Earth+5 / Terre+5

Think twice, about consumption

By Aarom Koleszar

North Americans make up 5 per cent of the worlds population. They use one third of the worlds resources and produce half the world's non-organic waste. Nothing is destroying the world faster than the way North Americans live.

Consumption is something we rarely give a second thought to, taking for granted that we will always have enough. We don't think about where things come from before the store or what went into their production. On the flip side of the coin, we don't consider where things end up after we throw them in the garbage. This must change.

If we become aware of how our consumption affects others and the world around us, we can make smarter choices, and consume less. Keeping a reusable mug with us, instead of using disposable cups is one idea. Buying foods that are grown organically and products which are produced locally and by small businesses are just a couple more. We can use public transit, or a bicycle. It might start with something as simple as refusing a plastic bag at the store, or using a cloth one.

Once we realize the difference between wants and needs, we can move forward with change.

© 1997 - TG Magazine / The Students Commission
© 1997 le magazine TG / la Commission des étudiants
