AUBURN HIGH SCHOOL... International Action

SCHOOL PROGRAMS/ACTIVITIES: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:01PM EST (-0500 GMT)
What kinds of stuff are you guys doing in your schools... related to the
environment I mean?

Bell High School 1: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:03PM EST (-0500 GMT)
We've got two connections here. We are studying environmental issues in
our OAC "World Issues" class, studied the theories, and are hoping for a
good session today.

Auburn High: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:04PM EST (-0500 GMT)
At our school we recycle and we do periodic cleanups. We are also trying to
begin a composting program. Tomorrow we are travelling to Amsterdam for the
World Youth Caretakers of the Environment Conference.

Bell High School 1: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:05PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Amsterdam!? Wow... so far the best we've done is drink real well water. :) . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:06PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Auburn, can you tell us a little bit more about the Amsterdam conference?

Auburn High: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:08PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Well, we're not actually going right into Amsterdam. Just south of
Amsterdam, in Heerlen. It's a conference on environment development and
education and research. It's the 10th international conference of its type
so far. There are 25 countries being represented and we are the only
representatives of Canada (we think) :)

Bell High School 1: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:09PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Auburn, how are you funding this trip?

Auburn High: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:10PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Bell High: Fund raising (I guess that is pretty obvious, isn't it?) :) These included
an auction, car washes, barbecues, bottle drives, etc. . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:10PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Auburn, that sounds cool. What issues are you discussing at the conference?

Auburn High: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:12PM EST (-0500 GMT)
tgmag: There are 7 main themes: Industrial development, developing
environment, energy development and environment, education, art and the
environment, the global neighbourhood, and outdoor/recreation.

Bell High School 2: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:11PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Auburn: How many people are going on the trip?

Auburn High: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:13PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Bell High: 5 students and one teacher are going on the trip. It's 12 days.

Bell High School 1: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:08PM EST (-0500 GMT)
We've got an interesting situation out here because a new 4-lane
superhighway (the 416 extension) is being built a mere 20 meters away from
our school. It's in a large depression, and we've got a lot of
environmental concerns over its construction.

Auburn Drive High School: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:23PM EST (-0500 GMT)
We are currently preparing a project on the restoration of Bisset Lake...
It's being gradually polluted by the development of the area,Colby
Village. It is infested with toxic mutagens and chemicals and tires and
boots and stuff. :)

Auburn Drive High School: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:25PM EST (-0500 GMT)
We are going to be presenting our Operation: Restore Bisset Lake at the
conference in Amsterdam.

Centennial webmaster: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:26PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Auburn Drive.... Are you trying to restore any certain species there?

Auburn Drive High School: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:30PM EST (-0500 GMT)
No, we are only a small group. What we are aiming for is to try and clean up
the lake for people can enjoy the lake as they used to. We want the wild
life, like ducks to be able to live there again.