour Grace and Carboner but it has an incerator, which i

think is good in on way but not in others and another one in on what we call the barrens both are only half an

hour from where I live why do we need two? I think I might see if I can't bring something like that up at a

community meeting


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Well we're kind of in agreement with Angle Patients but, the fact is that a lot of people wouldn't accept it.


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)

in my community, recycling newspapers and other stuff is possible but the problem is now that it's too

expense to get it ship to a city


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Cliche: Children are the key to the future.


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Jagg if there are other computers not being used then turn them off that should speed up the computers. It

works here.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hi Martin,. welcome.


Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I do not mean i want people to die, but yes there is an elderly population in lab.city want i wanted to say

was that the pollution from the mine kills everyone i wish that the mine could still exist but not pollute

and kill everyone


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:38AM EST (-0500 GMT)

In the elementry school all the children are told to recycle and the class which recycles the most gets movies

and pop for 2 days.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:38AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Cest un bonne idee - il y a des gens qui ont les fonds et le pouvoir pour effectuer un changement . Mais, dans

l'education des gens. Ou est-ce que nous devons commencer, Avec les enfants?


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:38AM EST (-0500 GMT)

jagg oui j'ai reussi a me trouver ici. et toi


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:38AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I think we need to educate the kids, but not by just telling them about the environment, and what's right and

wrong to do, but we need to teach them 'hands-on'. They need to experience it. Then they can also see the

benifits. example: if a class took on as a project to clean up a local park, sure the kids would say eww and

stuff, but when they're done, they can see a clean park, and feel good for making it clean.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:39AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Are the three R's going to lead to the kind of things we just mentioned - will reduce, recycle and reuse bring

us to a balance between nature and technology, help us better meet basic human needs like lodging?


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:40AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Our ideal community would be where we could get the people our age to actual help out and be interested in

sustaining the environment, instead of because someone is making them. We have that problem here,

especially in our school.


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:40AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Honestly, trudy, I think that courses such as philosophy are very useful-although they don't directly teach

the message "Our world is in danger of dying-we need your help", my experience is that it got me "out of my

box" in terms of really looking where I was going in my own life. I have made ENORMOUS changes in my own

life since those two philosophy classes-of course, a lot depends on the teacher. Also, I think that school

should be taught in a more holistic fashion-we tend to separate (especially in higher education) and fragment

knowledge into separate compartments-ie chemistry,biology, ethics, etc. Sometimes we need to do this to get

a better perspective, but the CONNECTIONS between such subjects are just as important-just like the

interrelationships of animals in nature.


andrea_c: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:40AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Education should be done at the earliest age posible to become part of the way of life. Although it is difficult to

influence family life, schools should be responsible or this civic responsibillity. Teachers should be taught

how to spread this essencial message.


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:41AM EST (-0500 GMT)

i totally agree with you Teel. even though i'm in high school...we take the time to clean up our school yard

twice a year and bottle drives are done also


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:41AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I have to agree with Mr.Freeze i live in the same community and when it snows if you go out the snow is not

white sometimes it is grey and brown from the iron ore mine. the mine itself creats problems the area of

the mine is totally destroied and the company is trying to make a new pit behind the ski hill!!


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:41AM EST (-0500 GMT)

My perfect environmentaly sound community. The streets are paved with gold, there are little people

(chlildren) playing on clean beautiful lawns the houses are solar heated with storage batteries and thoses

days for when the rain falls. The cars are environmental safe no exhauste fumes maybe elctricaly powered,

the water is blue and none gets wasted from dripping facutets or hoses left running, the sky is blue no smog

or acid rain clouds, because either the factors are shut down or they don't produce smoke,there are trees

every where making clean air, nothing is wasted


Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)

the ideal sustainable community would have to have minamal pollution trees, a swamp to act as a natural

filter and many other things but we also have to have a stable economy so there would have to have

some kind of industry


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Good point teel-hands on learning in the key-that's how we do our environmental day camps-I think ourdoor

experiential environmental education will have a real leap in terms of numbers over the next 20 years. I

think that this sort of education is where we are ( or should be going).


