Rita Seto

It has finally dawned upon me that the millennium is looming over us like a massive wave over a surfer. And when it crashes, it's gonna hit hard. Not that I'm worried about it or anything. I guess by looking back on the past, I've learned two lessons.

First, never EVER look back because you may regret what you see. As I flipped through the old magazines from the 70s and 80s, I laughed at the corny ads and the problems printed in the Help Me columns.

Well, you can't exactly blame me for being so judgmental! After all, I am a 90s girl living in the Next Generation.

Secondly, I am so thankful to be living in the present. By looking at all the issues that were covered in the latter decades, I realized that some of them about racism, sexism, etc. were so controversial back then. I'm quite proud to live in Canada where I was brought up to accept and respect everyone, no matter what race, nationality, sex or religion.

Unfortunately, I can't say that all those issues have been resolved. History does repeat itself whether we like it or not and there's nothing we can do to prevent that. Isn't that a chiller? But I can say that I believe in the future and hopefully everything will turn out alright in the end. The end of what? Oh I don't know, maybe the end of time? Whenever it comes.

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