Your Perfect Volunteer Job

If you like:




-Day or Overnight camp counselor (sometimes called Leader or Counselor In Training)

-Scout, Guide or Boys and Girls club leader

-Homework tutor

-Reading to elementary school kids

-Activity leader at a Sunday School or kids' club

- Camps, Camping Association and community centres.

-Scouts, Guides and the Boys and Girls club have area offices.

-Look for other local kids' clubs

-Elementary schools


-Community centres


-Coaching or managing teams

-Helping disabled people participate


-Taking care of equipment

-To find teams call local sport associations, community centres and schools.

-Look in community services guides and the phone book.

History/ Culture

-Museum guide

-Theatre usher

-Activity leader or presenter to children or the public

-Ticket seller

-Fundraising committee

-Library information staff

-Local museums, historical sites and houses

-Local performing groups like Drama clubs, orchestras etc.

-Art Galleries

-Theatres and Performing Arts Centres


Animals/ The Outdoors

-Walking and grooming animals

-Cleaning cages and stalls

-Giving park information to the public

-Cleaning parks, trails and rivers

-Helping with wildlife studies

-Vet clinics, riding stables

-The Humane Society

-Visitors Centres at parks

-Trail, environmental or outdoor sports clubs

-Community centres may have information.


-Helping people use computers at a library

-Designing web sites or posters for community groups

-Setting up and maintaining computer equipment for community groups.


-Community centres may have information on interested groups.

Helping People

-Teaching English or basic skills to adults

-Serving food at free dinners

-Collecting donated clothes, sleeping bags and blankets and delivering to the homeless.

-Answering phones at distress lines or community groups

-Cheering patients, helping with recreation activities, working in a gift shop or information

-There are groups that run language and skills classes, free meals and distribute clothing and blankets. Find their names in the phone book, community guides or volunteer centres.

-community centres and groups

-hospitals and seniors' homes

Being Part of a Team

-a group that plans events for other youth

-organizing a group of friends to volunteer together, like at a food bank

-an organizations fundraising or event planning committee

-local youth groups or councils

-look in the phone book and in community centres and guides for places you and your friends can help out.

Working Independently

-Office work for a local non-profit group

-Shoveling snow, mowing lawns, grocery shopping etc. for seniors or the disabled.

-Shelving and checking out books in the library

-Local community groups

-Ask or advertise at seniors or community centres

-Community or school libraries

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