Are you available to travel to Toronto June 7 to 10th , 1997?

Are you between 15 and 25 years of age and resident in Canada?

Do you have access to the internet, or could you for May and June?

Would you like to see the world from different perspectives?

Are you concerned about the way your life is affected by environmental changes throughout the world?

Do environmental issues interest you?


Youth Forum on Community and Sustainability June 7 to 10, 1997

Funded by Environment Canada, this action-packed weekend includes travel, accommodation, food, and fun! We will be getting together to draft our recommendations for the Environment Ministers of the Asia Pacific region. Then we will present them to the APEC Leaders in a multi-media presentation! This paperless meeting will include a trip to a Blue Jays game (Jays vs. Oakland) and hours of honest-to-goodness hard work.

APPLY TODAY! (Click here to fill in an application)

Participants will be selected based on diversity of age, gender and on interest in sustainability with a community focus. Up to 25 lucky people from all across Canada can attend!


Guaranteed Response: All applicants will be contacted June 1st 1997 by e-mail.

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© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des étudiants