Animal Rights
by: Michelle, T.G. Co-op Student Animals are being physically abused and used for human benefit everyday. But there are people, volunteering numerous hours to save these helples
s creatures. The A.R.M, (The Animal Rights Movement), consist of millions of people, from thousands of organizations throughout the world. Individuals work around the clock, seven days a week, attempting to save and protect animals who are being treated cruelly. They work on protecting animal rights through public education, research, animal rescue, legislation and direct action.
Animals are frequently exploited for the means of fashion, food and entertainment. A trip to the circus, a bull fight, slaughter houses and fur farms - all contribute to animal abuse. These acts, deny animals their moral right not to be harmed. The A.R.M. recognizes that humans and animals are different and that some rights should not be made the same, (it would be kind of ridiculous to let an animal vote or drive a car, right)? But, they do feel that animals should be guaranteed their basic right to live-cruelty free.
There are animals being treated inhumanely, with no laws to protect them from humans' cruel acts. Dogs are being left on street corners to fend for themselves, raccoons are being killed in "homemade outdoor traps", and there are even cases of dogs being pulled behind moving cars. Mink are raised on farms only to be killed and made into coats. Fox, beaver and rabbit are being trapped in the wild for human fashions as well. Circus animals are taken from their natural habitat, only to perform unnatural "tricks" for human entertainment and then placed cages as their living environment.
"Animal liberation", means a change in the way that humans think. It means that humans need to think of animals (although different from us), as equals - rather than being there for our own personal wants and needs. We need to start treating animals with the respect and consideration they deserve.
If you really care about animals and their rights, here are some websites that you can visit:
FALCON (Animal Rights movement) :
On this website, you can learn about what exactly the A.R.M. is, what animal rights are, who should support the A.R.M. and how to get involved!
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) :
This site has many different pages to visit. The pages vary from what PETA is all about, the animals being abused and what you can do to get involved and help out.
If you are interested in further information, you can use the internet search , using the key words animal+rights .