- That all participants have a great time!
- That all participants get an opportunity to contribute.
- That all participants attend every session.
- That all participants - delegates, facilitators and administrators - be treated with
- That all participants understand that their personal conduct will
affect others, positively or negatively.
- That the use of alcohol and/or mind-altering drugs by delegates, facilitators and administrators is not acceptable. Get high on life!
- That, for personal and legal protection, any participant who must
leave the site, will get permission and leave a contact
person's name, phone number and address with the office.
- That all participants will use the buddy system when travelling
throughout the week, both on and off site. It's very important to
always have a 'buddy' with you for your own safety. Care for all team
- That participants wear their name tags where they are visible at
all times. It makes it easier to identify new friends and helps identify
members of our group for entrance to sessions, administrators and media.
- That we leave the facilities as we found them on arrival.
- That we report all sickness, injury, and concerns to the office and to our facilitators.
- That there be no sexual intimacy.
- That all participants abide by The Students Commission's four pillars:
Respect, Listen, Understand and Communicate.