Participant registration:

(please fill out this form and submit it by e-mail,
or print it and mail it to us at the address below)
Designate a contact person and/or committee to oversee the project and to send us updates on what you are doing:
Fax: (416) 597-0661

For schools not connected to the Internet, there are other resources available to assist you to participate (or you might see if a business, library or local computer enthusiast would give your committee access to the Internet for the next 3 months).

Yes, we'd like to participate.

Yes, we will take all the information and resources we need from the Internet.

We do not have access to the Internet and would like to participate anyway.
Please send an Activity Guide, poster and bookmark.

TG Magazine, 70 University Ave., Suite 1060,
Toronto (ON) M5J 2M4 (416) 597-8297

Contact Person: First Name:
Last Name:
Street Address:
City: Province/Territory:
Postal Code:
Phone Number (Day): (Evening):