MontrÈal, Quebec Site

Montreal, QuÈbec: CafÈ Electronique is the hot spot for twenty youth delegates to get to together and communicate with, among other provinces, British Columbia using low-end desktop videoconferencing. One youth delegate from Vietnam, sponsored by Unicef, will also be attending. This conference will be conducted in French. Harume Sato, a young woman from Japan trying to make a living in Montreal, will talk about how she fell in love with Canada.

Asia Connects -- Montreal (514) 499-2166

Conference Organizers: France Thiboutot, GeneviËve Gougeon

Multisite Programme (in French)


MontrÈal Programme--2 Day Event in May

MontrÈal Website
© 1997 - TG Magazine / The Students Commission
© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des Ètudiants