Web Chat from May 30, 1997

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 10:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hi! This is Trudy from TG Magazine/ The Students' Commission. Today's chat will begin at 11:00 Eastern Standard Time.
While you are waiting, you may want to peruse the web page on the APEC Environment Youth Forum by pressing clicking
here: button The summary report turned out to be really interesting, so check it out, it's the theme of today's chat.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 10:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Bonjour! C'est Trudy du Magazine TG. La session de bavardage d'aujourdh'ui debutera a 11h00 H.N.E.. Si vous attendez,
vueillez voir notre site sur le Forum Jeunesse de l'OCEAP et l'Environnement. Cliquez ici: button Le rapport finale est
tres interessant et, c'est le theme de notre discussion. A bientot!

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 10:37AM EST (-0500 GMT)
What is the time in Atlantic region of Canada at 11:00 Eastern Standard Time ? I just found this site through the message
from National Environmental Network.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 10:40AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I Guess I'm Early

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 10:41AM EST (-0500 GMT)
It is 12:00 in Alantic Time.

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 10:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)
we both came late last time and had to leave early but today we're early and we will leave at the end

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 10:45AM EST (-0500 GMT)
trudy about how many application for the trip to toronto were received

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 10:47AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Is anybody Still here?

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 10:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I just got her, what's up?

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 10:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I guess i'm a little bit early myself.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 10:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey Greymage! This is Trudy, I am back. Welcome MR. Freeze!

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:00AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hi everyone!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey Jagg, glad to see you are here too. Mr. Freeze, about 25 applications were recieved so we were right on the mark for
numbers. We are working out the logistics right now.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)
had a Small Problem and had to logout and log back in!

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy: my class will be watching this clat over a tv monitor.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)
So how is everyone?

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hi teel!

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)
oops, I mean chat!

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)
trudy did you get my applacation?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hi Teel! During today's chat, I am hoping that we can work through the summary report and see if I have put anything in
there that people don't agree with. Ok?

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Jagg: I'm almost done organizing info on our hatchery. I'll fax it to you within the next week.

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sounds great.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Greymage, remind me of your name again, will you? Forgive me, I have all these names and addresses and numbers
running around in my head.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)
today I get to stay for the whole Chat.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I'm doing great Greymage, my computer's really slow, so bear with me

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)
we almost had to fight to get in our school computer room for the whole time we are chating so your class is luckey teel

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)
My name is Keith Fitzpatrick

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:04AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I was wondering if you got my application too. I had to e-mail it to Ramona. My name's Keegan Haselhan.

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy my name is Draper Hinks did you get my application.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)
First item: during the first chat, we talked about what sustainability means and that it needs to be redefined in a way that
we all understand, and that hammers home the idea that it is more that the three R's (although they are a good standing
point). Some of the chatters pointed out the "we are part of the Earth and it is part of us, holistic approach that we
need to consider. Any comments?

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Teel, that sounds great. You still have my fax right?

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think that we need the earth and the earth needs us. If we Destroy it then we will be destroying ourselves and any living
creature on our planet!

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Jagg: yes I do still have your fax number.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:10AM EST (-0500 GMT)
No, Draper we did not recieve your application. And Keith, we did not get yours either. Not to worry though. Did you
e-mail me with your real names or did you just tell me in the chat? I remember asking you before. It's never too late
though. Please e-mail me your addresses and phone numbers and e- mail addresses as soon as possible so we can make
sure you too can come to the youth forum, ok? I will then call you later today. My e-mail address is
Trudy_Seri_Samuel@scilink.org. Sorry for the confusion, guys.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:10AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think we need to consider the fact the people have alot of education! The thing we need, is action, to impact others in a
way that they want to get involved.

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)
We can bring about our own downfall if we don't watch what e're doing to the earth. We need to make it if not completely
sustainable, than definately more sustainable.

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)
well i was not here for that chat but i do agree with that. its very important when you live in the north to be able to
sustaine yourselfs and its good to know that there are other people there to

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Did you get mine trudy? My name's Keegan Haselhan.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I will Logout for a bit and send you my application right away!!

