By Laila Zafar, TG Magazine youth journalist

"Do you feel that youth have made a difference to this conference, and how?"

"It has opened the doors for youth participation in future events and conferences because the legitimacy and respect associated with the youth perspective has increased. But, more importantly, I think the biggest impact we can make depends on each individual participant and what he/she brings back to their city, town or village..." says Regina Flores from Montreal, QC

"I feel that we have made a difference by demonstrating to the adults in the conference that youth are capable, productive and valuable. We have been producing the newsletter and giving media attention. We have been working late hours and showing them that we are just as committed," says Denise Campbell of Ottawa, ON

"Yes, we have broken stereotypes that they had of what we can do. Al ot of people have taken notice of us," says Chad Diabo from Kahnawake, QC

"No, they are here doing their job and are well accepted. It is important for them to be here. The environment is for the future, it's for them. It is needed to fill the gap between the young and old people. We need to share all of the knowledge accumulated with the young," says Jean Roberge from l'Association Minière Du Quèbec.

"Yes, especially in the opening ceremony. It has to be from the very young to the very old. The whole spectrum needs to be involved," says Annie Chishawa, an ecologist from Zimbabwe.

"Certainly, they need to get awareness of what's happening and what other countries are doing. It is good for them to interact with people from all over the world," says S.M. Junaid from the Government of Pakistan.

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