To Whom It May Concern...

I am a sixteen year old teenager of Strathclair Manitoba. I have a life full of hopes and dreams but it only takes one moment for all those hopes and dreams to be crushed by a drunk driver.

A close friend of mine, we'll call her "Jan", was involved in a horrible accident a few years back. It was her sixteenth birthday and she was out with her friends having a good time.

She had never drunk before so it didn't take her long to get drunk or bombed, as you may refer to it. The party was out by the lake, so no one could hear them having the time of their lives.
It was around three when the party started to cool down and everyone started to leave for home.
Since it was "Jan's" sixteenth birthday, earlier that day she had gone for her full licence and got it. So of course her parents had loaned her the car.

Anyway, the party was over and "Jan:" didn't want to leave so she decided to go for a drive. Big mistake! "Jan", like I said before had never drunk before and she had had way too much to drink, but nobody took the keys away from her. She sped off into the darkness and onto the highway. She hit a semi going 140 head on.

"Jan" had a lot of dreams for the future and a lot of hopes of becoming a doctor and getting married and having kids. She was very pretty and very smart with a bright future ahead of her but she threw it all away in one night of fun.

I haven't been completely honest with you, the girl, she was my sister and I loved her dearly. I miss her and I now know what can happen when you don't have control. I like to go out and have a drink but I don't drive. I guess I have learned from my sister's mistakes.

Please don't let your friends drink and drive, it isn't worth it. It doesn't matter how old are; once a drink goes in your hand, the keys come out.


Kelly Rose
Strathclair, MB

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