Getting Started!
The Creation of RESCUE MISSION PLANET EARTH: The Canadian Edition
Everyone has predictions of the future: they want automatic walking sidewalks; cars that fly; they want robots to replace people in certain work fields... and the list goes on for miles! The problem is that most of those people do not think of the environment in their future predictions. They don't realise that if we don't improve the environment we will have no future!!!
Two years ago one the most important conference was held in Rio de Janerio. More than 178 representatives from different countries attended this envornmental summit. Their goals were to create ways to improve the environment. The participants decided to create a book (Agenda 21) that encourages children, teenagers and adults to do what ever they can to improve the environment.
Agenda 21 can be found in many languages; the continent may vary depending on the country. The writers wanted to be as accurate has possible! Rescue Mission: Planet Earth, the youth version of Agenda 21 with a Canadian Action Guide, will be in Canadian schools starting in the fall! Agenda 21 consists of many chapters working on different themes. For example chapter 3 talks about Combating Poverty. It explains the causes of poverty and gives ways to improve it.
As Jean Peras, one of the coordinator of the youth action guide, mentioned, "In order to improve the environment we must start street by street, community by community etc..." Without everyone's participation, we will never be able to mend much of the our evironmental demage. We may then never be able to repair the ozone layer!!!
For now, instead of thinking of the future, think of the present...with out it we won't have a future! So the next time you see garbage in the park or in the school yard make sure to pick it up!!! Remember every little thing you do helps!