Daphne Bramham is the Asia Pacific reporter for the Vancouver Sun. She explains why journalists think freedom of the press and child labour in Asia are important issues to cover.Gisele Yasmeen will be exploring whether Canada should consider linking its trade policy to human rights. She teaches part time at the University of British Columbia.
Lillian So is the editor of the Chinese version of Maclean's magazine. She discusses covering Canada for a Chinese audience and the need to include Asian perspectives.
Yuen Pau Woo fills us in about why Asians are also concerned with these hot button issues, have their own way dealing with them. He works for the Asia Pacific Foundation in Vancouver.Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn are the authors of China Wakes - The Stuggle for the Soul of a Rising Power. From an excerpt of this book, they explain how easy it is for journalists and the public to develop a narrow view of a country, even when their information is objective and accurate.
Michelle Guenard (Moncton, NB) is a CBC NB news reporter who won the bronze medal at the New York International Competition for a half hour documentary on 1991, its shoking events, the people it affected and the journalists who were sent to tell their stories. She will share her perspective from behind the headlines.
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© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des Ètudiants