have a pair of scissors. They have a sharp blade, and can cut you. I have something
else it's a knife. Like its friend the scissors, it also has a sharp blade
and can cut you. So much alike are these two, and yet one of them is allowed
in schools and the other is not! Enlighten me on this point, as I do not understand
why one would be and the other wouldn't? You might say that people are cut easier
with knives, but I don't find that to be true. I am someone who has in fact
been injured by scissors!
I was in French class in grade eleven, and we were cutting out letters to make two signs that would say, "En Franais s.v.p." and, "En Espaol por favor!". (For those of you who don't speak Spanish or know any French, the above signs mean: In French please, In Spanish please.) Both of our classes had this nice habit of speaking in English the whole time which my teacher really didn't like, so with these signs we would have a constant reminder that we weren't allowed to speak in English. Anyways, I was helping with this, and after doing a whole bunch of letters, the letter 'O' finally came to me. I didn't want to fold the letter to cut out the middle, so I did what I had seen my friend do countless times before I held the letter and punched the blade through. Big mistake! Before I knew it, I was bleeding! I said I was fine, but I felt dizzy. I had to go to the office and put on some bandaids. The cuts weren't too bad, but they did hurt for a little while after that and it took awhile for them to heal. My point of the matter is that I got hurt with scissors. Scissors are dangerous! Just as dangerous as a knife, and for that matter maybe even more! Think about this for a second scissors have TWO blades and knives only have ONE! Now which one sounds more dangerous to you?
I believe that the schools should do one of two things either (a)ban the usage of both knives and scissors in schools, or (b) allow the usage of both of them in schools. There is not really a big difference between the two and there is no point in allowing one but not the other! True, big knives should not be allowed, but what's the harm in allowing a butter knife? Or a knife with a dull blade? Or even a plastic knife? Furthermore, if an individual really wanted to cause harm to another, they'd find a way and use scissors, so outlawing knives is actually doing nothing, as the problem still exists and will exist until all metal objects with sharp points are eliminated!