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)
i be back soon

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Yes, Teel, we got your stuff. The problem has been that our server has not sent us some of the registrations and that
some participants mistakenly thought that when they registered for the chat they were registering for the youth forum
at the same time. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Don't worry, Jagg and Greymage. I was hoping to clear this up today
anyhow. It is never too late.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:13AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Please call me if you can ast 416.597.8297, ok? That would be faster than registering since we are having difficulty.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:14AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy, Renee Perrault here, did you ever get my application?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:15AM EST (-0500 GMT)
The next point that was raised was that sustainability requires an attitude shift, from thiinking that there will always
be more resources and that we just need to find them rather than use what we have in a better way to make it last.
Someone said that "Sustainability requires that we accept that resources are limited and that we seek to change out
behaviour rather than expand the availiability of resources.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:17AM EST (-0500 GMT)
i think we need to use ressources in a sustainable way, that gets communities involved, working together, towards a
positive change.

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:17AM EST (-0500 GMT)
That's right. We can't just keep using and throwing away, or there'll be nothing left to use. It is and will be very
important to reuse everything.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:17AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think a positive perspective needs to be portrayed across to people. We need to make a priority out of the fact that we
need to start working together in a manner that ressources are used in a sustainable way, and people feel beneficial.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I am back. The e-mail has been sent.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Renee Perrault - how are you? No, I never recieved an application from you but I sure did count on you coming. Is this
still the case? Please call me after the chat, ok? The last point that someone made was that we need to start focusing
more on strengthening the attachment to thecommunities we live in rather than focusing on the global situation and look
more to locally available resources. Any comments? This is to be a working definition of what sustainability entails for
us. Any one have any better ideas?

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:19AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy, awesome stuff! Too many people have a complacent mind set that needs to be broken. Once the mindset is broken,
progress can be made!?

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:19AM EST (-0500 GMT)
If we can get communities interest, they'll start working together. THen programs like recycling and bottle drives will
work better.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:20AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thanks Greymage/Keith. jagg, you have a good point about being positive and working together.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)
If we use resources carefully then we can last a very long time. So that means that we have to stop using and throwing
away we need to conserve our natural resources!!

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thinking about changing the whole world would discourage most people, but a community is smaller and easier to work
with. Also people have more of an attachment to theit community, and are more likely to get involved in projects to make
it better.

SpecialK: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey everybody! I'm SpecialK from Vancouver.

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)
ok trudy i sent mine so nowthers less chance i'll go anyway whats the hot topic now

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)
We also talked about how young people and people in general are moving away from rural communities into the city, and
how that is having a big effect on the ecosystems of urban areas and on the related rural areas that surround them
because of trash and travel, water usage. We talked about how this is an issue that needs to be discussed more.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)
It is a little hard for me to call because i am in the school for the next two or three hours.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy, I'll call you over my lunch hour, so around 2pm your time. Yes, i think locally based programs are a must, too
often you hear people say "If there was a starving child here right now I'd feed him, or if there was a lack of water, I'd
give some of mine" Some people can't seem to relate to the problems of others.

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey SpecialK! I'm from Coquitlam

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey Special K! Is there anyone else out there that wants to join in?

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Many youth are leaving rural areas because of lack of opportunity, education, or jobs. Which was my case. But, if we can
get rural programs started that keep people within communities working together, that'd be great!

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey, is quinnz out there?

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Walking along major roads is starting to become disgusting. Peple traveling through just leave garbage all over the
place. And when this is near a stream, it lowers the water quality.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:27AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Don't worry, Keith if you can't call. I will call you later since you have probably given me your phone number, right?
Not to worry, we will connect.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:27AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey specialK, how's it going? I'm here in Swift Current Sk!

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:28AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Is there anyone from the East coast as well?

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:28AM EST (-0500 GMT)
the biggest thing i have to say about sustainability is that in my eyes it's not just the 3R's i now you here this alot
but you need to take as well as put back into the enviorment

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:28AM EST (-0500 GMT)
As the commercial on tv says "Give someone a fish, you feed them for a day, teach someone to fish you feed them for life.
A lot of people don't want to take the time to teach people they just want the quick and the easy solution, but in most cases
it dosn't work. People have to take the time to solve the problems of the world.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)
That is exactly what we were talking about Jagg, programs to get people involved and create opportunities in rural and
small to medium sized towns and villages. This is an issue all over the world and it would be neat to see youth leading the
way, wouldn't it? Special K, what is your real first name?

