tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:07PM EST (-0500 GMT)
This is Tgmag and we are now ready for the chat. Who is online?

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:08PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Youth friendly: Je suis francophone. Je m'appelle Julie.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:09PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hey guys! Is Sangudo School online?

youthfriendly: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:09PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Bonjour, Julie. Es-tu a la conference IUCN ou a Toronto? Moi, je suis a Ottawa, avec Environnement Canada.

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:12PM EST (-0500 GMT)
What is the question for today?

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:13PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hi guys....this is us from the IUCN booth.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:15PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Erin: The question is: What is the biggest environmental problem facing Canada and how can you help solve the problem?

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:15PM EST (-0500 GMT)
What is the biggest environmental problem facing Canada?

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:16PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Erin: The over-usage of our natural ressources, such as water.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:16PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Deforestation.....water pollution.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:17PM EST (-0500 GMT)
yes, we agree Canada has one of the largest sources of water...but, we don't use it well.

youthfriendly: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:17PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Oui, Julie, je travaille a Environnement Canada, avec Jacquie qui est avec toi. Erin, I read all of your messages from the last chat, and I would love to know which school you attend.

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:17PM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think the biggest problem with the env. today is general consumption of natural resources, fossil fuels, creating too much garbage etc...

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:18PM EST (-0500 GMT)
iucnbooth: Est-ce que Barb est la?

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:19PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Erin: You're brilliant! We couldn't agree more!

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:19PM EST (-0500 GMT)
oui je suis ici. As tu une question?

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:20PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Youth friendly: Erin attends Ryerson in Toronto, and Anita is at Glenforest in Mississauga (my friend here).

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:20PM EST (-0500 GMT)
One of the youth journalists is at a workshop on over-consumption as we speak.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:21PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Barb: Nah. Vous nous manquez juste.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:21PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Yooo hooo! Sangudo, are you there?

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:21PM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think a simple solution is reusing containers and compacting garbage as much as possible.

Faye: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:22PM EST (-0500 GMT)
I would have to say one of the worst problems is clear cutting, because it affects so many other things, like water quality, air quality, and animal habitat.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:22PM EST (-0500 GMT)
For fossil fuels, I think it would be great if people walked or cycled more, in the future - cars that run on solar energy.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:22PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Is Auburn Drive High Present? Ray!!!!!

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:24PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Faye: The solution is selective cutting. But how do we enforce that? What can we do about it? Any solutions?

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:24PM EST (-0500 GMT)
The solar cars sound good but it's not very practical. I think we need a more feasible solution.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:25PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Erin: What do you propose?

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:27PM EST (-0500 GMT)
In my city the public transportation needs to be improved with better connections, safer, cheaper, faster and more accessible. If the transportation remains a pain to use people will keep taking their cars. Also the cost of parking should be increased.

Faye: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:29PM EST (-0500 GMT)o make their j
Government has to pass the laws, but then they need some sort of agency to make sure the logging
companies are adhering to them.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:30PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Erin: Who do you think we could write to, to voice our opinions? I agree that more people should use public transportation. What does every individual need an individual vehicle? Logic!

Faye: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:30PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Erin: There are a lot of problems with public transit. Where I live, they want to decrease service to our neighbourhood. There are a lot of people who rely on it.

youthfriendly: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:32PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Erin, it sounds like you are saying that incentives are required for people to use public transportation and that disincentives be applied to discourage automobile use. I've felt for a long time that people use their cars because of what I call a "vanity of time" -- my time is so important, that I can't take public transit, I must use my car. Public transit is for less important folks, it would appear. We have to get over this vanity and it doesn't just apply to transportation -- others are talking about
consumption, overconsumption, really. That is tied in with vanity as well, I think.

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:32PM EST (-0500 GMT)
We could write to Government agencies, but, I think it would be more productive if we wrote to media, like papers, local news, even schools.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:33PM EST (-0500 GMT)
We're bacck..sorry just got disconnected for a second.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:35PM EST (-0500 GMT)
What about car pooling???