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:43AM EST (-0500 GMT)

We need a new handel to get kids interest because. The 3 R's they're quite old fashioned.It's like " Reading,

Writing and Arithmatic" With kids today they tend to lose interest at warp speed.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:43AM EST (-0500 GMT)

The three r's would greatly help a sustainable community, but we do need the economic benefits of logging or

mineing. We just need to find a way to do these things with minimal disturbance, and pollution.


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:44AM EST (-0500 GMT)

my ideal sustainable community would be to have everyone participating in recycling programs, education of

children would start in kindergarten, there would be an alternative to the pesticides that farmers put inn

their crops


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:44AM EST (-0500 GMT)

My ideal community would use the sun, wind and water power and there would be no pollution and no mine the

problem with that is if there was no mine here then there would be no town. There are two other towns near

us and they both are mining towns so the pollution and the talings from all three are a real problem.


andrea_c: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:45AM EST (-0500 GMT)

The 3 Rs were a good starting point, but I think that as a society , we are ready to explore more alternatives

on top of the current recycling system.


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:45AM EST (-0500 GMT)

The streets wouldn't really be paved with gold I was just joking around Wizard of OZ thing, it looked so

perfect no garbage little people (munchcins) playing get the point


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:45AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Vos idees sont excellent! Continuez! The discusison at the enviro ministerial youth forum will be based

onthese discussions. Vos commentairees seront le base de nos discussion au forum jeuness en juin.


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I love all your suggestions, and I have to agree-I would add though that eco-tourism (kept at minimal impact)

be part of a sustainable community-part of the benefit of having a sustainable community is to appreciate

it-I woud structure the city with lots of bike trails that can access ALL parts of the city-actually design the

layour so that biking is the most accessible way to travel-sustainable travel while encouraging health and



Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)

One thing I have leaned with my four years in the army cadet movment is this philoshophy "take only

pictues and leave only footprints" we use this for low impact camping but it is so easily transfered

to life


Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:47AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I'm finally back. Computer problems again! What's up?


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:47AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Keeping interest is important. With today's TV, and the information super-highway, people lose interest

pretty fast. New ways of thinking and actions need to be discovered so that people want to take an interest in

sustainable communities. They need to see the benefits.


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:47AM EST (-0500 GMT)

One of the biggest problems that i'M faced with in my community is that it's an agricultural one and chemicals

& pesticides are used in large doses, this ends up in a near by lake. that's our only water reserve so that's

what we end up drinking


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:47AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Okay guys listen to this to promote the envrionment and Holistics and personal wellness. We are putting on a

day of workshops where you can sign up and learn about the environment, personal well being etc.


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:47AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I think there should be bigger fines on people who pollute and the compinies should start to do more to save

the land. Labrador is full of natural resources like forestry, mining, and fishing. there is a hydro station.

where ever you go hiking you see trees. I would hate to see that be destroied.


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:48AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Greymage a kid moved from Toronto where his dad worked ata factor they had to put *scrubbers* in the

smoke stack or they would get shut down. the *scrubbers* cleaned the smoke before it left the pipe and

therefore reduced the pollution in it. Is that any good?


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:48AM EST (-0500 GMT)

i'm starting to wonder if the reason so many people have cancer where i live has to do with this


Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:48AM EST (-0500 GMT)

trudy what do you think of that philosophy


Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:49AM EST (-0500 GMT)

You know, with all these ideas, and all these plans, great initiatives could be taken if we all worked at it!!


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:49AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Guess what guys, we might be on breakfast television-our enviro group Oasis-if you want to know about how

our "education team" works.


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:49AM EST (-0500 GMT)

If we could somehow get these kind of workshops into the Elementry school it would provide a fresh new angle.

Knowledge is Power, and all that!


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:50AM EST (-0500 GMT)

i agree with greymage.. there are no penalties or are very minimal where i live. i wish stronger action would

be taken.


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:50AM EST (-0500 GMT)

The computers are causing people to forget the world they just don't care about the world.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:50AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Cool! When might it be on? and what channel? :)


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:50AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Wow you are all taking about a transformation here everyone! Vous decrivez une transformation totale! Ca

m'encourage d'entendre que vous etes impliques dans des projets qui ont un impact si positif! I am glad to see

that you are so involved in real projects that are making a real impact on your communities! That is so



AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:50AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Mr Frezze I know all about that each year I've gone away we do a garbage sweep before we leave an area the

beach or where we were camping. Don't touch just pictures. Then this Summer when we were in BC we

cleaned up an old age home that was flooded whata mess. Can't wait to do it again this summer....LOLOLOL


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:51AM EST (-0500 GMT)

i think that in order to get this programs going there has to be a new approach. patience will be necessary too


Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:51AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I think with all the information available to today's society, Many people are very aware of environmental

problems, they just don't not how to act on them.


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:51AM EST (-0500 GMT)

The stacks are always cleaned and it dosn't do any good. the pollution keeps on coming. The iron ore dust is a

real pain.


andrea_c: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:52AM EST (-0500 GMT)

We NEED natural ressourses, we'll always do some diging , we will produce tailings, but bio-technology

offers wonderful ways to claim back polluted areas. It has been done in Sudbury . Very polluted fields have

been treated with special moss and now we are harvesting rice and wheat in region that looks like the moon.

We just need to apply this kind of technology when we start using a mine. That a question of plannification of a

durable developpment.


Martin: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:52AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I think a cornerstone of sustainable living is to include "simpler" activities into one's life. Much of our

env'tal problems today are the result of our high-consumption lifestyles. Everyday on my way to work

through downtown Ottawa I see hundreds of rush-hour cars idling in traffic jams, increasing air pollution.

This is a lifestyle choice to live far away from one's workplace, and to drive in place of biking, etc.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:53AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Quinnz is right, people can't change overnight. It will take time, maybe a few generations before there is a big



Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:53AM EST (-0500 GMT)

NIght, can you give me some more info-I love holistic and environment stuff-where will the workshops

be? Teel-my partner, Ed, just phoned B.T. and they have to get back to us still-I'll post in on the

discussion forum when I know.


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:53AM EST (-0500 GMT)

The proble is that people know about the problems but they don't want to do anything about it.


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:53AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Zenobe, where are you from that you would be on BT? If we could promote more media awarness that would be

great. At the moment we are working on a project call Action 21 some of you may have heard of it, anyway it

would be possible for us to go to our local newspaper to promote it.


Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:53AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I am so P.O.ed at people who say thay want a better enviornment then they go out and destory somthing

have a giant bon fire or somthing


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:53AM EST (-0500 GMT)

i think that perhaps people are spending too much time sitting at home and wondering what could i possibly do

to help. i think that maybe are spending to much on their computers rather than being out there in their

communities helping


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:53AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Greymage - they call this the user pay principle, the person or company that polutes has to pay. What kind of

implicatyions can this have internationally though?


Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:54AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Quinn, your right! Patience, objective and action are very necessary if we are to impact today's society that

they may take notice and want to get involved toward's a solution.


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:54AM EST (-0500 GMT)

What is action 21??


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:55AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I know what I'm saying and alot of other people are saying Trudy is a total flip from they way we are, but we

got to set are golds somewhere maybe if we can't reach them while we are alive maybe are children

well. About technology getting it the way I disagree. If we didn't have some of the technological

adve\ancements we do things would be alot worse. i know the car wasn't one of the brighter things we did,

actually it's not the car itself but the amount of people driving, I'm old enough to have my liscense, but I

perfer to ride my bike or walk then get in a car to just go to the post


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:55AM EST (-0500 GMT)

mr freeze i know what kind of people you are talking about


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:55AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Martin-I think this idea of a "simpler" lifestyles is totally on key. I think that we have a lot to learn from

many Asian cities where people use bikes about the amount we use cars!