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)
People will leave a community if there's nothing for them to do there. Any sort of programs, but especially the more
interesting ones will grab their interest and keep them active in the community.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)
People don't realize, that they make a difference, the way they act influences others.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think we have a smaller group this time, actually. Moving on, we talked briefly about ecotourism and about tourism
and the impact it can have on people. We talked about tourism and how it needs to be sure not to overstrain locally
available resources and stuff. We talked about Mount Fuji in Japan and Green Gables, P.E.I.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:31AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Our town has about 9000 people and each year the Grads from the schools leave right away because there isn't enough
work. With the new mine at Voisy's bay(can't spell) the jobs seem to go to people from other provinces or the Island of

SpecialK: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Teel, I absolutely agree. What bugs me the most is that people seem to believe environmental issues are some far off
problem that really doesn't concern them. They don't realize that exploitation is beginning to affect their lives in a
much more serious way. The key is to make people aware.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)
TEel: in my community, the city pays groups to do clean up, Such as a extracurricular group trying to raise money for
an event of whatnot, you get people working towards a positive goal, together, it works!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Your comments are great, keep them coming. I will incorporate them into the web site. We also talked about the potential
of youth to influence their communities and have an impact by starting community based iniatives in their own areas.
We looked at Teel/Keegan's example of the fisheries.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:34AM EST (-0500 GMT)
In my community, the city pays groups to pick garbage and whatnot, they hire for instance extracurricular groups who
are trying to raise money for an event and then they pay for the group, not the individual, they work together meeting
each others needs.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)
The main tourism in Lab City is the beauty of the land. As more people come to see Labrador they leave a mess of garbage.
We are surrounded by lakes, forests and mountains when you go hiking after a bus load of people have been here you
see the garbage they left.

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)
That's right, people are more interested in projects if they can get money out of it. I just wish that more people would
get involved just for the heck of it. Not enough people get involved if there's no $ profit for them unfortunately.

SpecialK: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)
By the way, my first name is Karolina (pronounced Karoleena). This is actually my first time on WebChat.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Special K, how do we get people to realize the seriousness of it without doing the same old guilt trip? Any ideas anyone.
Ah- I digress from the topic at hand. couldn't resist. Which reminds me - you are all involved in lots of excellent
initiatives. I would like to request that you bring info on these (preferably in yer head or in a non-paper format because
we are having a paperless meeting). OK?

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:37AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sorry, I didn't think i'd sent my message the first time!

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:37AM EST (-0500 GMT)
What seems to be the trend is small business owners, who are starting their own businness employing local people to
meet their needs.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:37AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Welcome, Wecome Special K, it's never too late as I said.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:37AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I don't know if people are payed to clean up the garbage in my town, but i know that people do clean up the land for the
fun and the pride of seeing the land with no garbage.

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:38AM EST (-0500 GMT)
That's great Greymage! Not enough people do that around here.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:38AM EST (-0500 GMT)
We also talked about funding, youhave raised a good point. It was mentioned that the funding is out thereboth provincially
and federally for us in Canada. But what about youth in other nations?

SpecialK: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:38AM EST (-0500 GMT)
The problem is, people don't realize that getting involved will bring a lot more profit than they think. Maybe not in
money, immediately, but things like sustainable communitites will pave the way for safer and better use of natural

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:39AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I live in a town on the Quebec,labrador border i live in Quebec and drive a half hour on a bus every mourning to come
to school this is a spot of civilasation in a sea of wilderness we have a good enviornment and i like it here. i know
that i will have to leave to go to school and get a job and i hate this. The urban enviornments are in sevier troble
and we

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:40AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Small business, eh? Sounds good. I have seen some great youth- owned, youth-run small businesses that supported
several youth and slowly became less dependant on funding from any institutions. Has anyone out there heard of micro

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:40AM EST (-0500 GMT)
It's entrepreneurship and innovative people making the changes

Demon: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:40AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hello, sorry I'm late but I was Writing an exam.

Demon: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:40AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hello, sorry I'm late but I was Writing an exam.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:41AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think that the youth in other nations should fight to get the funding they need to keep their part of the world clean

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:41AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hi Demon. no I havn't, what's micro funding?

SpecialK: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:41AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Well, trudy, i think that as a nation lucky enough to get funding, Canada should take the time to help other nations get
ideas on how to get started in helping the environment.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Has anyone here studied economics? I have not but I think this discussion is leading us to define what we call economic
growth. Anyone care to define it and explain what it means in the context what we are talking about?

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)
What is micro funding?

Demon: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)
So what are you people talking about?

