Calgary, Alberta Site

Calgary, Alberta: Shaw Communications will provide 25 students access to its facilities which includes full access to the Internet using the newest Wave Technology and desktop videoconferencing. Delegates will be coming from all corners of the city, bringing a variety of experience and perspectives. They will travel to Chinatown for a day, participate in anti-racism workshops and examine the way the media covers human rights issues in Asia. Highlights include an origami workshop, a look at Asian art, Taiko drummers and a Tai Chi demonstration.

Asia Connects -- Alberta (403) 292-3576

Conference Organizers: Jemison Jackson-Molner, Jodi Klippenstine

Calgary Myths and Stereotypes

Calgary Did You Knows

Calgary Programme


The Calgary Multisite Website
This contains site specific information for Calgary participants.
© 1997 - TG Magazine / The Students Commission
© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des Ètudiants