The Human World:

Issues dealing with the Human World provide students with a rich opportunity to explore other lands, peoples and cultures. They gain the chance to discuss issues like poverty, women, and peace and begin to make make connections to ther own lives. Using tools like the internet, the possibility to empower students and to help them develop confidence to communicate with, learn from, and teach young people around the world is invaluable.

All it takes is a little desire, some direction and the the rght tools to make it happen. Global education begins here!

  • Poverty
  • Consumption Patterns
  • Status of Women
  • Health
  • War
  • Habitat/Housing issues
  • Literacy

"If you take a thousand girls in Africa and give them one more year of primary education, they will have 500 less children. The link between education and family size has been proven time and time again."
Andrew Steer, Wolrd Bank

"Human health depends on a healthy environemnt, clean water supply, sanitary waste disposal, adequate shelter and a good supply of healthy food."
Agenda 21, chapter 6

"The root causes of poverty are hunger, illiteracy, inadequate medical care, unemployment and population pressures."
Agenda 21, chapter 3

"A growing number of cites are showing symptoms of the global environment and development crisis, ranging from air pollution to homeless street dwellers."
Agenda 21, chapter 7