"Smoke-Free Spaces"

(To the tune of "Friends in Low Places")

Blame it all on my roots,
n' the tobacco guys in suits,
I ruined your lungs with black tar

I was the first one to smoke,
And everyone choked,
Carcinogens, they travel so far

I saw your surprise,
And the fear in your eyes,
When I exhaled in your face

I quit smokin',
Honey, that's all through,
And you'll never hear me complain!

Ôcause I got friends in smoke free spaces,
where the air is clear,
and there're smilin faces,
my lungs are great
and I'll be okay

Ôcause I'm not big on smokin places,
I think I'll slip on down to the o-o-oasis,
Ô cause I got friends, in smooooke free spaces!


Check out the video footage of the Smoke-Free delegates singing this song.
Clique ici pour voir le vidéo des délégués à la conférence qui chantent cette chanson.


Click here to see all the photos from the conference.
Clique ici pour voir tous les photos de la conférence.


To read, post or totally ignore, this is the Smoke - Free discussion board.
À lire, à ajouter, à ignorer, ici le forum de discussion sur les espaces sans fumée.