Melissa D'Souza

Bonjour, Hola, Hello!! My name is Melissa Cézanne D'Souza and I am sixteen years old. I attend St. Joseph Secondary School in Mississauga, Ontario. I am an active memeber on many councils including: Central Ontario Committee H.O.B.Y. (Hugh O'Brien Youth Foundation) and M.Y.A.C. (Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee). I enjoy interacting with others and voicing the opinions of youth because WE are the future.

I was selected to attend The World Conservation Congress through the Students Commission. I saw this as a great oportunity to meet others and share my concern for our environment. Our environment not only affects us, but it will also affect our children, children's children and generations to come. We must protect and restore our environment.

I am privilaged to be among talented Canadian youth and international environmetal delegates. We can work together to MAKE a difference.

Keep Smiling,

Melissa D'Souza