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sometimes though, the nations can't afford money for clean up. But mostly I think it's the governments not realizing how
important clean-up programs are.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:43AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I've never heard of micro-funding, but in sk, I don't know about the other provinces, you can't get a provincial loan
allocated only to students, to give them the chance to open up their own business.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:43AM EST (-0500 GMT)
theses loans provide great programs for pay back and everything!

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:44AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Most nations have the money to clean up but they spend it on somthing else that isn't needed!!!!!!!

SpecialK: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:44AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey, my friend Braids also wants to chat, but she'll have to do it through me because our teacher won't let us use
another computer. She says hi!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:44AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey, Demon, good to have you back. Have I told all of you how much I appreciate the time you have taken out of your busy
lives? It is greatly appreciated and I know it is not an easy thing to do! Demon, we have been revisiting the ideas that
have come from previous chats and discussion forum to summarize our ideas. We are just about ready to move on to last
week's chat about the ideal community and how we defined what we would like to see.

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:44AM EST (-0500 GMT)
sorry that it takes to long for me to type to finish my message we are the cause of this we all go and join the problem
we need more people to join the cause in fixing the evionment

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:45AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Oh definately Greymage! Governments are experts at spending billions of dollers on things they don't need!

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:45AM EST (-0500 GMT)
In NF you can get a student loan but it depends on how much money your parents make. I know that i cannot get a lone
because my dad makes too much.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Well, one thing people are thinking, is people are focusing too much on the past and the mistakes made, what we need to
do is focus on a plan, with longterm vision in hand, so as we are bettering not only the current generation, but future

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Micro funding is actually micro credit, giving people a little money as a loan at a low rate of interest, seeing what they
can do with it to create their own livelihood and then lending them a litlle more and a little more until they don't need it
anymore at all and have a sustainable small buisiness.

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:47AM EST (-0500 GMT)
It's no problem Trudy. I look forewards to these chats every week. It's great to talk to other people who have the same
Ideas I have, and who have new ideas I havn't thought about!

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:48AM EST (-0500 GMT)
This has a lot to do with politics and how are governments decide to"spend their money"

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:48AM EST (-0500 GMT)
That could end up costing a lot in the long run.

SpecialK: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:49AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Jagg, Braids and I(SpecialK) agree with you. It often seems that people are afraid of getting involved because the
future seems so risky and too much to handle. So many things have gone wrong, that they believe it is either to late
to change things or too difficult.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:49AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Braids you are very welcome, just let us know what your real name is too, just your first name please. We talked about
ECotopia's too as being ideal communities. Jenn talked about this, anyone follow up on the what an Ecotopia is?

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:50AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Micro funding sounds awesome. By the way trudy, have you ever heard from Angele Marchand?

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:50AM EST (-0500 GMT)
many people are complaining about the gouverment i'm not old enough to vote but i am a liberal. the government did not
do enough for the enviornment i do agree.

SpecialK: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:52AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Braids real name is Andrea (Andy). We're both really interested in what the government is doing to protect coral

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:52AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Braids &SpecialK But you know, I think the mindset is slowly changing, I'm getting ready for an elections debate, and
many people see this way also

Demon: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:52AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I'm sorta lost here.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:53AM EST (-0500 GMT)
It seems there isn't a lot of talk of environmental concerns in this election. I would like to know what the diff parties are
going to do about the environment. I may mot be able to vote but I soon will be and the Parties better watchout!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:53AM EST (-0500 GMT)
About other governments spending and politics. What will it take to get them to use resources more sustainably? We are
going to be presenting directly to national ministers of the environment for 18 nations. We have to be both diplomatic
and still putting forth our own views, substantiated by real life examples and stuff. If you could talk to this group of
people that come from so many different cultures and backgrounds, for just 5 minutes, what would you say? Where
would you start? I am throwing the question out there because this is what we have to consider.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:54AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Demon, we are talking about environmental policy. Someone mentioned that a lot of governments have the resources to
promote and fund sustainable initiatives in their areas, but they spend the money on other things.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:55AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy, i must have missed that chat, what is ecotopia?

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:55AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sometimes I wonder how much governments actually know about sustainability and what it involves to make a
community (or something larger) sustainable.

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:56AM EST (-0500 GMT)
i think you are right Jagg we do need to make a clear plan for the future but we can't not focus on the past it shaped the
world of today and today will shape the world of tomorrow

SpecialK: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:56AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Jagg, I hope it is. Braids & I often come across a lot of people who are just all talk. "We better change our ways quick,
bla bla bla, the earth is going to run out ressources, bla bla bla," but they do nothing to make changes.

