Socializing with Scott!

Hey! Hey! This is student journalist Scott Hyland from beautiful and serene Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. I'm 17 years old and in my final year of high school (WO- HOO!!) at Auburn Drive High. As I said before, I'm a student journalist working with TG Magazine at The World Conservation Congress supplying media coverage on all the events involved from a youth perspective.

Back in Nova Scotia I work with a student media service known as Auburn Air. Through Auburn Air, I supply coverage on all manner of events, such as this International Conference or at local events in the Halifax and Nova Scotia areas, like Showcase 96', which is a big Hockey tournament involving teams from across the province. This course is high-school-based but I will probably be involved with it for most of my life, mainly because the supervising editor will never leave me alone.

Media is what I intend to do with the rest of my life, so this conference is a great opportunity for me, and I'll tell you that this opportunity is turning out to be most interesting. So for those of you that know me, and for those of you who don't... I bid thee farewell and remember...NEVER underestimate the ability of a teen!

If you'd like to know more about Auburn and Auburn Air, contact our web page at:

This has been Scott Hyland, reporting...