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:55AM EST (-0500 GMT)

In coquitlam we've found that the local newspapers love to write about my school's projects.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:55AM EST (-0500 GMT)

In coquitlam we've found that the local newspapers love to write about my school's projects.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:55AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hey Greymage - is it computers or greed that has people getting apathetic? What do you think of the

hopelessness that is out there? Does it have anything to do with the way we all think of work? Is it because we

don't feel uselful, that we feel that we cannot make an impact on the world, that the world is headed for an

uncertain destiny and we have no control?


Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:56AM EST (-0500 GMT)

angelspatiences do you by chance know jackie sooley? trudy my real name is Draper Hinks;


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:57AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I think it may raise mony to fund more enviromental projects. The company does pay some money but it isn't

enough to pay for the damage that is alrady done. The mine has been operating for many years.


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:57AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Well Zenobe we had aranged this day of workshops at our school to promote awareness and to get people to

start to help out perhaps it only a fisrt step but we might be on the right path.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:57AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hey - we are all using computers here. do youthink this is useful or what? I am no comupter guru but this

discussion is giving me some great ideas of what I can do. Computers are a tool and they are only as good as

their users, just like cars, right? Everything in moderation.


: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I've also got my licence, but I have no car. I really have no problem with that because it cause you to get more

active in a sense that you need to walk, ride a bike jog or what not, and it's not hurting ANYONE!!!


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Neat idea Martin, the simpler way of life. What does that mean to you.?


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Zenobe I'll keep me eye on the show. I usually watch some of it before I go to school hope to see you on soon:-)


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I think some people are just to lazy to try to save the environment. But others think it is a lost cost and one

group of people are not going to make a diference.


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Great point trudy, but...I think most of our society sees technology as a panacea to our environmental

problems, instead of seeing ourselves as the answer, using technology to help us. Technology can help, but WE

need to make lifestyle changes, too


Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)

i think that there are many more people who are concerned about the enviornment but are afriad to admit



Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 11:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)

trudy you're right. i think that there is a happy medium that we can find but i worried about those who don't

even try to help out their communities, they often tend to lay back and wait for others to do it for them


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:00AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Action 21 is a project sponsered by Environment Canada to help get Youth envolved in the fight to clear our

environment. It is an internation project.


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:00AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Night, I'm from Halifax, where are you from?


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:00AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Yes i know Jackie she was to BC this summer with me, she's in your cour?????


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:00AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I am going to have to leave soon because first classes for the afternoon is going to start. trudy my real name is

Keith Fitzpatrick.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)

You know, I have a feeling that getting a licence and wnating to drive is something youth everywhere want.

How do we make it so that they want a bicycle instead?


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I got to go.


Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)

i will be back for next weeks session.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Even though I dread taking the bus to school and home (it's an hour commute each eay for a 20 minute drive!)

Vancouver and Coquitlam have started using new busses, called clean air busses, that don't pollute as much.

Ihave a lisence, and sometimes access to a car, but I ride the bus if I have to go any distance because of the fact

that there are so many single person in a car vehicles out there, and they're polluting up a storm.


Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I have to go i will be here next week the whole time thank you good -bye


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)

i have my liscence and a car but i'M responsible with it. i use it only when i'M going to the city. you have to

try and use them in moderation


: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)

We don't have any groups or projects wher i live but i think due to this dusciussion grope i might see if we

can get one started


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I'd like to hear more about Action 21, Night. Also, how do you present you environmental education

presentations? Ours combine an element of magic, as we use Characters( such as Zenobe-a student in the Art

of Walking lightly) to grab the kids' attention as we teach them about recycling, composting, and nature


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Cool, thanks Keith and thanks to everyone. this webchat ends at 12:30, okay> Cette session de bavardage va

finir a 12:30. Et les amis francophones, je n'entends rien de vous depuis longtemps, qu'est-ce qui passe?


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)

To us a simpler way of life is where you don't let technology do things for you that you could easily do



: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)

My handel got erased?????


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Night, let's explore that a little. How do you get people to choose to do things more simply? How do you even

get them to eat lower on the food chain?


