Hi! My name is Sarina Hunt and I'm from Spaniard's Bay, Newfoundland. This summer I was hired by TG Magazine (along with a great group of others) to "digitize" interesting articles from the magazine and create an archives website. This will give people everywhere easier access to the articles simply by logging on to our website!

I learned lots from working on this project. Reading articles about different celebrities and their past was interesting; especially about celebrities who were popular before my time, but still remain famous today. It's also easy to notice the trend where fashion from the 60s and 70s reappears, as seen in ads showing girls with bell bottoms and platform shoes. Hey, I sometimes wear them myself! Think about the comeback of swing from the 50s decade shown in new Gap commercials and through bands like the Johnny Favourites Swing Orchestra. I can't help but think that we've made a complete circle when it comes to trends. Think about something crazy from the past, and hey, maybe that's next to come! Who knows?

Many social issues like sexism, racism, vandalism etc. which were major issues back then, are still problems dealt with today. However, I feel that we have come a long way compared to earlier times. People now have the opportunity to learn more about each other through new advances in technology. Computers are used just about everywhere, and are used by more and more people every day. All of our school systems try to boast the best and most advanced computer equipment for students, meaning that even if you don't have a computer at home, you still have equal opportunity to use the equipment.

Taking a look at our history shows that we've advanced greatly. The use of computers have made our society truly technological. Who would have thought, 20 years ago, that a group of young people would have the ability to create a website that would reach youth all over the world! Our dependency on computers is frightening, which is why the "Millennium Bug" is such an outstanding issue. I personally feel that the problem will be resolved...there is too much at stake to think negatively! In the meantime, enjoy yourself and be thankful that you live in an age where there are no limits!


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