Centennial webmaster: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:02PM EST (-0500
We operate a salmon hatchery at Centennial.
Auburn High: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:09PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Can you tell us a bit more about the salmon hatchery? We don't
know anything
about it.
Centennial salmon: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:06PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Canadians are worried about their fish resources, but few do
anything about
it. We are enhancing populations and restoring fish habitat. The
salmon to
us are a keystone species. That is , lots of other life forms
depend on
them or their environment.
tgmag@tgmag.ca: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:08PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial, do you have any new ideas about the fishery?
Bell High School 2: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:08PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Is your fish resource threatened due to overfishing or pollution
Centennial salmon: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:12PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Our fishing resources are threatened by Pollution, development
over-fishing. Our idea is to involve the community in protecting
and raising
fish and their habitats. We raise 100's of thousands of fish each
year and release them into small streams and creeks around the
Lower Mainland of BC.
Bell High School 2: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:14PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial: How are things going? Any progress so far?
Centennial salmon: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:18PM EST (-0500 GMT)
You may be surprised at how small an effective operation can be.
The hatchery
consists of an incubation room that holds about 60 incubation
trays. Each
tray holds about 8000 eggs. There are four troughs for raising
fry. As well,
a small pond for Coho smolts to spend a year in. All of these
facilities are
fed by Mossom Creek. The water is recycled back into the
Centennial salmon: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:21PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Is anyone else involved in fish enhancement or stream keeping?
Auburn Drive High School: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:21PM EST (-0500
No, we are not involved in fish enhancement or stream keeping.
Bell High School 2: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:23PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial Salmon: We have studied the impact of overfishing on
fish stocks.
Bell High School 2: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:21PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial salmon: Has your municipality come up with any new
by-laws to
protect the new fry and prevent further damage?
Centennial salmon: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:25PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Yes, developers will soon have to put up a siltation damage
deposit before
breaking ground. If this by-law goes through, the developer will
lose the
deposit which would be used to clean up the damage. A negligent
can also be charged under the fisheries act (Federal).
Banting Memorial H.S.: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:26PM EST (-0500
Our school is not involved in a fish enhancement but I am doing a
CO-OP at
the Ministry of Natural Resources in Maple in September.
Bell High School 2: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:26PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial Salmon: Did your fish hatching plant receive any
subsidies? (Municipal? Provincial? Federal?)
Centennial salmon: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:29PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Our salmon hatchery received donations from about 100 corporate
community sponsors. Federal Fisheries supplies part of our
materials, like
fish food and repair materials.
Bell High School 2: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:31PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial Salmon: Have efforts been made to prevent further
Centennial salmon: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:37PM EST (-0500 GMT)
One way to prevent further damage is to raise awareness about what
inhabiting our streams. Representatives of major land developers
witnessed the release of several 1000 chum salmon into streams
near future
development sites. This allows them to see the work being done to
salmon, thus they may be more careful with their decisions.
Bell High School 2: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:35PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial Salmon: You were mentioning the silt damage deposit.
Does this
damage often occur from deforestation or just basic construction
Centennial salmon: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:39PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Silt damage is caused by both Forestry and development. Our
hatchery is
located in the forest, however Mossom Creek runs through new
Auburn Drive High School: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:40PM EST (-0500
Centennial: How do you get the community so involved? We have that
with plans. People are interested but they always have an
Bell High School 2: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:40PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial Salmon: Are the companies all 'local' or are they
Centennial salmon: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:43PM EST (-0500 GMT)
We offer tours to Elementry Schools, give slide presentations to
community, go to all the environmental fairs and set up displays,
as well as
travel around and get our hatchery known in the Lower Mainland of
tgmag@tgmag.ca: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:45PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial: Because of your tours, do you think younger kids are
Centennial salmon: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:50PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Kids love our tours, we do fish dissections for them and we let
them release
their own fish. By doing this for the kids they tell their parents
and they
begin to realize the problem and try and help. Locally it doesn't
effect us a
great deal economically. It mostly effects Vancouver and bigger
Bell High School 1: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:52PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Cent: that sounds really great! (fish) community involvement is
probably the
most dramatic way a school can make an impact.
Bell High School 2: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:46PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial Salmon: How has the depletion of the salmon stocks
affected your
local economy? Does Port Coquitlam rely heavily on the salmon
Bell High School 2: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:50PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial: Could your hatchery be considered a tourist
attraction, or are
tours given merely for educational purposes? (I'm getting flak
from my
fellow Bellers because I keep asking intelligent questions. To
Kev, Martha,
Alan, Hillary, and Kingston, I say: Boo to you.)
