
Asia Connects / Cherchons l’Asie
Conference Report

Conference Statements


"The problems of each nation are the responsibility of everyone."

"Our future is in the Pacific Century. We deserve the opportunity to access our future options."

"…this conference has been structured in such a way as to force delegates to focus on how Canadians can use Asia to make money. We had hoped there would be more focus on human relations than trade relations."

"Fulfill your dreams and acquire an education, however, consider the actions that you take to attain these things and consider not just your immediate self, but your family, your community, your nation and the world. Always remember you become what you do not resist."

"[The] Overall selection of speakers was great, however, the longer we allow one person to speak, the more boring the session is."

"As a facilitator, I was impressed with the fact that in our group Canadian students from all across the country, along with one very enthusiastic Taiwanese delegate, were able to put their differences aside and work together in a team unit and as a group of friends. This really touched me. This just goes to show that with a positive attitude and an open mind, language barriers, cultural and political differences can be overcome by active participation."

"We are the leaders of Canada, we are the people of Canada and we are the minds of Canada. We are here to make a difference, and understand that it will be done our way.

"...We may not always be right, but together, we will make it happen."

"I am here because I made a decision, in my own mind to become more aware. I told myself that I needed to learn more about my world and that I have the strength of character to reach out to Asia and discover for myself what mystery and fascination lies behind the elusive east."

"Before I came here my father told me to watch out for white people … they’re bigger than you … (But) you have the same as I (eyes, ears, legs, hands, fingers) that is why you are like my family … You know what I want to be a leader in the world. If I was a leader I want a world without borders."


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