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:37PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Do you think you guys could all live with not driving for, say, two days a week and finding other ways?

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:38PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Is there anybody out there from chestermere ab??

Faye: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:38PM EST (-0500 GMT)
I could live with not driving two days a week, if the bus system actually had routes that went to the places I have to be.

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:38PM EST (-0500 GMT)
The concept of vanity of time is true. I do it myself. This is the fault of, in part, pressures of society to make money...

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:39PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Is there anyone from college mathieu??

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:40PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Chia says that multinationals are using their power to save money. They are destroying the environment while governments are trying to save them. When they refuse to comply with government sanctions, they throw their weight around or threaten to leave the country.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:40PM EST (-0500 GMT)
faye: good point...I live out in the I can't use transit either...

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:40PM EST (-0500 GMT)
In the city, I could find other ways around, but, in the suburbs everything is so far apart. It takes hours to walk, and in the winter or the rain...

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:41PM EST (-0500 GMT)
So how come so many people drive in the city??

Faye: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:42PM EST (-0500 GMT)
There are buses that go there, but, from my bus route, I would have to transfer 2 or 3 times and it would take me at least an hour or two to get to someplace that I could drive to in 20 min.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:43PM EST (-0500 GMT)
What about for people who work at the same job...what if they got a company bus....something that could transport all the workers from a certain point, to the workplace?

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:43PM EST (-0500 GMT)
iucnbooth: People enjoy the convenience and luxury. Most people don't like public transportation.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:44PM EST (-0500 GMT)
faye:why not leave earlier?

Faye: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:44PM EST (-0500 GMT)
A lot of people drive in downtown Vancouver, probably because they live in the suburbs, and the bus doesn't get them there. But, the buses downtown are often full.

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:45PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Re: Multinational comment, Chia. This is like the hierarchy of needs. If someone doesn't have food or safety they are not going to worry about how clean the air is. In third world countries env. issues are viewed as a luxury.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:46PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Is public transit that bad...we all took the subway yestday to get here and we all walked here this moring...20 mins.

Faye: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:46PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sometimes it's not possible to leave early. I go to school until 4:00 pm, then I might only have those 20 min to get there.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:47PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Erin: while it might be seen as a luxury in the third world...the environment needs to be protected for the sustainable development.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:47PM EST (-0500 GMT)
The price of public transportation is also getting very expensive. Look at the cost for a bus pass in Toronto, it costs approximately 85.00$ a month. That isn't exactly cheap, you might as well take your car.

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:48PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Solution to multinational: Corporations need to develop and stick to codes of ethics.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:48PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Nope, if you think about it, the car is a lot more expensive...gas, insurance, repairs.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:50PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Overpopulation in cities, food shortage and sicknesses all are linked to environmental problems.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:50PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Regina...It's about compromise; using your car in moderation, but, also using public transportation as much as possible and encouraging car pooling.

Faye: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:50PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Public transit is that bad. Trust me. They are thinking of cutting back service to my area, so they have been cancelling buses here and there during rush hour in the morning. A lot of people that go to my school use this bus. We never know if it's going to come. If it doesn't, then we have wait for the next one. If it's not full from all the people before our stop that were waiting for the last one or this one, then we're late for school.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:51PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Sangodo High School are you there?

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:51PM EST (-0500 GMT)
By the way, there's a live owl next door here.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:52PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Who's all out there?

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:53PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Jodie...For those that live in the country, 30 km from the nearest town, it is a necessity to have at least two working cars. You don't have the luxury of public transportation.

dove: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:53PM EST (-0500 GMT)
We think that a big problem is the amount of garbage we produce. Most of our dumps are almost full.

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:53PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Specifically, we need to start with the young kids in school. It's hard to change old habits, but, if they are learned, then eventually the whole society will evolve.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:54PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Erin; I agree with you totally.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:55PM EST (-0500 GMT)
dove; what should we do about this matter?

