KATE "KT" SHEPARD Email: Katie_Shepard@scilink.org Languages: Conversational French and Japanese
Academic: University of Ottawa, B.Adm
UBC, SFU, Japanese and Political Science
Queen's University, Cross-Cultural Studies
Sports: Mountain Biking/ Sea Kayaking
Favourite foods: sushi/chocolate (but not together)Born Year of the Snake in Champain-Urbana, Illinois, Kate is presently working as a member of the APEC Youth Coordination Bureau in Ottawa. A proud Canadian, she is looking forward to the challenge of involving youth in the many events planned for Canada's Year of Asia Pacific. Kate's work has focused on many aspects of student travel, exchange programs and education. Her interest in Asia Pacific evolved during her two years living in Nagano-ken, Japan. She has travelled to Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea. These experiences taught her that face to face interaction between people from diverse cultures is one of the most rewarding and educational ways to learn from each other. Her goals for this innovative project are to promote understanding through dialogue among youth, government leaders, educators and Asia Pacific representatives.
Hi! My name is LaReine Passey.
EMail: LaReine_Passey@scilink.org
Here are my stats:
Born: Year of the Dog, Month of the Crab
I'll let you figure that one out!
Ethnic origin: Exotic
Likes: Elmo from Sesame Street
Loves: My cat Nako (Nekko is Japanese for cat)
Most memorable feature: My name
Best Feature: Good hair
Worst Feature: Skinny feet
Pet Peeve: Trying to find shoes that won't fall off my feet
Stuff I like to do: Playing ball hockey (I play goalie), listening to my CD's, watching "X-Files" and "Seinfeld", and eating junk food
International development, education, and working towards the elimination of racism/sexism/other "isms"My Background:
My education, employment and volunteer experiences have been largely focussed in the fields of education, international relations and development, event management and coodination. I have worked in these fields here in Canada and in Asia, both in the government and non-governmental (NGO) sectors.During Canada's Year of Asia-Pacific (CYAP), I am working as a Youth Intern. With a dedicated group of other Interns and Youth Coodinators, one of the projects I will be working on wiull be the coordination of the "Asia Connects" on-line youth discussions in different sites across Canada.
I am very excited about working with the team in Ottawa and sharing my experiences of travelling and working in Asia-Pacific. Most importantly, I am excited about learning and using the latest in information technologies (IT's) to share and exchange, with young Canadians, knowledge on APEC and Asia-Pacific that will enable them to make meaningful decisions about their future.
Nihal S.
I'm a first-generation egyptian-canadian extraordinaire and a youth intern for the APEC Youth Coordination Bureau. For those of you interested in learning new languages, my name means "how are you" in Mandarin (nee-how) and Cantonese (nee howma).
Much of my academic and work experience centres around the media. I have worked in the student media and the mainstream press, and Communications Branch (for Asia) of the Canadian International Development Agency, and have a master's of arts in journalism from the University of Western Ontario.
Just a few years ago, I was a computer Luddite but have learned the errors of my old ways. I now love playing with computers, video cameras, and sound equipment because you can create your very own multimedia experience. I guess you could call me a computer geek wannabe.
I'm also studying international political economy, on a part-time basis, at Carleton University in Ottawa and am learning about the realities of globalization and regional trade agreements, as well as the need for cross-cultural understanding.
The three interns in the Ottawa office will be working with the youth coordinators to set up multi-sites for the upcoming APEC ministerials, coordinate virtual conferences, and moderate web chats. T.G. magazine will also be hiring another 24 interns across the country.
Chat with you later!
P.E. Langlois
Born in 1972, Pierre-Eric Langlois is presently working as a youth coordinator for the APEC Youth Coordination Bureau (Ottawa). He views his new job as an excellent opportunity to learn about Asia and encourage greater links between young Canadians and Asians. This proud bilingual Montrealer is currently undertaking part-time studies in international management at the Ecole Nationale d'Administration Publique (M.P.A.), and at McGill University for a Diploma in Management. He previously completed a B.Sc in Economics and International Trade at the UniversitÈ de MontrÈal.
He has greatly benefitted from previous work experiences as an economic policy researcher and analyst for the Government of Canada, notably with the departments of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Industry, and the Canadian Space Agency. He takes pride in his knowledge of Canadian and international public policy as well as his constant desire to study the dynamics of the Canadian economy. He would like to pursue his professional career in one or more of the three following fields: public policy, natural resource development and telecommunications.
Despite the seriousness of his pursuits, he rarely misses an occasion to showcase his sense of humour. During his leisure times, he particularly enjoys skiing, windsurfing, golf and playing chess. He also likes visiting museums, going to the theatre and local pubs with his friends. As for his various musical tastes, he is an admitted fan of Tom Petty, Dire Straits and Bruce Springsteen. Reading books on history, philosophy and politics constitutes another form of relaxation for him.
