The city of Moncton, the hub of the Maritimes, will be hosting the New Brunswick multisite of the Asia Connects conference. Approximately 15 delegates from the three surrounding high schools in the city (Riverview High, Moncton High and Harrison Trimble) will be meeting at McNaughton Science and Technology Center to tackle the different themes of the program.
9:00 Introductions and Welcomes-About Me Activity
9:15 Overview of day and week - Explanation of Canada's Year of the Asia Pacific
9:25 Overview of regulations (re: Internet); Media Explanations
9:40 Ice Breaker: The Great and Mighty People Search Activity
10:00 Internet scavenger hunt about APEC and its economies
10:30 Group presentations of the findings on APEC economies (3 Minutes each group)
10:45 Group discussion to come up with the recommendations and learning activities
11:20 Postings of the recommendations and learning activities on the Asia Connects Website
11:30 Showing of the Moncton video prepared by Media Studies class at McNaughton
11:35 Departure for Moncton City Hospital
11:45 Lunch
1:30 Opening ceremonies
3:30 End Day
9:00 Overview of the day
Review of postings from across Canada.
9:30 Speaker: Alan Norman - Question and Answer period
Alan Norman will be presenting to the students his trip to China
where he presented the New Brunswick school curriculum to their
10:00 Search of the module "Your Future in the Global Economy" on the TG website
10:20 Break up into groups to create recommendations and learning activities and post them on the website
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Speaker: Simon Tsang - Question and Answer period
Simon Tsang is a Riverview High School student who moved to Canada
eight years ago. He will be talking with the students about the
difference in cultures from both sides of the Pacific Ocean.
1:00 What About New Brunswick Activity
Students will break up into small groups and make a list of
everything they know about NB and correct myths and
1:30 Students will present to the rest of the delegates their findings (3 minutes per group)
1:45 Viewing of the Japan video
2:05 Introduce the web chat with Newfoundland
2:15 Web chat with Newfoundland
2:45 Discussion of the Japan video
3:00 Creation and posting of recommendations and learning activities
3:30 End Day
ACTIVITY DAY (Wear comfortable clothing)
9:00 Overview of the day
Read postings from across Canada
9:15 Presentation of The Joy Luck Club followed by discussion
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Sorim Tai Chi - a demonstration of Tai Chi or/and Tae Kwon Do will be provided to the students and they will have a chance to participate in a mini class.
1:30 Discussion questions regarding the movie
1:50 Groups form and create recommendations and learning activites and post them. Tie up loose ends.
3:30 End Day
9:00 Overview of the day
Read and finish postings from previous days
9:30 Speaker: Michelle Guenard - Question and Answer period
Ms. Guenard is a reporter for CBC New Bruswick who will be
discussing the importance of looking behind the headlines when
listening/reading news reports that have a foreign aspect to
10:15 Internet newspaper searches
10:30 Group discussions and creation/posting of learning activity
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Video: Canadian
1:00 Activity (from the guide book)
1:30 Stephanie Lutes - Question and Answer period
Stephanie will be speaking about her experiences teaching in Korea
for five months
2:00 Cross Cultural Quiz Activity
2:30 Groups. Recommendations and Learning Activity
3:30 End Day
9:00 Overview of the day
Review postings from across Canada
9:30 Fengshui Activity
10:30 Webchat with NB National youths in Winnipeg
11:30 Lunch
1:00 Who is The Students Commission of Canada?
Danielle Lajoie, a former commissioner, will explain who SC is and
what they do for Canada's youth.
Presentation of video.
1:30 Evaluation of the week
2:00 Preparation of closing ceremonies
5:30 Camera-chat with MontrÈal (20 minutes)
5:50 Camera-chat with Vancouver (20 minutes)
11:00 Preparation and practice of closing ceremonies
12:45 Closing ceremonies - Moncton City Hospital
In Attendance: The Minister of Education, Bernard Richard