Demon: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:56AM EST (-0500 GMT)
It is my feeling that the government does not really care about the environment, they only care when it is in their best
intrest to.

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:56AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sure they might know facts, but sustainablity projects aren't all facts. Infact almost nothing in the world is exactly what
the facts say it is. Everything is dependant on the people involved and other things.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:57AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think we should get them to consider whaT they do now for the environment and what they should do to prepare for the
21 century. Then we should do a cost analysis of what needs to be done and what should be done.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:57AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Just something to think over and to give the bigger picture. We will also be working with youth from other nations, who
may or may not have access to the same kind of resources as we have. The really cool thing is that we are going to expand
our consciousness by working to build recommendations with youth that are doing some of the same kind of work as you
are (environmentally speaking that is). Just a little thing to keep in mind.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)
The government cares too much on their pensions then on the environment. The gov needs a wakeup call!!!!!!!!!!

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Well, government is basically run by the larger corporations, who are then run by the people. So, basically people want
to get reelected right, so they try and aim at the wants of the majority of the population, therefore increasing their
population. so basically, we need to change the "wants" of the people

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 11:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hi everybody, I come back. Let us talk about fudning problems. Most of people hope some funding, before they really
think about the result of their activities and benefit to the all society.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:00AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Those are fantastic ideas. Greymage, how would youpropose doing a cost analysis. What is a cost analysis? Ecotopia is a
project that Jenn from Newfoundland was talking about. It's a sort of artificial community where people get together to
make camp and think, really think about the impact of their day to day actions on the Earth. It's really neat. There is
more info on this in the discusiion forum: check it out.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:00AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I agree with Jagg we need to get the people of this country and all other nations to think hard about the environment and
tell their Gov that they want somthing done before it is too late!!

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Greymage, you are right we need to take into consideration the past, but we cannot focus on it.

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)
i think that there needs to be a better set-up for the enviormental cause the nations are not spending enough time or
money on the enviormentthey need to make more real commitments

SpecialK: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:01AM EST (-0500 GMT)
trudy, this is a great opporyunity to connect with youth across the world. We need a partnership across the seas to
actually make noticeable changes. Me and Braids are going to Barbados in the summer for the Reef Check 1997 &
Youth Conference. we will be exchanging ideas with youth.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sorry, SL I have not met you yet. I am Trudy from Tg Magazine, and I am not sure what your real first name is. Have we
met (haha)?

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I agree too. If people want something done about the environment, it does involve the government too. The right
government can make a big difference.

Demon: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:02AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I also agree with Jagg we need to change the people mentality before we can change the world.

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Government is always the core of problems as well as solutions. We must have a long-term strategy to dea with it.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:03AM EST (-0500 GMT)
If i had five minutes, i would tell other youth not to give up! That their actions do make a difference. Even if your stand
is alone, stick to it, eventually you will not be fighting a fight any longer, You need to get an objective, develop it, and
put it into action!

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy: They(governments) should commit an amount of money to the environment and then we should decide what is
needed and figure out the cost. Then we should get all the costs of all the diff projects that needs to be done and get the
money for it. If there is any money left over then commit it to other environmental projects.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:05AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Cool Special K! It will be neat to go and build some partnerships. Wait a second here everyone - do we want to tell
governments what to do or get started in our own communities, share that info with governments so that they can buy in
and be a part of the solution. In the second web chat, we talked about local initiatives and people power. In the third
webchat,w e talked about educaiton for all about thiese issues and that change could not happen with out universal
participation (everyone fromthe young to the old)

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:06AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I guess, basically, we are the "world changers" we need to agree on a plan and act on it. If we don't, no one else will!

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:07AM EST (-0500 GMT)
The first strategy is to get money by getting more people involve in environemntal work as a result of creating as many
environmental organizations as possible. Do you agree ?

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think getting started in communities is more important. If we can get them involved and educated, the governments will
hopefully clue in. If we tell them what to do, what is the likelieness of them actually listning?

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Partnerships, that sounds good, we definitely need it!