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:55PM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think it's very important to start recycling programs everywhere, but, especially in schools.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:55PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Julie....I think that we need to start by changing attitudes. It is all how you perceive the situation. It makes a difference where you'll place your priorities in the future. We need to start educating people when they are young so that they are brought up thinking environmentally.

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:56PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Who is Dove??

youthfriendly: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:57PM EST (-0500 GMT)
...."we need to start with the young kids in school"..... I agree with this, as well. This is what I do, environmental education, and I am working on a special project with about 10-15 high schools across Canada. The students will look at their immediate school grounds and the community around them, and conduct an assessment based on about 16 indicators (e.g., water, air, biodiversity, health, human rights, economy, jobs). I`m still looking for a high school in B.C., one in New Brunswick, and one in Manitoba..... anyone out there who might be interested in knowing more. If so, am I allowed to give out my personal e-mail address, tgmag?

Faye: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:57PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Why can't I see all these people who are chatting, yet tgmag keeps answering them?

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:58PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Since people learn by example, it is most important to start with yourself. Hopefully then, because you seem so cool, people will copy you.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:58PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Soli...Yes, we agree that the attitudes of the younger generation has to change. I had lunch with Sergio Marchi, Minister of the Environment and I asked him what he thought about youth and the environment. What do you think he said.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 1:59PM EST (-0500 GMT)
One problem that my school is facing in trying to implement a recycling program is the support from other youths. Nobody wants to join the recycling committee. Some of my peers feel that it is a waste of time for a big truck to come all the way from Winnipeg to pick up a small amount of recyclable items.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:00PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Faye: Sorry. We are putting our own names before the chat so you know who answered. We are several people here at one terminal.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:01PM EST (-0500 GMT)
As for recycling at schools, the best place to start is with your municipality. If they recycle, so can you.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:01PM EST (-0500 GMT)
iucnbooth: I'm curious. What did Mr. Marchi say?

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:02PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hello! Sorry I'm late...How long are we talking for?

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:02PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Who was the peson who had lunch with him? How do I know you are a reliable source?

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:03PM EST (-0500 GMT)
In addition, try contacting other schools in your region and asking if they, too, would like to recycle. If yes, it is much more reasonable to organize a central pick-up for that truck, making the trip worth while.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:03PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Anyone: What are other environmental problems we face?

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:04PM EST (-0500 GMT)
This person is a reliable person, Soli Agha (514-936-4301). Believe me!!!!

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:05PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Air pollution, overcrowding, ozone depletion, acid rain, brown smog over the city, drought, loss of habitat...

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:05PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Everything is environmentaly integrated, therefore, everything can be viewed as a problem.

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:06PM EST (-0500 GMT)
The upper atmosphere...experiments being conducted without much public knowledge of them.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:06PM EST (-0500 GMT)
iucnbooth: There is a terrible article that was distributed around my local towns that said that recycling takes more energy than just letting stuff biodegrate. Everyone seems more keen on burning and throwing out stuff. They really aren't very well informed. It is now my duty to inform them.

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:06PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Iucnbooth, I'm still waiting. What did the guy say??

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:07PM EST (-0500 GMT)
This is true... A possible youth research project.TIME TO GET INVOLVED!!!!!!

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:07PM EST (-0500 GMT)
iucnbooth....unless it's part of a solution?

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:08PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Erin: Do you have any solutions to any of these problems?

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:08PM EST (-0500 GMT)
tgmag re: my local towns...Thankfully you are willing too accept your duty. What do you plan to do?

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:08PM EST (-0500 GMT)
The Minister stated the structure is available. SEE THE OOKPIK: ENGAGING YOUTH!! TGMag home page or through the IUCN page!

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:09PM EST (-0500 GMT)
tgmag....recycling may take more perceived energy, but it gets resources used better, in my view :)

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:10PM EST (-0500 GMT)
tgmag: I don't really have any great big answers. I will and I do try to teach my younger siblings and friends the little things that can be done. Positive reinforcement makes them become habits!!

