Although it doesn't seem like it, the year 2000 is quickly approaching, and all over the world, people - young and old - are getting excited and planning for this momentous passage of time.

Young people are extremely vital to this process, because it will be your future, your life, your time to make decisions and to take charge...

But the learning and the planning has to start now... today.

Create a millennium time capsule with your classmates or even your entire school and bury it in the schoolyard (get permission first though!). Arrange for it to be opened in the year 2000. Then you can find out just how many of your plans for your own personal and school's Agenda 21s have been enacted?

Make sure you send us your millennium resolutions so we can share with the world what you are doing and planning to do to better your world by the year 2000.

E-mail us at