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)
i think that the older people should listen to us we are going to be handed down the world in this state then if we don't do
somthing about it we will all die ! thats the bottom line to everthing "WE WILL DIE"

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:08AM EST (-0500 GMT)
In the 3rd chat we said that children are the future. We need to get more children involved so that when they are older,
then they will be kind to the world.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:09AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Governments have committed massive spending programs to increase environmental conservation. They have made
international commitments, and have spent umteen billion dollars evaluating their progress. The money is out there.
Governments are scrambling to find renewable resources through researcha nd what not. Canada alone has a
multi-billion dollar enviro industry that involves both local initiabives, international aid and stuff. Are we sure we can
tell them how to govern better? Or can we provide them with opportunities to have a bigger, more positive impact? Any

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:10AM EST (-0500 GMT)
We also have the preparation of shortage of money as a pioneer in a new field. Environemntal work is only 30 about 30
years old.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)
The need for a positive attitude is absolutely necessary. Power comes in numbers and numbers come by basically how
well you sell your idea. We don't want to appear negative, but influencial and positive towards others.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)
SL:What happens if there are too many environmental groups? There may be not enough money to fund all kinds of
different groups. Your Idea is good but it does have a few problems.

Demon: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:11AM EST (-0500 GMT)
We the youth must act and change the world because no one will. We can't rely on the government. To change we must
change the people because the government are the people and changing the people will then change the government.

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I don't think we can tell them how to govern better, but I know we can provide them opportunities for a bigger and better
impact. If we were just going to tell them what to do, they wouldn't listen or care. People don't want to be told what to do,
they want opportunities to do something!

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:12AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I am not saying that this is a nice philosophy but just stop and think about the bottom line it somehow or another boils
down to that

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:13AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Great - so we are all walk the talk kinda people, I am thinking. Is this right? The last chat also included a discussion of
sustainable livelihoods. Balance between satisfying needs as opposed to wants. This included a major attitude shift too.
Also, that we look at our life's work in this context.

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:14AM EST (-0500 GMT)
If the government already have money there. Let us create more organizations to get more people.

Teel: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:14AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I have to go guys. I've got english class next. I've had a lot of fun discussing everything with you!

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:14AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I don't think we can tell government what to do, because noone likes to take orders, but we can throw out ways to them of
having a bigger more positive impact, then its just simply reeling them in so they are interested in more.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:15AM EST (-0500 GMT)
SL:How about getting more people into the organizations we already have. I admit there isn't enough groups commited to
the environment.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:16AM EST (-0500 GMT)
See ya Teel.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:17AM EST (-0500 GMT)
If we all walk the talk, we should get in touch after this and send each other programs that work in our communities.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:17AM EST (-0500 GMT)
See ya teel

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Another way to get the gov. to listen is when the next election is then if the present gov is doing anything about the
environment then we could elect a diff gov. That would send a message to Ottawa.

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)
the best way for the ministers to listen would be to have a BS SESSION where we say whats wrong and how we can fix it

Demon: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)
That is a good plan Jagg

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Greymage, it is hard for a new environemntal organization to get a big funding. As a strategy, it can be a part-time
environmental organization. Key point is to get more people. Comments ?

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)
See ya teel

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:18AM EST (-0500 GMT)
So where do go from here?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:19AM EST (-0500 GMT)
YOu are all invited to get your friends to join in on the discussion forums and continue this discussion on the web.
Although we willnot have any more web chats, we can still have discussions going on constantly. So invite your friends to
check them out, and we can carry on this discussion for the next year. I am getting kinda brain dead, anyone else?

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:20AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Answers n-eone

Demon: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)
These chats have been very helpful in the way of showing me that there are other people that care about the

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:21AM EST (-0500 GMT)
The discussion forums are a space for youth to talk, openly and freely about enviro issues. How about we start
recruitment by encouraging other youth that we know to use the discusion forum now and keep feeding us information
throughout the Environment Youth forum.

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Greymage, Ok I agree your idea is one of them. Again, the key point to get more people involved as a full-time, a
part-time, volunteer and whatever.

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)
when will we find out if we are going to toronto

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:22AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Yup, you got it Trudy, we seem to be repeating ourselves.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)
How about this - after this discussion, everyone here (including me) goes to the discussion forum after this chat and
explains what the webchats have meant to them and that we all commit to finding one other person to participate int he
discussion forum while we are gathered here so that the discussion keeps going and we can be talking with our
communities while we are in Toronto and beyond the confference, we can stay in touch. whaddya think?

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:23AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy:I admit the environment is sometimes confusing. But it is inportant. SL: I agree with you fully.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:24AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I would like to be in the discussion forums, but i'm not hooked up to the net, and i had to get special permission to use the
school computer for this , so i guess i'll have to wait and see if i can join.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:24AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Mr. Freeze, you willhear today by phone or by e-mail. OK?