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)

trudy that's a hard question. i know from experience and watching my friends too, the greatest thing of

driving a vehicule dosen't last long... i know real quickly i came back to my scences


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Another idea-although this transportation is not totally clean-when I was at a Caretakers conference in

Aberdeen Scotland, one of our field trips was around the city-they were totally redesigning highways and

streets so that the dowtown was MOST accessible by buses instead of cares. The transit system, also was

rerouted. This in one way to encourage people to use cars less.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)

oops! What happened?


: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I don't know why, but my name isn't appearing besides my comments. So a blank is me, Jagg


Martin: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy, I guess right at the personal level, simpler living is just wanting and having less "stuff". At

university I've taken env'tal philosophy courses that have criticized our culture for defining fulfillment in

life as consumption-based. I think this is reflected a lot in the ads we see.


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I don't know, Trudy!


: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)

If we showed the public the advantages, get in shape, and ceaner air in using a bike instead of a car where the

disadavntages are lazy and exhauste fumes I mean it might take longer on a bike but the fresh air and beatuiful

secnery make it up


andrea_c: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Zenobe: La technologie n'est pas la reponse a tout, cest un ensemble d'outils qui sont utilises par les

personnes. C'est l'attitude des personnes qu'il faut changer dans l'utilisation de leur technologie. Avec l'atome,

on peut faire la bombe, ou on peut soigner le cancer. C'est une question de moralite, de valeur,de choix.


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Zenobe we're from Halifax too. We love your ideas, especially you attention grabber. Being so close we should

talk sometime. Maybe we should get something connecting our school going.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Transit is a big issue in urban areas. Especially in Asia where th average big town has 8 to 10 million people!

Can you imagine the kind of transit system that requires?


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Martin-I think more people should be required or at least should be encouraged to take such courses. Bigger

is not better. More is not better.


: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)

A blank could also be me AngelsPatience


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Simplier way of life would be to do everything by hand, return to abit of physical labor. i'm afraid people are

always looking for an easy way out


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Kids today are learning to want more.. more... more. More videogames, more computers. A sustainable

community would have to have less, or it would never be sustainable.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Oui, je suis d'accord, mais comment est-ce que nous pouvons changer le comportement des gens? Comment

augmenter leur capacite de comprendre qu'ils sont partie d'une grande systeme interactif.


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Yes i know Jackie she was to BC this summer with me, she's in your cour?????


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy i think the way to go i the cities is to take a bus, but for those of us out on the prairies what do you

think we could do


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Tudy I think the way to do it would be to make simple things seem more exciting and eating lower on the food

chain isn't totally repulsive. I've been a vegetarian for four years and I know others who have done the same.


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Night-I'll leave my email-I would love to hear more about your stuff, where do you go to school-I go to

Acadia, but live here for the summer at home. My email(my dad's ) is fina.moodyrp@gov.ns.ca please email

me, but I have to go do our presentation-it's at Central Spryfield school in 20 minutes!! Can you leave me a

way to contact you( I'm Robynn by the way)


Demon: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)



: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy, I think people need to be made much more aware of the DIFFERENCE of simpler things. SUch as a diet

of a vegetarian, I've been eateing that way for the past month and you start to realize how much better you

feel, full of energy, you don't even crave other foods if its done properly.


Zenobe: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:10AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Bye everyone, sorry I have to go-but I'll let you know how our presentation went! Been great chatting!


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Avez vous entendu l'expression "sustainable livelihoods"? Have you heard of this? It's about re-thinking

work and what we want from work. It means earning a living or satisfying one's basic needs without hurthing

any other living thing. You should check it out. We will be posting an article about it next week. la semaine

prochaine on aura un article sur les emplois durable dans notre site.


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Teel i agree with you when you say kids are wanting more. i think parents should take a stand and teach thier

children about the enviroment rather than how to play that new video game


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Bye Zenobe!


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Bye Zenobe - good luck!Remember to send in a application form for the conference!


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Id love to become a vegetarian by I have iron problems there fore can't stop eating meats the iron pills make

me sick. So I'm stuck but I do my part in other ways


Demon: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hello sorry I'm late. What's the topic?


