"Canada-Take it to Heart" is a unique opportunity to recognize the
things that make Canada special. It is a time to celebrate our vast
and beautiful land, and to reaffirm the values, ideals, and
aspirations that are important to our Canadian identity.
In 1997, Canadians will be remembering some important moments in our
history. Consider ways to celebrate these milestones.
years ago, John Cabot undertook his "voyage of discovery" and
arrived on the Canadian east coast.
years ago, the Gesner Museum opened in Saint John, New Brunswick,
and became the first public museum in Canada. Museums continue to
safeguard the treasures that tell the story of our past for future
generations of Canadians.
years ago, the Canadian Citizenship Act came into effect, marking
the first time that people who live in this country were given the
legal status as citizens of Canada.
Before you know it, 1997 will be here, so it's a good idea to start
planning activities now.
- Form a committee to start thinking about events that are
appropriate to your community's character, heritage, and
traditions. Be sure that your idea will have broad appeal. Be
- Make a list of all the tasks that have to be done and when
they should be accomplished. Divide tasks according to the skills
and interests of committee members.
- Try to get your community involved. Invite local businesses to
donate money or services. Look for volunteers of all ages. Don't
forget to involve local service clubs and youth groups in your
- Prepare a realistic budget. List what resources (money, goods,
and services) are required for your activity and how you can find
what you need.
- Ask local media to promote your activities as a public
service. Have people in the community put up posters, distribute
flyers to homes and community organizations, and spread the news
by word of mouth. Ask local merchants, hotels, and restaurants to
participate as well.
- Finally, take advantage of the opportunity to learn more about
your heritage, your community, and your Canada - and have a great
time doing it!