Cawthra: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:51PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Emery, there should be groups around Lake Ontario to make it a
priority to clean up Lake Ontario
Centennial salmon: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:53PM EST (-0500 GMT)
We had delegates form China come for a tour, as well as government
women from China. Tours are booked ahead but we do have open house
once or
twice a year.
West Park: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:53PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Emery ... we are also located along lake Ontario! where are you
along the
lake? We are near the Niagara river and at our beaches there is
tons of
pollution from Niagara River This could be why there isn't any
salmon in
our lake anymore?
Bell High School 1: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:53PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Cent: sounds like you're putting a LOT of effort (and money!)
your program.
Centennial salmon: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:54PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thanks Bell High we try hard to make progress and enhance peoples
Bell High School 2: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:53PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial: Salmon fishing is not a prominent source of employment
for you
TWIG at Notre Dame: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:54PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Does anyone know if sewers are attached to water treatment
facilities? If
people knew that the chemicals and pesticides, and oil..etc..
cannot and are
not being cleaned out of the water, the public may take more
Centennial salmon: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:56PM EST (-0500 GMT)
I am a grade 11 student, me and about 25 other students help only
about 5
other full to part time adult volunteers. We do make a big effort
but cost
is rarely a problem for it is mostly volunteer.
Bell High School 2: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:57PM EST (-0500 GMT)
TWIG at ND: I'm not sure if sewers are attached to water
facilities. I live in a rural area where our water is supplied by
well (one
per household) and we have our own septic system with a field.
Bell High School 3: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:56PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial: I noticed that you had people from China coming from
school... are you Chinese, by any chance?
Centennial salmon: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:57PM EST (-0500 GMT)
No, more than half of our volunteers are.
Centennial Fishmaster: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 1:58PM EST (-0500
TG Mag ...Denise do you have any questions for us? Rod/Ruth
Bell High School 3: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 2:02PM EST (-0500 GMT)
TWIG: Not all sewers and treatment plants are the same. The ones
in your
area might use chemicals, they might not. It would be interesting
to find
out. I know that our lagoons in Munster are overloaded, so the
sewage is
seeping into the small river near my house. That is why my parents
involved in the fight for a cleaner solution to our problem.
Bell High School 2: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 2:05PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial Salmon: What is the main source of economic activity in
town/city? Do most residents commute to Vancouver? Does
play a prominent role?
Bell High School 3: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 2:09PM EST (-0500 GMT)
TWIG: To add on that last comment, here in the Regional
Municipality of
Ottawa-Carleton, there is a phase in which the sewage is sent
through a
section where bacteria does the job, and not chemicals. Also, at
the end of
the process, if I am not mistaken, they add a bit of Fluorine to
the water
to increase the pH level.
Bell High School 2: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 2:14PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial fishermaster: wow this is are last class of the day!
holy moly!:)
TWIG at Notre Dame: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 2:14PM EST (-0500 GMT)
BH3 : re fluorine...I just read an article that says Fl may be
The government allowed it starting 1940s due to pressure from
smelting industry. The Fl put in water (they say for teeth
protection) comes
from industrial toxic waste. The scientist that did studies way
back when on
fluorine has admitted that his results were mistaken!!!
tgmag@tgmag.ca: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 2:14PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial Fishmaster: How do you get involved in saving the
ecosystem. I'm really into marine life!
West Park: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 2:15PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial fishmaster... good morning, our school day is almost
over here in
southern Ontario.it is soooo cool that you get to go to such a
Bell High School 3: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 2:16PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sorry, it's Fluoride, not Fl
Bell High School 3: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 2:17PM EST (-0500 GMT)
The Bell 3 has taken a break. Any Flouride/ine questions should
hang on a
few minutes. I used to be on Bell 2. (I am the one who asked the
Bell High School 3: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 2:20PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial Salmon: Are you still here????
Centennial salmon: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 2:27PM EST (-0500 GMT)
We will have to close now. We have a large Coho salmon smolt
release this
afternoon. It will take us a while to count fish and get ready.
Thanks to
all those who responded/helped/chatted.
tgmag@tgmag.ca: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 2:28PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial Salmon: Happy swimming! We're jealous. Wish we could be
fish with Ya! Keep up the awesome WORK!!!
Centennial salmon: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 2:46PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Bell High I am off...on salmonenchanted evening. I have a gill
friend and
have to meet her at her school.
Bell High School 1: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 2:47PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial Salmon: This is to bad cause I will not be on again or
if I am it
will not be for a while...I am happy we had a chance to talk
tgmag@tgmag.ca: . . . . Wed, Jun 5, 2:48PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Centennial, happy fishing. By the way, your school's program is
awesome. We have some videos and pamphlets on your program so
we'll be
adding it to our site. Keep in touch.