4-Czech Republic
13-Sierra Leone
#1-England: Debbie, 16
"I go to an incredibly active school. Every kid plants an acorn when they arrive. I have a sister school in Kenya to which we send computers and books; they send us craft work which we sell."
#2-Finland: Mia, 19
"I do volunteer work in a shop that sells Third World products. The money goes to the people who make the goods, not to middle-men. We also pressure the government about thier policies towards developing countries."
#3-Poland: Agata, 17
"I have recently joined the Polish Ozone Group which writes essays and articles on all matters to do with ecology. We try to teach people and raise awareness. I shall work to spread th Rescue Mission in Poland."
#4-Czech Republic: Blanka, 17
"I am a member of the UNESCO Club in my town. We arrange exchanges with schools in other European countres. We have debates on education and development issues."
#5-Crotia: Daniela, 19
"I started Peace Child in Croatia doing international theatre programes and leadership training in areas like Human Rights and Agenda 21. My major concern now is ending war."
#6-Thailand: Chamsai, 17
"I work with the Greenspace Club which works to create environmental awareness throughout the school. I am hoping to set up a youth watchdog group to see that the government does Agenda 21."
#7-Philippines: Andreanna & Portia, 11
"We belong to Environmentalists in the Classroom. We enusre the whole school is clean - it's hard because students are so untidy. Many of us demonstrated fpr a total ban on logging in our country. It's horrible when you go out into the country: all the hills are bald. The Department of Environment & Natural Resources ignored us. We need a Day of Access!"
#8-India: Rekha, 14
"To tell the truth, I haven't done anything until the Adgenda 21 work. No children does, because the children don't think they have any power. I'm so amazed to see how much power we could have."
#9-Australia: Jeremy, 15
"I organised the Voice of the Children hearings in my state last year bringing the concerns of kids to state legislators. This year, we go nationwide. I also edited books of children's concerns and ideas. We're publishing the third this year."
#10-Tanzania: Suhail, 18,
"I helped found Roots and Shoots in Dar es Salaam two years ago and helped it spread nationally and internationally. It is run entirely by students. We do projects on protecting coral reefs, mangrove swamps and the Red Colobus Monkey which is native to Zanzibar."
#11-Nigeria: Mary, 15,
"We have an Environment Conservation and Preservation Club which arose out of our work on Adgnda 21. We take care of the school environment, go to villages, etc. We will strongly promote the RESCUE MISSION."
#12-Chile: José Luis & Vixtoriano, 15
"We took part in the Latin America Encounter on Ecology-José and designed the poster and all the art work and cartoons for this. As a result the group "Academia de Ciencias" of The San Juan Evangelista school started work on the Adgenda 21 project. We plan to spread the Rescue Mission throughout Latin America."
#13-Sierra Leone: Sheku and Michael, 20 & 22
"We organize an eco-clean up day every month, and we have a symposia to improve the situation of women in our society. It's a great time in our country. Our new president is 24 years old and he's hard-working. We want to have a campaign to teach everybody to read and write."
#14-Italy: Viola, 12
"I try to keep my environment clean. The children of our school wrote to the mayor to ask for recycling facilities to be installed on campus - they were provided. The Rescue Mission will help us do more."
#15-USA: Dann, 22
"I am an actor. I perform with a theatre group called Klub Tribe which does plays on social and environmental issues. We rehearse and perform every week-end. I tour with the group throughout the States and individually with Peace Child International."
#16- Canada: Danika, 10
"I am an EcoKid with my school committee. There's lots of ways for students to get involved. If you're part of a kids group like Scouts or Guides, get your pack to start environmental projects. Ask your family or friends to help you with a park or school clean-up. Walk or ride a bike to the store; bring your own bags to the grocery store. Buy things in bulk and give your old clothes to goodwill... there's lots to do!"