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:10PM EST (-0500 GMT)
We have to start individually first before we tackle the big enviroment problems. We have to walk before we run.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:10PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Erin: First, I plan to inform myself. I must admit that I'm not very well educated on environmental issues. When I do receive the information I'm looking for (hopefully here at the Congress), then I will spread it by word of mouth. I don't know if I like the idea of sending out flyers (wastage).

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:11PM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think education is really important...the more we know about an issue, the better we can see all sides and come up with solutions that everyone will like :)

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:12PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thor: Education is vital. But someone needs to educate.

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:13PM EST (-0500 GMT)
tgmag: re: wastage of flyers...They aren't a good idea because people can throw them away. What about getting active at community functions, schools, churches?

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:13PM EST (-0500 GMT)
iucnbooth...BUT there is most certainly a greater burden of responsibility to the corporations, seeing as they try to limit our choices. Even "environmentally friendly" things are not always the best solution, and a lot of potential solutions aren't being used.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:14PM EST (-0500 GMT)
right now, there is a grey horned owl next to us. It is very CUTE. This is the reason we have to take care of our environment, so, our children, children's children and generations to come can enjoy what we have from our precious earth.

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:14PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Erin has to sign off. Talk to you all on Monday, same time, same place. In the meantime, we'll be doing research.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:15PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Does anyone have any solutions to the problem of wastage of flyers?

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:16PM EST (-0500 GMT)
tgmag...we have to educate ourselves. Look at the computer sitting in front of you. You may have limited access, but it is a tool. You can use this tool in ways that will greatly benefit you. Connect with people everywhere who you can learn from.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:16PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Education is a good tool, but make sure the people delivering the knowledge know the real story and not some B.S. story.

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:16PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Solution to the problem of wastage flyers--e-mail.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:19PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thor: that's a great idea. The internet is a great medium for educating ourselves. But what about trying to educate through the school curriculum? What we need are environmentalists and other specialists in all domains to get together to come up with the best way to teach children to be environmentally conscious.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:19PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Or, increase awareness about citizen's right to refuse junk mail through fax and regular mail. As youth, we have the power to enforce such things.

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:20PM EST (-0500 GMT)
iucnbooth...I agree...--->Erin & tgmag...wastage can't be solved simply. E-mail uses electricity and that comes from nuclear reactors or hydro or coal, etc. I don't think the waste comes so much from the individual who uses the flyers. I think more waste may be produced by the harvesting practices of the loggers and the processing of the trees. We're not the only problem.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:21PM EST (-0500 GMT)
iucnbooth: I don't know if you've heard but Canada Post no longer delivers flyers in the city. My kudos.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:21PM EST (-0500 GMT)
TO THOR: Maybe there should be a nation wide publication, like a magazine that would give practical ways (programs,activities, assignments) directly relating to enviro. education.

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:22PM EST (-0500 GMT)
tgmag...we can't wait for specialists to get together. I'm sure that you've maybe even participated in organising things with guests, and we have to become more involved and get experience :)

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:24PM EST (-0500 GMT)
We have the voice, as the next generation, to put an end to waste. We need to write to companies voicing our concerns.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:03PM EST (-0500 GMT)
In addition, try contacting other schools in your region and asking if they to would like to recycle.If yes, it is much more
reasonable to organize a central pick for that truckmaking the trip worth while.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:03PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Anyone: What are other environmental problems we face?

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:04PM EST (-0500 GMT)
this person is a reliable person, Soli AGha (514-936-4301). Believe me!!!!

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:05PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Air pollution, overcrowding, ozone depletion, acid rain, brown smog over the city, drought, loss of habitat,

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:05PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Everything is environmentaly integrated, therefore everything can be view as a problem.

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:06PM EST (-0500 GMT)
The upper atmosphere...experiments being conducted without much public knowledge of them.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:06PM EST (-0500 GMT)
iucnbooth: there is a terrible article that was distributed around my local towns that said that recycling takes more energy
than just letting stuff biodegrate. Everyone seems more keen on burning and throwing out stuff. They really aren't very
well informed. It is now my duty to inform them.

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:06PM EST (-0500 GMT)
IUCN Booth I;m still waiting. WHat did the guy say??

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:07PM EST (-0500 GMT)
This is true... A possible youth research project.TIME TO GVET INVOLVED!!!!!!

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:07PM EST (-0500 GMT)
iucnbooth....unless its part of a solution?

dove: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:07PM EST (-0500 GMT)

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:08PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Erin: Do you have any solutions to any of these problems?

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:08PM EST (-0500 GMT)
tgmag re: my local towns...Thankfully you are willing too accept your duty. WHat do you plan to do?

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:08PM EST (-0500 GMT)
The Minister stated the structure is available. SEE THE OOKPIC:ENGAGING YOUTH!! TGMag home page or through
the IUCN page!

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:09PM EST (-0500 GMT)
tgmag....recycling may take more perceived energy, but it gets resources used better, in my view :)

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:10PM EST (-0500 GMT)
tgmag: I don't really have any great big answers. I will and I do try to teach my younger siblings and friends the littl trhings
that can be done. Positive reinforcemenmakes them become habits!!

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:10PM EST (-0500 GMT)
We have to start individually first before we tackle the big enviroment problems. WE have to walk beofre we run.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:10PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Erin: First, I plan to inform myself. I must admit that I'm not very well educated on environmental issues. When I do
receive the information I'm looking for (hopefully here at the Congress) then I will spread word of mouth. I don't know if I
like the idea of sending out flyers. (wastage)

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:11PM EST (-0500 GMT)
I think education is really important...the more we know about an issue, the better we can see all sides and come up with
solutions that everyone will like :)

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:12PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thor: Education is vital. But someone needs to educate.

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:13PM EST (-0500 GMT)
tgmag: re: wastage of flyers...They aren't a good idea because people can throw them away. What about getting active at
community functions, schools, churches

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:13PM EST (-0500 GMT)
iucnbooth...BUT there is most certainly a greater burden of responsibility to the corporations, seeing as they try to limit out
choices. Even "environmentally friendly" things are not always the best solution, and a lot of potential solutions aren't
being used

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:14PM EST (-0500 GMT)
right now, there is a grey horned owl next to us. It is very CUTE. THis is the reason we have to take care of our
environment so our children, children's childrens and generations to come can enjoy what we have from our precious earth.

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:14PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Erin has to sign off. Talk to you all on MOnday, same time, same place. Inhe meantime we'll be doing research.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:15PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Does anyone have any solutions to the problem of wastage of flyers?

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:16PM EST (-0500 GMT)
tgmag...we have to educate ourselves. Look at the computer sitting in front of you. You may have limited access, but it is a
tool. You can use this tool in ways that will greatly benefit you. Connect with people everywhere who you can learn from.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:16PM EST (-0500 GMT)
education is a good tool, but make sure the people delivering the knowledge know the real story and not some B.S. story

Erin: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:16PM EST (-0500 GMT)
sol'n to the problem of wastage flyers--e-mail.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:19PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thor: that's a great idea. The internet is a great medium for educating ourselves. But what about trying to educate through
the school curriculem? What we need are environmentalists and other specialists in all domains to get together to come up
with the best way to teach children to be environmentally conscious.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:19PM EST (-0500 GMT)
or, increase awareness about citizen's right to refuse junk mail through fax and regular mail, as youth we have the power to
enforce such things ...

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:20PM EST (-0500 GMT)
iucnbooth...I agree...--->Erin & tgmag...wastage can't be solved simply. E-mail uses electricity and that comes from
nuclear reactors or hydro or coal, et c. I don't think the waste comes so much from the individual who uses the flyers. I
think more waste may be produced by the harvesting practices of the loggers and the processing of the trees. We're not the
only problem.

tgmag: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:21PM EST (-0500 GMT)
iucnbooth: I don't know if you've heard but Canada Post no longer delivers flyers in the city. My kudos.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:21PM EST (-0500 GMT)
TO THOR: Maybe there should be a nation wide publication, like a magazine that would give practical ways (programs, activities, assignments) directly relating to enviro education.