AngelsPatience: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:13AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I'm going too Talk to you next week.... Chow


: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:13AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Zenobe, c'est vrai, dans un sens, la technologie nous aide pas du tout, mais d'un autre sens nous pouvons

communique atravers lemonde, nous avons des medcins comme le penicilin et d'autres choses tres effectives.

Dans mon opinion, (Jagg ici) c'est de choisir les bonnes et non les mauvaises


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:13AM EST (-0500 GMT)

We go to Millwood and we would love to exchange ideas. There are two of us , if you haven't already guessed.

Michelle ( I'm on the keyboard) and Margie who's back seat driving.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:14AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Si vous voulez etre considere pour la participation dans le forum jeuness lorsque nous presenteron nos idees

a 18 ministres de l'environnement de lAsie Pacifique, veuillezx remplir le forumlaire sur le"gagner un

voyage gratuit" page, okay? Don't forget to fill in the application that is linked to the freee trip page if

youwant to come to the forum in Toronto.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:14AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hi you two, I'll be sending you some info on starting a hatchery when I get the info together :)


: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:14AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Well, I guess I kindof missed Zenobe there, but what do you guys think?


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:15AM EST (-0500 GMT)

i have to admit i eat meat, i've thought about becoming vegetarian but i haven't enough motivation to do so.

everyone (almost) around me eats meat so they are no help


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:15AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Cool, you should exchange e-mail addresses if you want to keep this kind of communication going between the

two of you. My e-mail is Trudy_Seri_Samuel@scilink.org


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:16AM EST (-0500 GMT)

TRUDY did you get my form ??


andrea_c: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:16AM EST (-0500 GMT)



trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:16AM EST (-0500 GMT)

hey Demon, welcome! We are just winding down. Maybe everyone could introduce themselves?


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:16AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Angle Patience it's very easy to become a vegetarian without taking iron pills. Anything that's green for one . I

know myself I take Blue-green algie.


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:17AM EST (-0500 GMT)

JAGG are you still there


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:17AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I'm Keegan from Coquitlam BC.


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hey Demon, better late than never.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I have to switch computers... I'll be right back


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Demon, what do you think it would take to make cities and communities more healthy in the long term? What

would an ideal community look like to you?


: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Teel, I think your program sounds great too. But I'm only on school net, do you think you could fax me that as

well? My fax isd 306-625-3674???


Martin: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:19AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I think the greatest thing that the youth env'tal movement has to offer society is a role in upsetting the

dominant mindset today. The way things operate have powerful momentums behind them that are entrenched

through government and powerful economic interests. I think it's vital for us to not become a part of it. I'm

aware of this as I near the end of university. With friends now becoming full time employees with different

priorities now, you cannot rely on them to do anything other than what is considered normal.


Demon: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:19AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I'm from Winnipeg, I would like to say sorry for for being late, but I was writing an exam


andrea_c: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:19AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Il faudrait reprendre l'idee du travail partage. La viande n'est pas un grand probleme ecologique...


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:20AM EST (-0500 GMT)

soory to repeat but TRUDY did you get my form that i filled out last night


: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:20AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Quinzz, i'm still here but for some reason, my name isn't showing so I'm blank. Trudy, did you get my

application as well


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:20AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Quinnz I think I got your form but i am not sure yet. Can you give me your e-mail address just in case? You

can e-mail it to me if you don't want to give it now, okay?


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I can't remember who blank is, could you tell me your name please?


Demon: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)

The main problem in my opinion is the lack of knowledge about the environment by the gerneral public. I

think the frist thing to do is to educate the pubic on how important the environmental issues really are


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Well than Demon that's perfectly alright


andrea_c: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy: I think that in an effort to make busses mure earth friedly, we should concetrate on finding ways to

make hybrid buses, electric buses etc...


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)

TRUDY, MY e-mail adress in collegemathieu@sk.sympatico.ca i accidentally sent two yesterday but with

diffrent handles. the one i want is Quinnz Ang%E8le Marchand


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy is it okay if we fill out two forms on the same adress considering there are two of us?


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)

ok i'll type it again cause the accents don't work angele marchand


: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:24AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Well, I guess I should get back to topic here. Martin, if people are only doing the normal, then we need to

change the normal, and the only way we can change the normal is by changing our actions to make the normal

abnormal, and amazing!!


