challenge you to stump us. If you can ask us a question (and you must know the
answer to the question) about almost anything (no, you can't ask us what's in
your pocket, or what your mom's name is) and we can't give you the answer, we
will send you a prize package. The prize package isn't all that exciting, but
you'd have the right to brag that you knew something we didn't. Please email
submissions to jeff@tgmag.ca
Now then! On to this issue's question.
James from Saskatoon asked us: "Why is the sky blue?"
Well James. Well. Well. Well. A good, solid question. The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. You see the "sky" is gas. When the sun shines through the gas, certain colours of light are reflected, the blue colour that you see is really sunlight being bounced around the various gases in the sky. No prize package for you.