Other Canadians will want to know about the action you take and you too will find the actions of others stimulating and informative. For this reason you are invited to put a summary of what you are doing on SchoolNet. If you don't yet have access to SchoolNet, then you might ask your public librarian or a university or college library if they have access.

SchoolNet provides a series of learning resources to schools with access to Internet. This national project is a cooperative initiative of industry, the academic sector and provincial, territorial and federal governments.

When it was officially launched in September 1993, SchoolNet was expected to electronically link up 300 schools during the 1993-94 school year. Only one year later, over 4,000 schools have come on-line! SchoolNet's goal is to link the over 16,000 schools, native schools, libraries, universities and colleges in Canada to the electronic highway.

Some of the resources and services SchoolNet provides to students and teachers includes:
  • access to over 50 discussion groups;
  • innovative projects designed by teachers;
  • a virtual environment created to stimulate learning;
  • an interactive, question-and-answer
  • database;
  • a career selection guide;
  • access to hundreds of science
  • and technology resources, library
  • catalogues and international databases;
  • access to computer equipment and software purchases;
  • access to training and trouble-shooting
  • service;
  • SchoolNet National Atlas.

SchoolNet services are available to the public free of charge in French and English through two internet information distribution systems: Gopher (schoolnet.carleton.ca) and World Wide Web (WWW)
(http: //schoolnet2.carleton.ca).

The SchoolNet virtual School can be found on the WWW at: http://schoolnet2.carleton.ca

For information, contact
National SchoolNet Office
(General Inquiries)
Industry Canada
235 Queen Street, Room 801F
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H5
Tel: 1-800-268-6608
Email: schoolnet@ic.gc.ca

SchoolN4et Support Group
(Technical Inquiries)
Tel: 1-800-461-2945
Email: schoolnet-admin@schoolnet2.