Project Youth-Link
Young Canadians have a point of view,
and we want all Canada to hear it!
What is Canada? What defines us?
What do we have in common?
What is different from region to region?
By joining Project Youth-Link, students across Canada
will be able to talk to each other LIVE about the issues and
concerns of young Canadians today. Through the "Project
Youth-Link" room in the SchoolNet MOO you will meet fellow
students from across Canada, and a few unexpected characters
who'll give you a lot to discuss!
Themes for Project Youth-Link discussions are created by teachers,
academics, and officials of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Your discussions in the MOO will be recorded and posted on the
The launch will involve linking a school in Winnipeg with a school
in Hull for a simultaneous discussion on the morning of February
16th. Other schools may participate as observers, and join the
dialogue after the official launch.
For more information, contact:
This forum is for the young people of Canada, and their input will
help Project Youth-Link evolve. If you have comments or
suggestions, please e-mail them to: