Contradiction in practice

By Soli Agha, Environnement jeunnesse

This conference is an incomparable leader in its efficiency to promote environmental conservation. What it is sadly lacking, however, is the ability to lead by example.

On numerous occasions, I have been a witness to a lack of concern to actually practice conservative environmental methods. Examples include paper, Styrofoam and plastic coffee cups, plates and utensils at refreshment counters. Then there is the constantly increasing quantities of recyclable paper being laid to waste in participant's waste paper baskets.

Furthermore, I have been obliged to make special requests for vegetarian cuisine. Meat has had the starring role at special meals, and vegetarian food seems forgotten, although staff scramble to get it when asked. It has been discussed at the IUCN that our differing forms of food production remain inherently unsustainable.

Why is it then, that we insist on directly supporting these wasteful methods of production by offering them to our colleagues at a luncheon or international gala of the Conservation Congress!?!