SpecialK: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Braids & I have to go now. In conclusion, we would just like to say that every government should make environmental
issues a priority and wake up to the fact that we are all in this together. Youth are beginning to motivate organizations
and influence communities to take actions. And it is through small youth groups like those that things are finally
beginning to change. Sustainable communities are no longer a thing of the future, but a necessity of the present. So
many ressources are being lost because of unecessary carelessness. 10% of the world's reefs have already
been badly damaged and are now threatened. The impact things like this have on the ecosystem is immense. We must
take matters into our own hands and give back to nature what we've already taken in ample quantity. it'a time to care
for world.

Demon: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I totally agree with you trudy, I think that would be great.

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy, good ! I agree. We should also use this forum to go further.

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)
i want to keep in touch do you think that we wil all be in toronto

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:25AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think that sounds great Trudy, but whether or not I can i'm not sure!

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:26AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Perfect idea trudy. But i will not have an E-mail address to keep in touch so i will have to use normal mail.

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:27AM EST (-0500 GMT)
O.K. i may not be there when you call but somone can take a message

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:28AM EST (-0500 GMT)
It is better for me to be call if i am accepted to go to toronto because i am on the school computer system and will not be
able to get to it until at least MONDAY.

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:28AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Well, i've got to go now, see ya later!

Jagg: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Braids & Specialk that sounds great, see ya later! Maybe I'll run into you at the Discussion Forums??!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Jagg - if you can get special permisison to come on and bring this program to your class or enviro group. It doesn't take
much. Just the time to comments. The discussion forum is available to you 24 hours a day and you can comment anytime.
Then people will respond to you and you can read their comments when you come back. You should be able to do it from
your scyhool library or on lunch or something. It's also the place where the international youth will be in touch. Not a
bad selling point, eh? Imagin a network of yout from many nations talking about the enviro projects they are doing...

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)
SpecialK, "should" does not make sense to politains. They only do what they have to do. Let us make them do !!!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:29AM EST (-0500 GMT)
No problem, Greeymage. Iw ill call you, no problem.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)

Demon: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:30AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think i can get a few people from my class to particapate in the forums and post there ideas.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)
SL I still don't know what your name is. Have you chatted before with a different name?

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I have to go.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I could get some people to particpate but some people make fun of the Webchat we are having and of the conference in

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:32AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Bye Bye everyone - I think I need to go to bed, that was INTENSE! Thanks all I will talk to you soon, I hope!

Demon: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)
See ya later trudy

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Did my email come through yet?

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)
trudy: I just got here three hours ago.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Greymage - what do you mean, make fun of it?

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:33AM EST (-0500 GMT)
same Question as keith

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:34AM EST (-0500 GMT)
My name is Sean Liu, e-mail is sliu@yorku.ca

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:34AM EST (-0500 GMT)
They crack jokes about it and good comes from it and it is a waste of money and time.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)
SL please tell who you are so that I can link it to your application. seriously, I need at least your first name.
Greymage/Keith not to worry, I have checking for your info. Hold on ok? Grey mage - talk to me.

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)
this discussion is too short.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:35AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Those people don't care about our world.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)
SL are you interested in coming to the Enviro Youth Forum? I don't have you registered. do you have a moment? I jsut
want to adress what Greymage is talking about here.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:36AM EST (-0500 GMT)
it is only a few people in my class that make fun of it.

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:37AM EST (-0500 GMT)
please check if mine went though pealse

Kelly: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:37AM EST (-0500 GMT)
R U M or F? Just kidding! I just got here for the big event. I am at work but I am so choked up I can't work. I have hour
one on (PDT) and am listening to the last regualr political forum.

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:38AM EST (-0500 GMT)
trudy: my first name is: Sean. Last name is: Liu. That is all, no middle name.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:38AM EST (-0500 GMT)
If you don't have my E-Mail then i will give you my phone number again.

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:39AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy, sure, I want to join Enviro Youth Forum. My e-mail is: sliu@yorku.ca

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:39AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Greymage/Keith I have yer stuff, address and phone number. Listen, people laugh all the time. I think your example and
your enthusiasm will demonstrate for them what you are doing and why. And if they don't get it, that's ok? There are lots
of people out there. One thing though, have you seriously discussed why they think it is a waste? If you can find out, we
can talk about them more. They may have some good ideas and I know you have a real sense of why you are doing what you
want to do. If they don't want to be involved, that is ok? We all have to dance to our own drum beat sometimes.

