Myth 1: To get a job in Asia you have to be able to speak the language of the country you want to work in.Reality: To get a job in an Asian country, you do not necessarily have to speak the native language - but be aware that in some countries at least survival knowledge of their language is a necessity. It is best to prepare before you go and quite honestly, you will make a better impression on your hosts if you have at least attempted to learn some of their language before you arrive. There are many opportunities for young Canadians who do not speak Asian languages to travel, work, study and live in Asia.
But... imagine what an amazing opportunity it would be to be able to learn a new language or two while you are working, studying, travelling and / or living in Asia. You would be able to communicate more effectively with the local people, gain a better understanding of the culture you are visiting, and...improve your chances of finding work back at home in Canada.
Stereotype: All Asians look the same.
Truth: All Asians DO NOT look the same. No two people look the same unless they are identical twins!!
Asia is made up of many different countries which are culturally and ethnically diverse from one another. Just like all Canadians do not look the same, people in Asian countries look different from one another too!
© 1997 - TG Magazine / The Students Commission
© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des Ètudiants