Myths and Steretypes Cross-Cultural Communication

Myth: All Asians think and act the same.

Reality: There is as much cultural diversity among Asian countries as we have in Canada. For example, in Japan, you greet someone with a bow, eyes down. In India a traditional greeting is namaste ( with your hands in a prayer like position), and in China you might nod your head, bow or shake hands, although you should wait for your Chinese friend to extend their hand first.

Myth: All Canadians think and act the same.

Reality: Quebeckers say bonjour. The French way to greet is by kissing the other person on both cheeks. Canadian business people shake hands when they meet. In the Mohawk language sÈkon sken: nen kowa is used to greet people with peace. The large Sunni Muslim community use a peace greeting when they Salaamu Alaikum.

© 1997 - TG Magazine / The Students Commission
© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des Ètudiants