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:40AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Have you got it, trudy ?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:41AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I have all of your info Keith, don't worry. OK? SL would you e- mail me an address and phone number? I would like to
call you as soon as possible to discuss possible participation. My e-mail is Trudy_Seri_Samuel@scilink.org. This chat
is public so I don't want you to post it here, OK?

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:41AM EST (-0500 GMT)
do you have my info as well

Demon: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Do you have all the info for me to?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)
SL I will be waiting for your information so that we can talk. Thanks for being so quick about it. Today is the big day for
confirming hotel, flights and stuff.

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:42AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy, an additional point to your comments. We should teach some bad guys by polluting their backyards.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:43AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thanks Trudy. I hope to go so i hear other peoples opinions about the environment. also to hear other ideas about to stop
pollution from 3 iron ore mines.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:44AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Darren, I have your info but want to know whether your ticket should be sent to CIER or to your home? Please e-mail
me your phone number. The same question goes for Aaron too.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:44AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Mr. Freeze, hold on, I will go check.

Demon: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:45AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Send the ticket to CIER for both of us. I will email you my number

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sl:If we pollute peoples backyards then we are polluting the environment. There are other ways to stop "Bad Guys"

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)
trudy did you get my stuff yet

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:46AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Mr. Freeze, I can't check now, someone is on the other computer. If you e-mailed mne, I got it. Plus you are gonna call
later, right. No problem.

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:48AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy, my direct phone number is: (506)462-0927. What do you mean "confirming hotel, flights and stuff" ?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:48AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Great Darren, thanks! By the way, is anyone out there interested in presenting their ideas as a speaker at the youth
forum? You would just be presenting to the group, not to the Ministers. Jsut us. And it would be more a discussion, with
you talking about successes and challenges you have faced.

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:49AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Could you phone me please

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:50AM EST (-0500 GMT)
the numbers in the e-mail

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:50AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy: There is no cost at all except personal money. Right?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:50AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sl People are coming from all across Canada and all over Asia Pacific as youth participants in the forum. Your direct
phone number is now on the worldwide web, you realize, right? I will callyou.

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:51AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy, I will contact you by e-mail.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:52AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Mr. Freeze, I will be happy to call you this afternoon. All you need to bring is money for yourself. I will be e-mailing a
packing list and stuff next week. Meals, accomodation, and stuff are provided. If you wanna order a pizza, that is your

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:53AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Gotta run, I will be in touch. Talk to you later!

Demon: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:54AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I would like to know if i got accepted

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:54AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy when you call it should be after 5:00 EST. Or 6:00 in Labrador

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:54AM EST (-0500 GMT)
call me around 2:30 please

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:55AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Trudy, I am aware that my phone number is on worldwide web, since you asked my contact information. I do not think it
will be a problem. I will be happy to discuss environmental issues with others.

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:55AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I may not be able to see my email because of Final Exam's next week!

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:56AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Demon, you were accepted., Greymage. Iw ill call you after 5:00 Eastern Standard Time, ok?

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:57AM EST (-0500 GMT)
That's good Trudy

Demon: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:57AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thanks alot you made my day alot better

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:57AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Congrats Demon

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)
hope to se you in toronto demon

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Don't worry, we will talk on the phone later Greymage/Keith. Then I will make arrangements to get the stuff to you by
courier. It just gets expensive and uses paper if I do it for 30 people.

Demon: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thanks Greymage Good luck!

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:58AM EST (-0500 GMT)
I hope to see everyone in toronto.

SL: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)
trudy, whom are you ?

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 12:59AM EST (-0500 GMT)
Greymage and Mr. Freeze, not to worry, it's about 75% that you are coming. I just need to consult with the people at my
end and explain the situation, ok? I will be able to tell you when I call, but only if I get off the chat now. SL I will call

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 1:00PM EST (-0500 GMT)
trudy will you call aroud 2:30

Greymage: . . . . Fri, May 30, 1:01PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Good bye Trudy. Hope to hear from you soon. Bye everyone Greymage signing off.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 1:01PM EST (-0500 GMT)
SL we will talk. I am the coordinator of the APEC Environment Youth Forum that has been funded by Environment Canada
as part of Canada's Year of Asia Pacific.

Mr.Freeze: . . . . Fri, May 30, 1:01PM EST (-0500 GMT)
ok trudy thanks and good bye.

trudy: . . . . Fri, May 30, 1:01PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Bye everyone!

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