I know, you think that you don't have to read this article. "I know how to dress for an interview," you think smugly. But, what you don't know, can hurt you. You'd be surprised at what I've seen some people wear to job interviews. Make sure you're not a statistic and read our list of Dos and Don'ts.
Let's start with what you shouldn't wear:
1. Jeans, especially, ripped jeans,
jeans that hang down to your knees, excessively tight jeans.
2. Really short skirts. For a job interview, try one that hits around your knees,
unless you're applying at Hooter's, and then the less you wear the better.
3. Concert T-shirts, shirts with large and/or strange logos or pictures, T-shirts
with writing on them.
4. Low cut tops. Your cleavage should not be your selling point.
5. Sometimes, you shouldn't wear a suit.
6. Lots of makeup, or overstyled hair.
7. A baseball cap, cowboy hat, toque, bonnet, sombrero...
8. Shorts.
9. Cowboy boots. Actually, you should never wear cowboy boots unless you're
a cowboy, or you ride horses or steers.
10. Running shoes, sandals, winter boots, snowshoes, slippers, stilettos...
what should you wear?
1. Your clothes should be appropriate
to the job you desire. Scope the place out. If the people that work there are
wearing khakis and sweaters, you should wear this to the interview. BUT if they're
wearing jeans, you should at least dress up for the interview and try some dress
pants and a shirt. And, sometimes, a suit is too much, especially if you're
applying to work at the mall, as a lifeguard or at McDonald's.
2. You should feel comfortable in the clothes you wear. You don't want to wear
a skirt to an interview, if you don't feel comfortable in it because you'll
be spending the interview worrying about your skirt, and not focusing on your
stellar answers.
3. Don't wear uncomfortable shoes! Wear either dress shoes or nice boots.
4. Wear just a little makeup that looks natural. You're not, afterall, going
out to a club. If you have long hair, pull it back into a low ponytail, or just
leave it looking clean, not overstyled. By overstyled I mean curled, crunchy,
defying gravity, etc.
5. A nice smile. How cheesy. But it will make you seem friendly and nice, and
those are two qualities every employer looks for.