Youth Conferences. What comes to mind? A bunch of loud, rowdy, teens having a good time? Well, as a matter of fact, that is the opposite of what youth conferences are about. (Though they still get to have a good time!) Youth Conferences are about young adults getting together to share ideas and voicing our concerns. (And of course, having fun is permissable!) I personally haven't been to one as a participant but, I have been to the Asia Connects Conference as a TG reporter! This conference featured international delegates who came together to strengthen the communication between Canada and Asia.I thought that the Asia Connects Conference was amazing! It was really fascinating to see that so many young adults cared about issues such as child prostitution and child labour, even in countries so far away from them. Many would just shrug it off and say, "Oh well! It's not my problem." But these teens do care, and that is what amazes me. I feel that it is important for youth to get involved and that is what these young adults embody. "At least they make themselves aware of the current issues," says Chad Katsenhake:ron Diabo of TG Magazine.
Youth conferences are important because it gives us young adults a chance to get involved with the problems that are facing us now. My point being is that youth are today! Youth conferences are an excellent way to develop our communication skills and to make our voices heard by the government.
© 1998 TG Magazine / The Students Commission