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:22PM EST (-0500 GMT)
tgmag...we can't wait for specialists to get together. I'm sure that you've maybe even participated in organising things with guests, and we have to become more involved and get experience :)

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:24PM EST (-0500 GMT)
WE have the voice, as the next generation, to put an end to waste. We need to write to companies voicing our concerns.

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:25PM EST (-0500 GMT)
The education has to be enthralling. It has to keep the attention span of people, without turning them off of the subject. They have to feel that they can make a difference. This will hopefully motivate them to further educate themselves and search out information. This is the most effective way to educate, I believe :)

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:26PM EST (-0500 GMT)
The environment was a hot issue a couple of years ago and now it has died down? Why is this??

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:28PM EST (-0500 GMT)
iucnbooth...people feel as though they are being blamed, so they get turned off, and the issue goes dead...

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:28PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thor, I agree with you. We need to start initiating our own projects. We have to make the start, but, it would hurt our causes if we don't involve the experts when it's neccessary...chad

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:29PM EST (-0500 GMT)
tgmag...yeah, it's really good that Canada Post made that decision :)

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:29PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Being blamed for what Thor?

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:30PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Chad...I agree...and they lend more credibility to our voices :)

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:30PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Meaning what in the environment?

dove: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:31PM EST (-0500 GMT)
We have a recycling program in our school, but, still we produce a lot of garbage. Any suggestions?

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:32PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thor , I am a Mohawk from Kahnawake, where are you from...chad

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:32PM EST (-0500 GMT)
iucnbooth...the older generations may feel that they are being blamed for letting the world get into the state it is. They may be, but, people are busy, and they can't take on extra stuff if they feel overloaded as it is.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:33PM EST (-0500 GMT)
dove. You can get together with student council to propose ideas like we did in my school about styrofoam plates they used in the caf.....Melissa

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:35PM EST (-0500 GMT) you have a cafeteria? Could students help to organise and run some sort of compost program? -->chad...I'm in Winnipeg. I grew up in The Pas in Northern Manitoba for many years.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:36PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Dove: do you have a composting program? Do you regulate or enforce strict recycling through monitors, do you have garbageless lunch days where students must not produce waste?

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:36PM EST (-0500 GMT)
dove...maybe students could volunteer to help take on the extra work load by helping to wash re-useable dishes?

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:38PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thor, are you in the Native Youth Movement or do you know of it?...chad

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:38PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Dove: A festival celebrating Earth-friendly thinking could be a regular thing. It would help people to get educated and motivated, as well as getting support for programs that you want to start. :)

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:39PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thor, we focus on many issues affecting us but we react to them through youth initiatives and programs.... chad

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:40PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Chad...This is the first time that I've heard of it :) It sounds like more than a good idea.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:41PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thor, I agree about having a festival, however, we do have Earth Day in April.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:42PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Who is on this chat line?

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:42PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Chad...I think that's excellent, because I've found that as I've gone through my schooling, with the curriculum and everything, it's difficult to study things that you feel are important, unless you're able to take the initiative :) It sounds like a great opportunity.

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:43PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Have people left? Please let us know that you're going if you are. :)

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:43PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Earth day is good, but, why stop there at only one day?...chad

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:44PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Maybe dove crashed?

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:44PM EST (-0500 GMT)
We are still here, Chad and Melissa, and we will tell you if we leave.

dove: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:46PM EST (-0500 GMT)
icunbooth, we still care about the environment and we study about it in school.

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:46PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Chad...I agree. Earth day should be every day. With the unemployment level what it is, it would be good to decrease the hours in the work week to create more jobs, and so that adults can spend more time with youth and spend time with them on issues that they're concerned about.