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:24AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Cool Demon, we all agree then. What sort of education program would do the job in your opinion? I can't

remeber who said it, but the idea of using technology to share ideas is a good one, I think (but hey, that's only

my opinion). Great things can happen when minds come together. that is why it is going to be so neat to

discuss these issues with youth from Asia. It will be interesting to meet on equal grounds and talk about youth

perspectives on enviro priorities.


andrea_c: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Snce we are talking about forms, would you be able to tell me if Andrea and I are invited?


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Don't we have hydrogen buses . I think Halifax has two of them , the only problem is that they blow up easliy.

Maybe we could find away to fix that.


: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy, blanks handle is Jagg, but for some reason it's not going on the computer.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Night - no problem, jsut make sure youtell me who is who and that you both used the name Night for the chat.

Also, youcould poost your ideas in the discussionforum. It's our space to say what we like (about the topic, of

course) and to keep the discussion going.


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I think that it would be great to meet and talk to other youths from elsewhere, who maybe might share the

same ideas as me


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)

What are we talking about now? we're kind of lost.


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:27AM EST (-0500 GMT)

hey jagg, how are things now. i had no idea it was you


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:28AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Cool, Jagg, I will check that I got your application. Hydrogen buses! Never heard of that> Sounds cool. I wish

we could put more money into that kind of research rather than spending millions on creating the biggest

fastest and most obnoxious of everything. It seems like money is blown away like dandelion fluff sometimes.


: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:28AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy if you're wondering who Jaggs is, I wrote you an article on sustainability, and live in Swift Current.

By the way, for the Forum in June how and when do we find out if weere going??


andrea_c: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)

We also have natural gas buses in Toronto, but they are still a novelty, and by the time the whole fleet is

replaced, it could be decades...


Demon: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Well I'm in an education program that blends the western science with the respect of the native tradional

knowledge towards the environment in the way to best help the environment. It is sort of like taking the best

of both worlds to help the environment


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)

i've never heard of hydrogen buses either, where are these creations


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy , just curious , where are the discussion forums.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Sure I'll fax it to you Jagg.. I don't have a fax machine, but I can get my dad to do it at his school.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Night, as usual, we are having many conversations at once. I was just talking about hydrogen buses as Night

mentioned. Then I started talking about how it seems sometimes that the distribution fo funding is a little

swayed by greed rather than efficiency.


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Jagg: that is, the info on starting a hatchery, right?


andrea_c: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy: I'm sorry to repeat my self but haw do we find out if we are selected? Nous aimerions vraiement



Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)

jagg what is teel faxing to you


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)

The discussion forums are all over the web pages that talk about the Community and sustainability youth

forum. Anywhere that is says discussion forum you can go there by clicking on the words, then choosing

environment. Have you seen the web pages?


: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy, along the lines of Hydrogen buses, a few years ago, a canadian company, i'm not sur which one, came

out with solar powered buses, they were ideal for city uses because there was a speed limit on them. The only

deterring factor is money. It costs incredible amounts to get solar power stations built and to build the buses.


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Well the Hydrogen buses are travelling around Halifax , Nova Scotia. Andrea- about you natuarl gas buses. I

don't see why the Maritimes couldn't do that we have the resources ( Sable Island Gas )


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)

JAGG, and everyone i have to go back to classes now. it was great talking wwith tou all. i learnt and heard some

great ideas that will perhaps help me with the problems in my community


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:34AM EST (-0500 GMT)

here is button so you can go to the discussion forums directly from here after we are done. Just remember to

choose environment, okay? There have been almost 20 people talking on the discussion group. Here goes the

address. If I mess it up, just go to the home page and start from there. Discussion forums click here:



: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:34AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Teel, could you fax me the info on the hatchery concerning who startedit, what it is exactly, how it's run, and

how to get involved.


andrea_c: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:34AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy : Nous devons partir pour un cours...vouriez vous contacter Mme Bouhard-Muller a la TFS SVP?


