The View From Here
One of our offices is located in Toronto on 23 Isabella St. Me (Webmaster) and Dan (Program Manager) sit on the second floor, and have a lovely view of a park and a small parking lot. We always find lots to look at from our lofty perch, we decided to keep a journal so that all may share. We count mullets, hunt for celebrity look-a-likes, and mock most people who walk past.
Monday, March 25th 2002.
We saw 2 birds (Starlings) fighting. At first we thought they might be experiencing
some "spring fever" .. but upon closer inspection they were fighting. If you've
never seen two birds fight, you may not think it is all that cool, but it was.
One bird was holding the other one's beak with its foot, and pecking at it.
The fight was broken up by a passing motorist.
Tuesday, March 26th 2002.
We saw a man who looked like
Kenny Rogers. Rad.
Wednesday, March 27th 2002.
Uneventful. Some homeless people were selling socks and underwear.
Thursday, March 28th 2002.
There was a loud verbal argument between some people in the parking lot. We
waited patiently for something else to happen so that we could phone the police
on them, but nothing did.
Friday, March 29th 2002.
Office was closed.
Monday, April 1 2002.
Office closed.
Tuesday, April 2 2002.
This is southern Ontario. It is snowing heavily. We are sick of snow. I've noticed
a mysterious pink fabric thing outside in the park, wound around some bushes.
When we get more details, you shall have them.
This week's mullet count is 7. A decent number. For those of you who don't know what a mullet is, it is "hockey hair". A "10/90". Business up front, party in the back. People who have mullets are called Mullets. Most Mullets are very aggressive, beware, approach with caution.
A Classic Mullet:
Fig 1 - The Long Hair
Fig 2 - The Short Hair
Fig 3 - The Mullet Hand Gesture
Fig 4 - The Moustache