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:46PM EST (-0500 GMT)
I have to be going soon.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:46PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Earth day should be every day because our earth is a special gift which we cannot get back. Melissa

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:48PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Bye, Thor. Talk to you on Monday. Have a good, enviornmentally friendly weekend.

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:49PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Bye everybody! If you want, you can e-mail me through this address if you can

Cauthon: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:49PM EST (-0500 GMT)

Thor: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:49PM EST (-0500 GMT)
*POOF* :)

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:49PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thor, if you want to know about the native youth movement, go see the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs in Winnipeg. They have info on us.... Chad. See ya soon..

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:51PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hello, my name is Melissa and I live in Mississauga, near Toronto, where pollution is horrible.

dove: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:51PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thor, dove hasn't crashed, but, we are leaving! GOODBYE!!!!

Cauthon: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:51PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hi....what's going on?

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:52PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hi, I'm Chad, a young mohawk who see's the destruction of our mother earth as the destruction of ourselves.

Cauthon: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:53PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Hi, I'm Todd from Quispamsis N.B. The pollution levels here are being debated....the local city, Saint John, pours out tremendous amounts of smog.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:53PM EST (-0500 GMT)
We are at the world conservation congress, representing the youth of the world.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:54PM EST (-0500 GMT)
We would like your opinion on some environmental issues that you feel are important...chad

Cauthon: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:55PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Due to this, health hazards are being caused in those areas closest to the factories. The elderly who suffer from asthma and other breathing conditions are at serious risk.

Cauthon: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:56PM EST (-0500 GMT)
What environmental issues?

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:56PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Is there a youth organization or group trying to help stop the pollution, because in Miss., there is. We are trying to close a local garbage dump which was to be closed this year ...melissa

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:59PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Any issues, like the problem of smog you're dealing with now, or others like deforestation, water pollution, garbage dumps, endangered animals.....chad What ever kind of issues affect YOU!

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:59PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Are we by ourselves, or is any one out there?

Cauthon: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 2:59PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Several very small projects happen in my area, but, never a very cohesive one.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 3:02PM EST (-0500 GMT)
What is the problem of the projects that happen in your area? Do you know why they aren't cohesive...chad

Cauthon: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 3:03PM EST (-0500 GMT)
I am here, my computer is lagging. Umm, recently there have been scares in my area of polluted water in our systems, and it has been confirmed several times. The water apparently contains a formof bacteria that causes various illnesses when in the body. Nothing has really been done about the problem, despite repeated complaints.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 3:03PM EST (-0500 GMT)
I could give you some suggestions to improve the projects in your area...chad

Cauthon: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 3:05PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Yes...funding for larger, more organized projects is limited.

Cauthon: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 3:05PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Please do, any suggestions would be welcome.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 3:06PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Are you active in your community or school council? You could try mobilizing a response or action through these venues...chad

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 3:08PM EST (-0500 GMT)
You could get sponsors with the business community because they play a major factor in the environment... Melissa

Cauthon: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 3:08PM EST (-0500 GMT)
I am active at my University. In past years we did do recycling programs, and a program that used the tabs off of pop cans to make aluminum wheelchairs.

Cauthon: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 3:09PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Most businesses in my area are reluctant to sponsor unless the activity is already sponsored in itself....which kind of defeats the purpose.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 3:10PM EST (-0500 GMT)
You could also try hooking up with other national or global organizations who focus on water pollution and conservation. Check out our home page for more suggestions button.

Cauthon: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 3:12PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Thanks, I will. I have to go now, but, thank you for your suggestions. Please continue the good work I'm sure you do.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 3:14PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Yes, I see your prediciment. You and the others needs to voice your concerns collectively till it is heard by the proper people who will help you take action. For example, Environment Canada sponored us to come to this event which each one of us will benefit. Melissa

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 3:14PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Bye, hope to hear from you on Monday at 1:00pm.

iucnbooth: . . . . Fri, Oct 18, 3:16PM EST (-0500 GMT)
Is anyone left on, otherwise we are signing off to report on events happening here at this congress.

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