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:34AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I have to go too, English class started without me. I'll talk to you all next week. This has been a blast!


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Check out the web page and youwill learn lots more about this stuff: button Choose the APEC Envir Youth

Forum See you everyone! Have agreat day!


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)

see ya jagg


Teel: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Sure Jagg. It might take me a bit t get it together though.


: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)

See ya later Quinnz, have a great weekend!


Quinnz: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)

see you next week trudy


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)

BYe a tous! Merci d'avoir participer! MErci pour votre patience aussi. A la semaine prochaine!


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)

About the Solar Powered buses... they are a great idea but.. here on the east coast the weather is unpredictable

and we depend on the metro transit system to be up . In winter there isn't enough solar energy to sustain a



trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Bye, oui, je serai en contact avec Madame Bouchard-Mueller


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:37AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Night - I hear you - there isn't enough solar power going on here in Toronto to sustain optimal spring time

mental health!


Night: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:38AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Gotta go , we'll see ya next time , been a blast!


: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:38AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Teel that sounds great, just send it just put Att: Renee, that way my parents will know who it's to. By the way

when ever it's convenient for you is awesome!


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:38AM EST (-0500 GMT)

You know, everyon'w contributions are so great. It is amazing!


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:39AM EST (-0500 GMT)

This is such an amazing process to be involved in, seriously. What do you think? Can you imagine we are

going to be able to meet in person, work to create recommendations for actual Ministers of the Environment

and then present them? It is a huge task>


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:39AM EST (-0500 GMT)

am I all alone here? Anyone still want to talk?


Demon: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:40AM EST (-0500 GMT)

I'm sort of lost here.


: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:41AM EST (-0500 GMT)

That's another downfall of the solarpowered buses as well, but what happens is you have these stations that

are continually being recharged by the sun 24 hrs a day, its like a gas station thats always filled with gas, and

all that takes place is a transferral through the outlet to the bus. Kindof like a solar powered fillup station I

guess you could call it.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Demon - not to worry. This is basically a chat about communities and sustainability. IT's for the environment

youth forum. Have youheard of it?


: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:43AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Trudy, my computer is really slow, so it takes a while for the transfer.


Demon: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:43AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Yep, So how many people will be selected for this?


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:44AM EST (-0500 GMT)

That sound cool Jagg, do you know if it was really expensive to get the system started:? Where are these

buses? Demon, we got sidetracked talking about these new fangled buses. Before we were talking about mass

transit and how for the ideal sustainable community, we wiould need to have alternatives to the usual stinky



: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:44AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Demon, JAGG here, where are you signing on from?


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)

no problem, it takes mine a while too. Twenty-five peole willb e selected based on making a group that spans

the country, represents different regions has a wide range og experience in the environment and stuff and

being keekn to participate in an international event.


Demon: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:47AM EST (-0500 GMT)

There are always alternitives to everything, the only problem is how much of your comfort you want to



: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:47AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Well I heard about it in Banff. They were trying to implement the program there. I guess it never went

through. I also don't know who was running it. I really think it would be neat to look into though.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:47AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Yeah Demon, where are you signing in from. I am Trudy and I am in Toronto. I am the coordinator of the youth



Demon: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:48AM EST (-0500 GMT)

JAGG, I'm sighing on from Winnipeg Man.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:49AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Listen, guys, I gotta go, but you can stay on and chat if you like. See you next wee, Demon and Jagg. Take Care!!


: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:49AM EST (-0500 GMT)

That;s so true Demon, by the way trudy, the system, i don't know how much it costed, i just know it was very

expensive, but it would have paid itself off, beacuse, the solar energy doesnt cost a thing.


Demon: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:50AM EST (-0500 GMT)

See ya later trudy.


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:50AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Hey, listen, Demon, if you want to apply to come to the youth forum in June, jsut fill in an application forum

(it's linked to the free trip page) and let me know your real name by e-mail at

Trudy_Seri_Samuel@scilink.org, okay?


trudy: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:51AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Bye Bye!


Demon: . . . . Fri, May 23, 12:51AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Sure I'll email you later.


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