This jovial coordinator thinks that promoting greater commercial and cultural linkages between Canada and Asia is crucial to Canada's economic growth. We have to encourage information sessions and discussions between young Canadians and Asians in order to achieve that goal.
As a franco-Ontarian raised in the Niagara Region, I have very much enjoyed living in the Nation's Capital since having moved here five years ago to complete my university education.
Being someone who very much enjoys sports, I have been able to combine my leisure and academic pursuits by completing a concentration in Health / Sport Administration while following my B.Sc. in Human Kinetics at the University of Ottawa.
Through my academic, career related as well as my volunteer involvements, I have had the opportunity to partake in the organization, planning, and implementation of various conferences and special events.
As a Youth Intern with the Students Commission I look forward to this opportunity to help others use new technologies to not only learn more about the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) but also play an integral part in hosting of Canada's Year of the Asia-Pacific (CYAP).
There is room for all of us to get involved in this project so, c'mon on and check us out!STEPH - The "not so dry" side... Sports: Passion for cycling - both road and mountain, competitive duathlon (run/bike/run)
Musical Interests: Eclectic music tastes ranging from Celtic Rock, Classical, to you know... whatever ... (Lemonheads, Killjoys, Chantal Kreviazuk, The Mahones, Sarah McLachlan ...)
Favourite Movies: Shallow Grave, Reservoir Dogs, Il Postino
Favourite TV Shows: Millenium, X-Files and Party of Five
Favourite Foods: Pasta, Donairs from the Huff 'n Puff, and lots and lots of Popcorn ...Miscellaneous: Love Frogs, being outdoors, and proud to be Canadian.
JJ ac iJacinthe Arsenault
EMail: Jacinthe_Arsenault@scilink.org
Jacinthe was born in 1972 in Laval, QuÈbec. She studied at the University of Montreal in East-Asian Studies and Political Science. She has a passion for languages and travel. She speaks French, English, Spanish and Japanese and had the chance to travel in Japan, Europe, Central and North America.
During her school years, she spent her summers teaching French in Toronto where she found the man of her dreams. Jacinthe is a dynamic and inquisitive person who has a great sense of humour.
Prior to taking this position, she worked for the Team Canada 1997 trade mission throughout Asia, as a travel coordinator for canadian business people. For the Canadian Year of Asia Pacific, she will be part of the Ottawa team as a youth coordinator. Her main interests are everything related to Asia, foreign languages and arts.
Salut tout le monde !Je m'appelle Caroline et je suis la traductrice pour le magazine TG. Je travaille ici depuis le mois de mai et je me considËre trËs chanceuse de faire partie d'une Èquipe si dynamique!
J'habite ý OrlÈans, une banlieue d'Ottawa depuis que je suis toute petite. Comme vous l'avez probablement devinÈ, j'ai ÈtudiÈ ý l' cole de traduction et d'interprÈtation ý l'UniversitÈ d'Ottawa.
Quand je ne travaille pas, j'aime bien faire de l'aÈrobie, sortir et aller au cinÈma. La musique est aussi une de mes passions (vous devriez voir ma collection de CD !). J'aime surtout REM, U2, Pink Floyd et Alanis Morrissette. Ah oui, n'essayez pas de me rejoindre les mercredis entre 20h et 22h... je regarde mes deux Èmissions de tÈlÈvison prÈfÈrÈes, Beverly Hills 90210 et Party of Five! Pas trËs Èducatif, mais on a tous besoin d'un peu de divertissement!
J'aime aussi le hockey, les chats, le chocolat, rire, cuisiner et lire. Je dÈteste faire la vaisselle, faire le mÈnage et les bouchons de circulation.
Voilý, c'est moi. Pas trop compliquÈ hein ?
Hey everybody!My name is Caroline and I am the translator for TG Magazine. I've been working here since May and I consider myself pretty lucky to be a part of this amazing team!
I have lived in Orleans, a suburb of Ottawa since 1980. As you probably guessed by now, I studied at the School of Translation and Interpretation at the University of Ottawa.
When I'm not working I like to work out at the gym and see movies. I love music too (you should see all my CD's!) My favourite groups are REM, U2, Pink Floyd and Alanis Morissette. Oh yeah, don't try to reach me on Wednesdays between 8 and 10 PM... I'll be watching my favourite TV shows, Beverly Hills 90210 and Party of Five. I know, I know, it's not very educational but hey, everybody needs a litte entertainment !
I also like hockey, cats, chocolate, reading, laughing, and cooking. I hate housework, especially doing the dishes, and traffic jams.
That's me ! Not too complicated, eh ?
© 1997 - TG Magazine / The Students Commission
© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des Ètudiants